Vendor order status

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7 years 11 months ago #266399

-- HikaShop version -- : 3.0.1 Business
-- HikaMarket version -- : 1.7.3
-- Joomla version -- : 3.6.5
-- PHP version -- : 5.6.29


I am having a very hard time trying to configure the front end to allow my vendors to manage their own shop within my site. I have over 30 years in the IT industry but cannot understand how the shop front should work from a vendor perspective.

The market mode is Vendor paid directly. Each vendor will use the front end to create their own products, shipping and payment methods. They will also be paid directly by the customer and ship their own products. They will be changing the status of their orders from the front end only.
My understanding was that the customer would receive all status change emails. They are only receiving the created email. They do not receive confirmed or shipping ( modified by vendor on the front end ). As the vendor is maintaining each order, he does not need the emails to be sent but is receiving the confirmed and shipping. I have disabled the order status emails in HikaMarket.

The order history on the front end has multiple entries per status change. Could you please explain as I will have to pass this information to the vendors.

Currently I am trying to get the bank transfer to work and I do not know how to mark an order as paid - the vendor amount / paid remains zero after status changed to confirmed. The vendor receives the status changed email but the customer does not - I presume because it has not been paid. The customer is only receiving the created email. They do not received confirmed or shipped.

I have 2 more questions.
What is the relationship with the order status email in Hikashop and HikaMarket. I thought Hikashop would send emails to customers and HikaMarket send emails to vendor. I have specified user_notification in the email template for status notifications in both areas.

Could you please explain why 2 invoices are created for each order - one for Hikashop and one for HikaMarket. It seems that for each customer order per vendor there are two ids used so the displayed order number for each new customer uses every second order number.

Thank you for your help



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7 years 11 months ago #266436


1 - That's pretty a simple workflow. ( And I'm afraid that e-commerce marketplace an IT industry are two things very very different )


HikaMarket does not modify the payment system of HikaShop.
Each time a customer made an order, HikaMarket will create what we call sub-orders.
A sub-order is a copy of the order but for a specific vendor. It will only contain the vendor's products.

The customer have his order and is still notify the same way : When his order is modified.
Modifying a "sub order" will not affect the main order unless all sub-orders have the same "order status".

You can read more details about that in the documentation I just mentioned.

1.2 - Each time an order (or sub-order) is modified, an entry is stored in the history.

1.3 - Like I wrote, HikaMarket do not change how HikaShop is working.
So if you do not confirm the customer order ; the customer cannot be notify of it.
You need to confirm the order and check the box to ask HikaShop to notify the customer.
But I'm afraid that's not related to HikaMarket but only to HikaShop order system.

2 - The order status notification email of HikaMarket is for the vendors.
So they can be notified when their "sub order" is modified. Nothing less, nothing more.

3 - As previously, HikaMarket do not change how HikaShop is working.
The customer will have his invoice for his order and the vendor can generate an invoice for his "sub order".


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266490


As a follow up to this history display, on the back end the HikaMarket order shows more detail. The log times for the changes seem out of order.



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7 years 11 months ago #266499

Hi Jerome,

Thank you.

I certainly know there is a big difference with the e-commerce industry but I thought I could work my way around a little easier. My scenario seemed very straight forward.

1. I have checked on the back end each time the orders are modified by the vendor, and both the main order and suborder have the same status. As there is only one vendor per order how could the two orders get out of sync.

The email to the vendor on creation and confirmation shows Vendor Final Total as 0. The HikaMarket order display shows Vendor Total as 0 and nothing in Paid. I understand that you do not modify the Hikashop payments system but where is the vendor payment from customer entered. I thought that when the payment was confirmed automatically eg PayPal, then the confirmed email to the customer would be generated and sent. With direct deposit how can we set the vendor payment. It is certainly referenced in the documentation about how this would work without any specific details to implement it.

2. How can I tell whether Hikashop or HikaMarket is generating the email. I have disabled Market: Order status notification. The vendor receives the order status nofiications.

3. Yes that was confusing as both invoices were for the same amounts. I guess that the customer invoice from Hikashop will never be sent. I have specified yearly invoice number reset in Hikashop. Each vendor has their own invoice numbering that includes the year. Will HikaMarket invoice numbers also be reset.

Another issue is coupons entered from the front end. I cannot use the date selection icon to enter a date range.



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7 years 11 months ago #266516


1 - I have to admit that it is a strange behavior for the three entries in the history log.
It looks like you are modifying the "sub order" in the front-end and because there is just one sub-order, the main order is modified and the trigger is re-affecting the order.
I will see to reproduce it in my local website and improve the way it is handled ; but because HikaMarket can just use triggers to interact with HikaShop (it is an add-on), I got some limitations and the algorithms are already quite complex.

1.2 - The vendor final total depends on the vendor fee rules you have configured.
The "vendor paid" indicates if you have paid the fees for your vendor or if your vendor has paid you your commissions.
When you are using "Paypal adaptive" plugin, the support of HikaMarket is improved, even if you do not use the "adaptive" system but you keep the plugin in "classical" mode ; that plugin allow the vendor to be paid directly by the customer.

2 - That's weird because in the HikaMarket code, if the email is unpublished, the email can't be sent.
CF HikaMarket mail class :

if(empty($mal) || !$mail->published)
    return false;
You can see to remove the ACL "order / notify" from your HikaMarket default accesses in order to deactivate completely the order notification to the vendors ; as you can use the order status filter on the email notifications.

3 - Yes, HikaMarket read the HikaShop "invoice number reset frequency" setting and is using the same algorithm than HikaShop for the processing of that feature.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266526

Hi Jerome,

Thank you for your reply.

1. Yes all of the changes made by the vendor are done in the vendor control panel - menu option available only for vendors. I always assumed it was modifying the suborder. When I look at the order on the backend, the main order status is always the same.

1.2 I do not charge any commission and I am using option 3 ( from your documentation). What should the Market Commissions mode be set to. My vendors can setup their own payment through their own plugin. At this stage I am using Bank Transfer but will be using PayPal shortly. Probably the best option would be to remove the Vendor Final Total from the vendors email for status notifications.

3. Thank you for confirming.


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7 years 11 months ago #266567


1 - The main order status is always the same ? What do you mean ?

1.2 - Please edit the HikaMarket order status notification email and change in the preload

	$cartFooters[] = array(
		'VALUE' => $currencyHelper->format($vendor_price, $data->order->order_currency_id)
	if($vendor_price != 0) {
		$cartFooters[] = array(
			'VALUE' => $currencyHelper->format($vendor_price, $data->order->order_currency_id)
So the "vendor total" won't display in the email if his value is zero (which is the case when you're in "vendor paid directly" with no commission).


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266670


1. I meant that the order status in the main order is the same as the suborder ( when clicking on the order in the HikaMarket orders section ).
Your first reply included
The customer have his order and is still notify the same way : When his order is modified.
Modifying a "sub order" will not affect the main order unless all sub-orders have the same "order status".
I thought you were saying that the sub-order status could be different from the customer order status ( I was thinking only 1 vendor in the order). But I guess you mean that there could be multiple vendors in the same order each with a different order status. ( that gives me a headache even thinking about it )

1.2 I modified the code and Vendor Final Total is not displayed. I changed the order from created to confirmed in the Vendor Control Panel.

However I had unpublished the Market: Order status notification on purpose to see if it would still send the email to vendor. And it did send to Vendor but no email to customer was sent ( from HikaShop ?). Verified this in the backend by checking the email history and only email on change of status was the HikaMarket email to Vendor. Is there code in HikaShop that is not testing that the HikaMarket template is published. Also could the missing email to customer be related to question 1 regarding change of customer order status from a sub-order. The payment method is bank transfer and order status is set to created and order status notification set to yes. Is this only relating to initial order creation or does it have an affect on change of order status to confirmed.

Wondering whether the coupon date issue is a fault at my end - entered from the Vendor Control panel.

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7 years 11 months ago #266677


1 - HikaMarket needs to support a lot of different kind of marketplace ; that's why some elements are complex to apprehend.
In your case, there is just one vendor in the customer cart ; but in most common case, they can have several.
And if there are several vendors, they are several sub orders and they need to be all with the same status to change the customer order status (until we perform the implementation of the "partial order status").
So, the behavior you have currently, is normal but I will see to add some improvement in order to avoid the multiple logs in the history.

1.2 - I noted your issue report about the email ; can you please provide us a screenshot of the email "state" in the HikaMarket configuration ?
For the moment, please follow the previous instruction:

You can see to remove the ACL "order / notify" from your HikaMarket default accesses in order to deactivate completely the order notification to the vendors ; as you can use the order status filter on the email notifications.

If you modify the order status in the HikaShop backend, the customer won't be notified unless you check the box.
That part is fully related to HikaShop and we will need more details about your configuration and the actions you're doing to be able to understand what you're talking about exactly.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266771


1. Thank you.

1.2 I am definitely missing something here. I have created default access for vendors specifying no to order notify and edit order notify but I still get the vendor email on change of status. I have not overridden the vendor acl. Am I doing this correctly?

As per the customer emails, I was under the assumption that the email to customers on order status change was automatic - same as order creation. In the back end, there is a notify customer button, but in the front end control panel access, I did not have email specified. I can now see that after the status is modified, the vendor must email the customer separately. Would be nice if the notify customer button was included in the status change popup in the front end.



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7 years 11 months ago #266774

Sorry cropped too early


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7 years 11 months ago #266794


In the file "administrator/components/com_hikamarket/classes/mail.php" you will find the line

$vendor_access = $vendor->vendor_access;
Please replace it with
$vendor_access = hikamarket::getAclVendor($vendor);

And you will also fine the line
if(!hikamarket::aclTest('order_notify', $vendor_access))
that you can replace with
if(!hikamarket::aclTest('order/notify', $vendor_access))

Then it should for the loading the the Accesses from the vendor groups.

My message was asking you to modify the HikaMarket configuration :
And not the vendor accesses ; but that's already as soon as you got the right patches for that part (I still have some pending development before the next release ; I've been very busy with HikaShop 3 and it delayed my work on my components).

Can you also please provide the required screenshot for the email section in the HikaMarket configuration ?

Thank you

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266801


Made the changes In the file "administrator/components/com_hikamarket/classes/mail.php" - no difference. HikaMarket : Order status notifiication was still published.

Changed Main Vendor access to remove notify - update order - no difference.

Unpublished HikaMarket: Order status order notification - update order - no difference.

Email history shows order status modifications.


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7 years 11 months ago #266844


Are you sure that the emails are the vendor order status notification ?
Is the email content have green headers ?


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266848


I am sorry but they are green.


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7 years 11 months ago #266885


Okay ; I reproduce the issue in a local website and I'm working on a patch, but it will be a bit bigger than I though !


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266886


Thank you. Much appreciated as I know you are extremely busy.

Enjoy your day.


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7 years 11 months ago #266967


In the mail class, please replace

	$shopMailClass = hikamarket::get('shop.class.mail');
	$shopMailClass->mail_folder = HIKAMARKET_MEDIA . 'mail' . DS;
	$mail = $shopMailClass->get('order_status_notification', $order);
	$shopMailClass = hikamarket::get('shop.class.mail');
	$mail = $this->load('order_status_notification', $order);
And it should fix the loading of the mail information for HikaMarket (and not load the HikaShop mail with the same name)

Just in case, there is the setting "Order notification status filter" which filter the mail notification for just specific order statuses. If you select an unused order status, the mails won't be send.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 11 months ago #266973


The above change was not suitable as it also suppressed the created email. I thought that during order creation the two emails ( customer and vendor ) were coming from Hikashop as the subject was exactly the same. But in the email history, I can see the vendor email is an Order Status Notifiication.

I have a workaround - sortof - as per your instruction. I created a new order status called unused. I was hoping to use this in the HikaMarket Email filter as all other statuses will be used. However it did not appear in the dropdown list so I just used refunded to test but this will not be suitable live. And it worked. I then updated the order status from the Vendor Control Panel in the front end and the unused status appeared in the dropdownlist. This email was also not sent. So I can now suppress vendor emails. Thank you.

Sorry to pester you with this. How difficult is it to add the button for Notify Customer in the order status popup as it appears in the backend. I am sure my vendors will forget to send the customer their status update.

Your help is much appreciated during this busy time.

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7 years 11 months ago #266974

The order status colour in order listing is different colours - created ( grey ), confirmed ( green ), shipped ( blue ), cancelled ( yellow ). Is this of some significance?


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