Of course, thank you so much for the response. Let me explain, my client is very picky, he likes the way the page look right now, I worked hard for days in the design, specially trying to change the desing of the minicart. Nothing worked. I search in the forum so maybe someone else wanted to change the look of the minicart, and the few topics that i found couldnt help me. Then i found a topic when someone could change the design by using the "module into an article" module. Thanks for that, i could acomplish the desing that my client wanted.
Everything went fine for a while, until a week ago. My client started to say that the minicart was doing something strange; when you ad product to the minicart, for a second or less, you will see the detail of the transaction, instead of just a quick number changing up (see the image minicart1 to know what i mean).
When i first set up the minicart, the detail transaction never showed up. So, i didnt know why suddenly things began to change.
I did my own research of this matter, making tests and so, and what i could come up with, is that this behavior is provocated by the usage of the "module into an article" module. I put the minicart alone, and it worked just fine. But that leave me in the same point of the beggining, i dont know how to change the design of the minicart.
In the other hand, i strongly recommend to check the last upgrade of hikashop essential, because when i upgraded, hopping to solve the "minicart detail of transaction" problem, the upgrade provocate errors, some of them very disturbing, for example, when you go to paypal and cancel the transaction, one item is taken out of the cart. Another bug that i found: when you add a product to the cart, it tooks too long, 10 or 15 seconds to show up in the cart. And of course, the "minicart detail of transaction" problem was still there, but worse, combine with a super-slow response.
If you would like to help me (please, please, do so, my client is driving me crazy because of this), there are two options:
1 Little help for changing the design of the minicart (adding an icon, blue font bold of 12 points, float left with a little padding so it would be in line with the rest of the web design)
2 Using the moduleintoarticle, but without the "minicart detail of transaction" behavior.
Please let me know if this is too much work, i will be happy to pay for the effort of course.