Hi Jerome,
Sorry, but it is not my fault that the plugin didn’t work. In fact, I think I have been very generous with my time and help in order to help you test it and debug it.
I have very high respect for my customers, that’s why I test everything before implementing it in my live site.
However I’m not sure you have the same respect for your customers since you are sending us software that has been developed in a rush and that is untested.
I said I would buy this plugin if you implemented stripe direct charges and you said you had done it. That’s why I bought it, because I trusted you and thought that if you said you had done it you would have developed it professionally and fully tested. However I’m very disappointed that it wasn’t the case.
I have many customers interested in this payment solution and I’m sure you also have other people interested in getting this puglin. So I believe it is in your interest as much as in my interest that this plugin works well and reliably. So I hope you keep helping developing and fixing what does not work.
Coming back to the plugin, I tested again and it looks like direct charges are going through OK now. Thanks for that. However there are a lot of things to fix and improve in the plugin yet:
1. In the hikashop payment method configuration, in the “Specific Configuration” section I have:
- Invalid Status: created
- Pending Status: created
- Verified Status: confirmed
As you can see, I don’t want to cancel the order if the payment fails or the customer abandons the payment. I want to allow buyers to come back later and pay their orders. This works for other payment plugins I have but it does NOT work for Stripe Connect. If the customer goes to his orders section, selects Stripe Connect as payment method and clicks the “Pay Now” button it is NOT asked to input his credit card. The same problem with the “pay now” button in the order created email notification.
2. If the card is declined by Stripe (test with card number 4000 0000 0000 0002), Hikashop goes back to the last step of the checkout process but there is no message whatsoever that says “your card has been declined”. This is horrible for usability, the customer needs to understand what happened.
3. In the step where the stripe widget/form is showed and the customer inputs his credit card, once he clicks the button “submit payment”, we need to show a message of “please wait and a loader icon” or similar, otherwise it looks like nothing is happening.
Here’s another chance for you to demonstrate you are willing to provide quality software and support your customers.
Many thanks