This screen enables you to edit the worldpay payment method options. Payment methods will be filtered on checkout based on the zone you set for them, if any. Then, they will be displayed to the user for him to choose which payment method he prefers for his order.
- Save : Save the worldpay payment method options and return to the payment methods Management screen.
- Apply : Apply the modifications to the worldpay payment method and stay on the same screen.
- Cancel : Return to the previous screen without saving the modifications.
- Help : This button enables you to turn ON/OFF the help section, this screen will appear or disappear.
Main Information
If you use one of our commercial versions, you will be able to enter the name and description in different languages. This feature requires to have joomfish installed and can be activated in the configuration page, in the display tab. The languages available will be the ones in joomfish. If you don't enter something for a translation, it will just use the default information in the Main information tab instead. After you click on save or apply an additional publish icon will appear next to the fields where you entered something in the languages tabs so that you can easily enable or disable them. The default publish status can also be changed in the configuration page of HikaShop.
Before using that payment method, you should make sure that you have entered <WPDISPLAY ITEM=MC_callback> in the "Payment response URL" setting of your WorldPay merchant account.
Additional Information
- Images : You can click on the edit icon to select one or several images to display next to the name of the worldpay payment method during the checkout process. Those images are stored in the folder media/com_hikashop/images/payment so you can easily add more of them by uploading your images to this folder via FTP.
- Admin Code : Your Worldpay Admin Code.
- Merchant Code : Your Worldpay Merchant Code.
- MAC secret : Your Worldpay MAC secret.
- Redirect to WorldPay Button : You can set/edit/style the worldpay payment button.
- Debug : You can activate the debug mode of the worldpay payment plugin. If you do so, informations about each notification received from worldpay will be logged in the payment log file. You can see and modify the location of this file in the configuration page of HikaShop.
- Show Tax Amount : This option will enable you to show tax amount of your orders.
- Order description : You can set here the description of your orders.
- Payment Method Mask : You can define here the payment method that will be available for your customers
- Customer address : If you want, you have the possibility to include the billing or shipping address of your customers to the worldpay payment engine. That will avoid them the hassle of reentering it on worldpay if they don't already have a worldpay account. That option is turned on by default.
- Allow payment notifications from Worldpay Global Gateway: That option should stay on unless you don't want that Worldpay confirms automatically the orders on your website so that you can do it manually yourself.
- Invalid status : Here, you can select the status to set to an order if the plugin receives a notification from worldpay for an order with an amount different from the order total or in a different currency. In that case, we highly recommend you to check your worldpay account, the order information, and maybe contact your customer, and decide yourself what to do with the order.
- Pending status : Here, you can select the status to set to an order if the plugin receives a pending notification from worldpay for an order. A pending notification means that the customer entered his payment information but that worldpay could not yet receive the funds. In that case, we highly recommend you to check your worldpay account, the order information, and maybe contact your customer, and decide yourself what to do with the order.
- Verified status : Here, you can select the status to set to an order if the plugin receives a successful completion notification from worldpay for an order.
- Customer Invalid/Pending/Confirmed/Cancelled URL : You can set here different URLs regarding your order status.
- Invalid/Pending/Confirmed/Cancelled Notification Message : You can set here different notification messages regarding your order status
- Order Content CSS : You can define here the CSS of your Order content.
- Site Logo : You can set here an URL which will be displayed through the worldpay payment process.
- Contact Information : You can set here the text about how your customer can join you if they have a question/problem
- Zone : You can restrict the worldpay payment method to a zone. By clicking on the edit icon, a popup will open enabling you to select a zone. You can also remove this limitation by clicking on the delete icon.
- Shipping method : With this option you can select the shipping method for which this payment method will be available. For example, if you choose UPS, this payment method will only be usable if UPS is selected as shipping method. If an other shipping method is selected, this payment method will not be displayed. Note: if you selected "None" or don't select any shipping method, this payment method will always be available.
- Currency : This option allows you to restrict worldpay to only some currencies. Note that on top of that, the worldpay method won't display for any currency not supported by worldpay.