This screen enables you to edit the FedEx shipping method options. Shipping methods will be filtered on checkout based on the zone you set for them, if any. Then, they will be displayed to the user for him to choose which shipping method he prefers for his order.
- Save & Close : Save the shipping method options and return to the shipping methods Management screen.
- Save : Apply the modifications to the shipping method and stay on the same screen.
- Cancel : Return to the previous screen without saving the modifications.
- Help : Open the Help documentation to configure your Fedex plugin.
Main Information
If you use one of our commercial versions, you will be able to enter the name and description in different languages. This feature can be activated in the configuration page, in the display tab. If you don't enter something for a translation, it will just use the default information in the Main information tab instead.
Additional Information
- Client ID : The Client ID of the app you created in your FedEx account (learn more here).
- Client secret : The Client secret of the app you created in your FedEx account (learn more here).
- Account number : Unique UPS shipper account number provided by FedEx once you create a shipper account with them (learn more here).
- Shipping service :
Select here the FedEx services you want to allow. Note that not all the FedEx services are available to you.
It depends on where your warehouse (the place from where you ship your goods) is located, and where your package should be delivered.
- FedEx International Ground :
- FedEx 2 Day
- FedEx Express Saver
- FedEx First Overnight
- FedEx Ground (Home Delivery)
- FedEx Priority Overnight
- FedEx Smart Post
- FedEx Standard Overnight
- FedEx international Economy
- FedEx international Economy Distribution
- FedEx international First
- FedEx international Priority
- FedEx international Priority Distribution
- FedEx Europe First
- FedEx Regional Economy
- FedEx international Priority Express
- FedEx international Connect Plus
- Packaging type : Choose from all package types authorized by FedEx. Available options : Your packaging, FedEx pak, FedEx tube, FedEx box, FedEx small box, FedEx medium box, FedEx large box, FedEx extra large box, FedEx 10KG box, FedEx 25 box, FedEx envelope
- Pickup type
: Force the package weight unit.
Available options : Contact Fedex to Schedule, Drop off at Fedex Location, Use scheduled pickup, Regular pickup FedEx schedule - Weight unit
: Define the weight unit for all your packages. In the USA, you normally have to select lb, and in Europe Kg.
Available options : lb, G, Kg, Mg, Oz - Display Transit time (expect international) : Define if you want display to your customer the delivery date (if provided by FedEx).
- Add insurance : Select if you want provide the package value, and therefore have delivery assured by FedEx.
- Weight approximation(%) : You can add here a percentage to the weight of your products.
- Dimension approximation(%) : You can add here a percentage to the dimensions of your products.
Departure address for your products (warehouse or store, etc.) :
- Name :
- Address : With street number and street name.
- Address : (Optionnal)
- City :
- Postal code :
- State code : 2 letter code only, Required only for USA, Canada and Puerto Rico!
- Country code : 2 letter code only!
This will help in finding where the trouble is with the setup of the plugin if something doesn't work with it.
You can set restrictions on shipping methods. Based on the products in the cart of the user, the system will calculate which shipping methods the customer can choose from.
- Zone : You can restrict a shipping method to a zone. By clicking on the edit icon, a popup will open enabling you to select a zone. You can also remove this limitation by clicking on the delete icon.
- Warehouse : You can restrict the shipping method on a warehouse, the warehouse management will come in a future release of HikaShop. Note that Shipping methods which have a selected warehouse can only be used by products which have the same warehouse.
- Minimum price : The shipping method can be available for only orders above a minimum price. This price uses the shipping method price currency even if the price is 0.
- Maximum price : The shipping method can be available for only orders below a maximum price. This price uses the shipping method price currency even if the price is 0.
- Include virtual products price : If you activate this option, the price of virtual goods (no weight) is taken into account for the maximum and minimum price restrictions above as well as the percentage price calculation. Otherwise, only the real goods (with a weight) are taken into account.
- With tax : The price restriction can be set on the taxed price or the price without tax depending on this option
- Minimum quantity: You can set a minimum quantity so that orders below it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The quantity of the order will be calculated based on the quantity of each products in it.
- Maximum quantity: You can set a maximum quantity so that orders over it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The quantity of the order will be calculated based on the quantity of each products in it.
- Minimum weight : You can set a minimum weight so that orders below it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The weight of the order will be calculated based on the weight of each products in it.
- Maximum weight : You can set a maximum weight so that orders over it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The weight of the order will be calculated based on the weight of each products in it.
- Minimum volume : You can set a minimum volume so that orders below it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The volume of the order will be calculated based on the volume of each products in it. The volume is calculated with the width, height and length of the products.
- Maximum volume : You can set a maximum volume so that orders over it won't be able to be shipped with the current shipping method. The volume of the order will be calculated based on the volume of each products in it. The volume is calculated with the width, height and length of the products.
- Prefix : You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes including such prefix with this option.
- Minimum post code : You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes within a certain range whereby this is the minimum possible value
- Maximum post code : You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes within a certain range whereby this is the maximum possible value
- Suffix : You can restrict your shipping methods to only post codes including such suffix with this option.