First Issue:
Edit Hika Profile (extra step when in non-sef joomla)
I go to my Hikashop Customer Account / Control panel and click on "Edit your account information"....
When I have Joomla SEF disabled the url to this page is:
and the page shows in text format with an "Edit Profile" link at the bottom.
When I have Joomla SEF enabled the url to this page is:
and the page shows in form format and allows me to "Submit or Cancel" at the bottom of the page.
For some reason when the itemid is in the url it adds an extre step to editing your profile, because if you take the first scenario with SEF disabled, and delete the itemid from the end of the url it goes to the form page right away.
Second issue:
How do i simplify this form? Even though I have "Email Confirm" disabled, it still shows the "Confirm email" box. And how do I disable the "basic settings" section, as it's something I don't need?
Third issue:
I'm using Hikashop as a catalogue only, with the option for users to create Wishlists. I don't need carts, or addresses, or order history. Just the wishlist function and their user info. So I disabled the multicart option and now it does not show in the User Account control panel. How do I eliminate the "Addresses" button and "Orders" button since I have no need for them.
Fourth issue:
How do I disable the "Add to Cart" column in the Wishlist view?