That's indeed not possible currently. However, we could easily add a few lines of code to handle custom html for payment methods:
If you look at the file components/com_hikashop/views/checkout/tmpl/payment.php near the end, we have the possibility for the payment method to ask for the credit card information by just adding the code
$method->ask_cc = true;
in the onPaymentDisplay method.
In the same manner, we could change that code like this:
// credit card HTML fields
echo $method->custom_html;
Then, in the payment plugins, you could add to the function onPaymentDisplay the code:
$method->custom_html = 'my custom html';
and in the onPaymentSave method, get the information entered by the user from the post.
On the payment view of the checkout, we have implemented a nice sliding effect to display the credit card field when the payment is selected and hide it when another payment method is selected, and it would also work with the custom html display.