Hello Amar, I am sorry to hear that you are seeing this issue with a white screen when submitting a payment. I am happy to help! While we are trained on the Authorize.net APIs, including error messages and their causes, we are not trained developers. We cannot examine your scripts or code to confirm that it is correct. However, we can explain the causes of Authorize.net errors, which may help in determining why the script is not working correctly. You may need to contact your Web developer or software provider regarding any scripting issues. If you do not already have a developer, you do have the option to choose one from our Certified Developer list located here: https://www.authorize.net/resources/find-a-partner/?category=category-two&showDescription=false In addition, within our Developer Center we provide many support resources and an API reference guide for integration purposes. I will share the link below for your convenience: https://developer.authorize.net/ https://support.authorize.net/knowledgebase/Knowledgearticle/?code=000001468 If you ever see any error codes communicated through the system and would like details on them, we offer a great resource for reviewing the error codes in our error code list so that you can review the codes as you need. Once you search for the code there, it will provide you with a description of the error, and useful suggestions on how to resolve the issue. The link for this tool can be found below: https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/responseCodes.html We appreciate your business. If the information provided above satisfies your needs, please close this Support Case. Otherwise, please add an update to this Support Case with your follow-up questions so I can further assist you. For your convenience the Authorize.Net Knowledge Base, located at: https://support.authorize.net, available 24x7. For more information regarding our privacy practices, visit the privacy page at Authorize.net. Regards, Jeffrey M. Authorize.net Client Care