isAdmin() || !in_array($option, array('com_hikashop', 'com_hikamarket', '')) || !in_array($ctrl, array('product', 'category', 'vendor')) || !in_array($task, array('show', 'listing'))) return; if(!defined('HIKASHOP_COMPONENT')) return; $body = JResponse::getBody(); if(strpos($body,'{hikashop_social}') === false) return; $pluginsClass = hikashop_get('class.plugins'); $plugin = $pluginsClass->getByName('system', 'hikashopsocial'); if(!isset($plugin->params['position'])) { $default = array( 'position' => 0, 'display_twitter' => 1, 'display_fb' => 1, 'display_google' => 1, 'fb_style' => 0, 'fb_faces' => 1, 'fb_verb' => 0, 'fb_theme' => 0, 'fb_font' => 0, 'fb_type' => 0, 'twitter_count' => 0, 'google_size' => 2, 'google_count' => 1 ); $plugin->params = array_merge($plugin->params, $default); } if(!isset($plugin->params['fb_send'])) $plugin->params['fb_send'] = 0; if(!isset($plugin->params['fb_tag'])) $plugin->params['fb_tag'] = 'iframe'; $html = array( $this->_addTwitterButton($plugin), $this->_addPinterestButton($plugin), $this->_addGoogleButton($plugin), $this->_addAddThisButton($plugin), $this->_addFacebookButton($plugin) ); $styles = 'text-align:left;'; if($plugin->params['position'] == 1) { $styles = 'text-align:right;'; if(!empty($plugin->params['width']) && (int)$plugin->params['width'] > 0) $styles .= 'width:'.(int)$plugin->params['width'].'px'; else $styles .= 'width:100%'; } $html = '
' . implode('', $html) . '
'; $body = str_replace('{hikashop_social}', $html, $body); if(!empty($plugin->params['display_fb'])) { $body = str_replace('params['fb_tag'] == "xfbml") { $mainLang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $tag = str_replace('-', '_', $mainLang->get('tag')); $fb = '
'; $body = preg_replace('##Us', '$0'.$fb, $body); } } if(!empty($this->headScripts)) $body = str_replace('', implode("\r\n", $this->headScripts)."\r\n".'', $body); if(!empty($this->meta)) { $meta = array(); foreach($this->meta as $k => $v) { if(strpos($body, $k) !== false) $meta[] = $v; } if(!empty($meta)) $body = str_replace('', implode("\r\n", $meta)."\r\n".'', $body); } JResponse::setBody($body); } function _addAddThisButton(&$plugin) { if(empty($plugin->params['display_addThis'])) return ''; $var = array(); $vars = ''; if(!empty($plugin->params['services_exclude'])) $var[] = 'services_exclude: "'.$plugin->params['services_exclude'].'"'; if(!empty($var)) $vars = ''; $this->headScripts['addThis'] = ''.$vars; $class = ''; $divClass = ''; $atClass = ''; $endDiv = ''; if($plugin->params['addThis_display'] == 0) $atClass = 'addthis_button_compact'; if($plugin->params['addThis_display'] == 1) { $atClass = 'addthis_button_compact'; $divClass = '
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'; } $html .= '
'; $this->meta['property="og:description"'] = ' '; $types = array( 0 => 'product', 1 => 'album', 2 => 'book', 3 => 'company', 4 => 'drink', 5 => 'game', 6 => 'movie', 7 => 'song', ); if(isset($types[ (int)$plugin->params['fb_type']])) $this->meta['property="og:type"']=' '; $config =& hikashop_config(); $uploadFolder = ltrim(JPath::clean(html_entity_decode($config->get('uploadfolder','media/com_hikashop/upload/'))), DS); $uploadFolder = rtrim($uploadFolder,DS) . DS; $this->uploadFolder_url = str_replace(DS, '/', $uploadFolder); $this->uploadFolder = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $uploadFolder; $this->thumbnail = $config->get('thumbnail', 1); $this->thumbnail_y = $config->get('product_image_y', $config->get('thumbnail_y')); $this->thumbnail_x = $config->get('product_image_x', $config->get('thumbnail_x')); $this->main_thumbnail_x = $this->thumbnail_x; $this->main_thumbnail_y = $this->thumbnail_y; $this->main_uploadFolder_url = $this->uploadFolder_url; $this->main_uploadFolder = $this->uploadFolder; $imageUrl = $this->_getImageURL($element); if(!empty($imageUrl)) $this->meta['property="og:image"']=' '; $this->meta['property="og:url"']=''; $this->meta['property="og:description"'] = ' '; $jconf = JFactory::getConfig(); if(HIKASHOP_J30) $siteName = $jconf->get('sitename'); else $siteName = $jconf->getValue('config.sitename'); $this->meta['property="og:site_name"'] = ' '; if(!empty($plugin->params['admin'])) $this->meta['property="fb:admins"'] = ''; return $html; } function _getElementInfo() { $option = JRequest::getVar('option'); $ctrl = JRequest::getVar('ctrl'); $task = JRequest::getVar('task'); $ret = new stdClass(); if(in_array($option, array('com_hikamarket', '')) && $ctrl == 'vendor' && $task == 'show') { $element = $this->_getVendorInfo(); $ret->type = 'vendor'; $ret->id = (int)$element->vendor_id; $ret->name = $element->vendor_name; $ret->description = $element->vendor_description; $ret->url_canonical = @$element->vendor_canonical; $ret->image = $element->vendor_image; } else { $element = $this->_getProductInfo(); $ret->type = 'product'; $ret->id = (int)$element->product_id; $ret->name = $element->product_name; $ret->description = $element->product_description; $ret->url_canonical = @$element->product_canonical; } return $ret; } function _getProductInfo() { static $product = null; if($product !== null) return $product; $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $product_id = (int)hikashop_getCID('product_id'); $menus = $app->getMenu(); $menu = $menus->getActive(); if(empty($menu) && !empty($Itemid)) { $menus->setActive($Itemid); $menu = $menus->getItem($Itemid); } if(empty($product_id) && is_object($menu)) { jimport('joomla.html.parameter'); $params = new JParameter($menu->params); $product_id = $params->get('product_id'); } $product = false; if(!empty($product_id)) { $productClass = hikashop_get('class.product'); $product = $productClass->get($product_id); if(!empty($product) && $product->product_type == 'variant') { $product = $productClass->get($product->product_parent_id); } } return $product; } function _getVendorInfo() { static $vendor = null; if($vendor !== null) return $vendor; $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $vendor_id = (int)hikashop_getCID('vendor_id'); $menus = $app->getMenu(); $menu = $menus->getActive(); if(empty($menu) && !empty($Itemid)) { $menus->setActive($Itemid); $menu = $menus->getItem($Itemid); } if(empty($vendor_id) && is_object($menu) && !empty($menu->params)) { jimport('joomla.html.parameter'); $params = new JParameter($menu->params); $vendor_id = $params->get('vendor_id'); } $vendor = false; if(!empty($vendor_id)) { $vendorClass = hikamarket::get('class.vendor'); $vendor = $vendorClass->get($vendor_id); } return $vendor; } function _getImageURL($element) { $config =& hikashop_config(); $uploadFolder = ltrim(JPath::clean(html_entity_decode($config->get('uploadfolder','media/com_hikashop/upload/'))),DS); $uploadFolder = rtrim($uploadFolder,DS).DS; $this->uploadFolder_url = str_replace(DS,'/',$uploadFolder); $this->main_uploadFolder_url = $this->uploadFolder_url; $imageUrl = ''; if($element->type == 'vendor') { $imageUrl = JURI::base() . $this->main_uploadFolder_url . $element->image; } else { $product_id = (int)$element->id; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $queryImage = 'SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('file').' WHERE file_ref_id='.$product_id.' AND file_type=\'product\' ORDER BY file_ordering ASC, file_id ASC'; $db->setQuery($queryImage); $image = $db->loadObject(); if(empty($image)) { $queryImage = 'SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('file').' as a LEFT JOIN '.hikashop_table('product').' as b ON a.file_ref_id=b.product_id WHERE product_parent_id='.$product_id.' AND file_type=\'product\' ORDER BY file_ordering ASC, file_id ASC'; $db->setQuery($queryImage); $image = $db->loadObject(); } if(!empty($image)) $imageUrl = JURI::base() . $this->main_uploadFolder_url . $image->file_path; } return $imageUrl; } }