Missing product price microdata

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5 years 9 months ago #305591

-- HikaShop version -- : 1903291710


1. We started to get some product price errors in new google search console. I may be wrong but the issue started after updating to hikashop 4.0.0 or a bit later maybe 4.0.1
It seems that there is an issue with product microdata display per some product/variant settings. It took some time to find the root of the issue.

If the product variant which is set as default has quantity 0 the price microdata is missing for product page. If we set variant as default which has quantity the microdata is showing again. I am attaching some screenshots so i hope you see the issue.

Here is the screenshot with price microdata

And here is the screenshot with no price microdata

2. Another thing it would be great to have some settings in system->product options where we could select product condition for all products. As example We are selling only new products and having product condtion set to none takes extra click for each product created. Maybe mass action could help here?

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5 years 9 months ago #305592

3. And one more.

I would also consider adding microdata on product listing by default. As this suggestion here: bit.ly/2G8in11


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5 years 9 months ago #305625


1. This point take us some time to understand well the issue.
We analyzed our code and process some tests here , on the Google MicroData test
Our conclusion is, you are right from analysis and consistency BUT unless we make a mistake this won't create CEO or MicroData issue.
You can try yourself with the link previously provided to check it by yourself.
Plus, note that it can't be sometime very difficult to stick to Google Standards, and especially when you have a lot of differents configuration and way to display product page possibilities... The most important is to provide error that will break the MicroData structure and your CEO as well.

2. Not sure to follow you well, here can you details your request with concrete examples ?

3. We will study this question and try to add it for next release, not maybe the next one but as soon as possible !


Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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5 years 9 months ago #305631


1. I know how to test microdata with google tool and that's not the issue. The issue is as in my previous message that If the product variant which is set as default has quantity 0 the price is missing microdata atrributes itemprop="price" and content="Price_value". because hikashop selects next variant with quantity and shows its price..... So there is nothing new with google standards its just that Hikashop has some bug with variant price display.

2. Nevermind....

3. Thank you


Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by kyratn.

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5 years 9 months ago #305634


1. No. What you're looking at in your screenshots is the HTML of the page after the javascript on the page has been initialized. And since the default variant doesn't have any stock, there is some javascript to automatically switch the default variant to another one with stock. When, it does, it refreshes the price area (as well as the other areas) with the data from the variant HTML. The variant HTML doesn't contain the itemprop tags (that would generate errors) and thus that's why you see the itemprop data missing after the page is loaded by your browser.
However, search engines do not process the javascript on the page. Which means that even if you see the itemprop missing in your developer tools, the search engines don't see them missing as the variant data wasn't replaced dynamically for them.
So that's why Philippe told you to check with the Google tool as with it, you'll see that you don't have that problem of the itemprop missing on the page since it works like the search engine and not like a real browser. And that's what counts for your microdata and your referencing.
So while you might have issues with your microdata, it doesn't come from what you described in your first message.
Now, if you find issues with your microdata with the Google tool, please provide a link to the page so that we can study the situation.

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5 years 9 months ago #305651


Indeed you are right, my bad... I was so focused on new dev tools that didn't think about that. It seems that the issue is with new google search console as it got updated in March.

Not sure how they are crawling page with new search console but potentially they can start use same method even with google structure data tool later...

Here is the error i see in new search console for the product:

Hmm, I am now a bit confused. As this could hurt SEO for product or not?

And Thanks for explanation Nicolas.



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5 years 9 months ago #305653


Warnings are no problem, but it would be better to fix the error with the price. Could you give a link to that product page so that we could look at the situation ourselves ?
If you need to provide it privately, you can use our contact form:

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5 years 9 months ago #305675


You can try with this product link:

This message contains confidential information

Now with google structure data testing tool all is fine but with new google search console it throws price error.

Hope you can find some solution for this.

Kind Regards

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5 years 9 months ago #305676

I also have notice now that this issue effects itemprop="availability" microdata.

So if default variant has quantity "0" then it will show that product is out of stock "<meta itemprop="availability" content=" schema.org/OutOfstock " />" but only variant is out of sotck not product it self.

Here is the screenshot from google structure data testing tool of the same product i just gave you a link in above message.



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5 years 9 months ago #305677

I also attaching screenshot of that product variants quantities so you should get better idea of the issue:


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5 years 9 months ago #305688


We will make some test with your Url link and inform you on our progress, this message to tell you how to solve the "available" issue that we correct for our next release.

Follow me step by step :
- Reach your product views (show_default, show_reversed & show_tabular)
YourWebsite\components\com_hikashop\views\product folder.
- Around line 65 for show_default, line 41 for show_reversed and line 101 for show_tabular
You have this :
<meta itemprop="availability" content=" schema.org/ <?php echo ($this->row->product_quantity != 0) ? 'InStock' : 'OutOfstock' ;?>" />
Change for this :
<meta itemprop="availability" content=" schema.org/ <?php echo ($main->product_quantity != 0) ? 'InStock' : 'OutOfstock' ;?>" />
Keep in touch

Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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5 years 9 months ago #305703


Thank you Philip for looking into this.

I am not sure if you will be able to test that product url via new google search console( if you have it ) because as for me if i try to inspect url which is not in my property it throws error "URL not in property".

I think the best would be for you to create product with similar setting per variants and inspect that product with yours search console and google structure data testing tool, and then you will see the difference...

Kind Regards

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5 years 9 months ago #305704


For test a page you can use with your browser the right click => View source code, and copy/paste the code in the Google test.
It's how I proceed for your page, plus I process some test from my own localhost website with your configuration and get the same results for both page.
And so far and for us everything seems correct (putting aside the 4 warning already mentioned).

But can you precise where you reach your chrome microdata test ? Does it is an application or a new native Chrome feature ?

Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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5 years 9 months ago #305743


The error comes using this tool under products tab: search.google.com/search-console/welcome


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5 years 9 months ago #305750


Sorry but you will have to detail more by a step by step because so far i'm not sure to follow you well.
First because I was expecting to see a MicroData from the right click in Chrome Browser (maybe a misunderstood...).
Anyway details what you done from the search.google.com/search-console/welcome link in order to see the same things as you.

Awaiting more elements from you.

Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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5 years 9 months ago #305787


Philip do you have google search console account? You may want to read this to know more about it: support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9128668?hl=en

Now, in order to reproduce the issue:

1. Create account with google search console ( if not have it ).
2. Ad your property ( as example demo.hikashop.com )
3. Verify your site ownership as per instructions here: support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9008080?hl=en
4. Create product with 2 variants and set default variant with quantity of 0.
5.Inspect that product url via google search console: support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9012289?hl=en

Expected results: Same product price error as i have.


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5 years 9 months ago #305812


Thank you for that. Note that Philippe will be back on wednesday and will look at your answer at that point.

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5 years 9 months ago #305909


The google search console seems take to much time to set up, and we can't of course use localhost or demo.hikashop.
We will take another way to be sure that we have a real issue can you provide a backend/Frontend access (via our Contact us form, and don't forget to add an Url link to this topic).

For the difference between this Google test with the google search console account, we don't know what we can said... Maybe can be something to explore with Google ?

Anyway, awaiting elements from you, but note that if we don't see impact on MicroData process or CEO, we will consider this issue like not a real one.


Last edit: 5 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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5 years 5 months ago #310179


I want to get back to this topic again and this time i hope it can be resolved somehow.

Google now provides new rick snippets testing tool: search.google.com/test/rich-results

The issue is with price and how to reproduce it:

Test 1:

1. Create product with 2 variants.
2. Makes sure both variants have quantity.
3. Do test via url provide above.
4. No price error!

Test 2:

1. For product created in" test 1" Set default variant quantity to "0"
3. Do test via url provide above.
4. Price error occurs!

I hope you can reproduce the issue now.

Here is the url of product with the issue described above.

This message contains confidential information

If i set default variant quantity to "1" there will be no errors.



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5 years 4 months ago #310197


We were able to reproduce the issue before. However, this is actually not an issue.
That error displays in the test tool because this one executes the javascript to get the tags while the other doesn't.
The search engine doesn't run the javascript so even with that error, it shouldn't change anything for your SEO.
Still, I'm currently working on a patch to fix the error so that it doesn't appear even with javascript executed.
That won't change anything for your SEO but at least no one will come to us with that error in the future. It will be in the next version and will require us to add some modifications in product / listing_price.php so, if you have an override on that view file, you'll have to redo it to see the change.

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