Download HikaShop FedEx Shipping Plugin

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12 years 11 months ago #43534

Here's an update on FedEx plugin. After almost 10 days of frustration trying to get this module to work, and not knowing whether my web hosting company can or cannot enable SOAP. I said there might be an easier way to do this. After almost 5 hours of research I found this info on a website with step by step instructions on how to obtain the FedEx API key. And by following these steps I was able to register with FedEx and obtain API key and Meter number. After entering these info in FedEx plug in SUCCESS.
FedEx is now showing on my frontend and in working order. However the problem I'm having now, its showing an estimated time of delivery by 12/31/1969. Funny! and here I got stuck and not able to change this weird date.
I thought I need to share this info with everyone it is very helpful.
instructions are:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Log in, if you do not have a developer account, click on “Sign up” and fill out the form
Step 3: After you have logged in (with existing or new credentials) mouse over “Fedex Web Services” in the sub-nav bar
Step 4: Click on FedEx Web Services for Shipping in the fly-out menu
Step 5: Click on Move to Production
Step 6: Click on Obtain Production Key (at bottom of page)
Step 7: On Registration for FedEx Web Services Production Access use the following values:
Do you intent to resell your software ? Select “No”
Please check box type of FedEx web services …. Only check “FedEx Web Services for Shipping”
Please indicate whether you are developing your … Select “Consultant” or “Corporate Developer”
Step 8: Accept License Agreement
Step 9: Fill in the form with the contact/billing information for the company
Step 10 : Fill in the form with the contact information for the developer
Step 11 : Confirm
Step 12 : You will be given certain information on this screen, please write down the codes etc and what they go to
Step 13 : Within 24 hours you will be sent at least two emails pertaining to credentials from Fedex
you will need all credentials from Both emails to be able to use the fedex module

After you complete these steps and enter them in FedEx plug in an important step Nicolas mentioned before is to replace this link:
with this link: OR THIS LINK: .

So now if some one could be kind enough to help me fix the date issue I will definitely appreciate it.

good luck

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12 years 11 months ago #43569

I'm having the same problem with FedEx shipping packages and ETA, and I'm not able to fix this or change it. Would you be kind enough to tell me how did you get this fixed.
Every time I save it with selecting my own package it resets back to FedEx. And if I un-tick ETA it still shows on the front end with a weird delivery date of 12-31-1969.
Any help is appreciated.

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12 years 11 months ago #43581


I don't know how to fix it, but I know how you can remove the ETA display. Edit the plugins/hikashopshipping/fedex.php file and remove the code

						$rates[$i]->shipping_description.=' '.JText::sprintf( 'ESTIMATED_TIME_AFTER_SEND', $method['delivery_day']);
						$rates[$i]->shipping_description.=' '.JText::_( 'NO_ESTIMATED_TIME_AFTER_SEND');
						$rates[$i]->shipping_description.='<br/>'.JText::sprintf( 'DELIVERY_HOUR', $method['delivery_time']);
						$rates[$i]->shipping_description.='<br/>'.JText::_( 'NO_DELIVERY_HOUR');

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12 years 11 months ago #43829

I'm really not able to have the FedEx module work. This is the only shipping method I can use.
Fedex doesn't show in payment method (I'm using Paypal, but it don't show with others too).

I'm joining you screen shot of my configuration.


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12 years 11 months ago #43898

I'm having the same issue as wildfire with this plugin.

I've managed to get the quotes for FedEx ground working (and Ground Home Delivery, which seems to be the default), but the plugin does not update when the cart changes. And, since adding an item to the cart calls the cart screen, the first item added determines the shipping cost for your entire order.

I tried out the UPS plugin and it updates when the items in the cart change, so I'm not sure why this one doesn't. I don't know whether it's caching the request/response somehow or what might be the issue. I have noticed that even changing the shipping address doesn't cause the rates to be recalculated.

Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by sleepigrl.

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12 years 11 months ago #43909

While I still can't get this plugin to work, I have modified the configuration file to save the packaging type selected so that it doesn't reset to "FedEx Box" each time you edit the plugin configuration.

In the file fedex_configuration.php I replaced the following (around line 196):

            $options = array("FEDEX_BOX"=>"FedEx Box", "FEDEX_PAK"=>"FedEx Pak", "FEDEX_TUBE"=>"FedEx Tube", "YOUR_PACKAGING"=>"Your Packaging"); 
            $opts = array(); 
            foreach($options as $key=>$value){
                $opts[] = @JHTML::_('select.option',$key,$value); 
            echo @JHTML::_('select.genericlist',$opts,"data[shipping][shipping_params][packaging_type]" ,$this->element->shipping_params->packaging_type	); ?>

with this:
			<select name="data[shipping][shipping_params][packaging_type]">
				<option <?php if($this->element->shipping_params->packaging_type == 'FEDEX_BOX') echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?> value="FEDEX_BOX">FedEx Box</option>
				<option <?php if($this->element->shipping_params->packaging_type == 'FEDEX_PAK') echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?> value="FEDEX_PAK">FedEx Pak</option>
				<option <?php if($this->element->shipping_params->packaging_type == 'FEDEX_TUBE') echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?> value="FEDEX_TUBE">FedEx Tube</option>
				<option <?php if($this->element->shipping_params->packaging_type == 'YOUR_PACKAGING') echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?> value="YOUR_PACKAGING">Your Packaging</option>

And that seems to work, at least for me. Back up your existing file first, just in case!

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12 years 11 months ago #43917

Here's a modified version of the plugin files that should help with a few things.

@tiger - I've added the error check from one of @nicolas' early comments. That way, if you're getting an error code returned from FedEx, you should be able to see it.

@kasseyhadi - I ran into the same problem that you had with the date. The issue is that there is no delivery guarantee for Ground shipping, so no date is returned. I've made modifications to set the delivery ETA date & time to NULL if it's not returned. You'll probably see a result like "No Delivery Date" based on the language file entries for NO_ESTIMATED_TIME_AFTER_SEND and NO_DELIVERY_HOUR. You can set those to "" if you don't want to see the message.

I believe you should be able to install this in the regular manner. While I've tested this on my development site, I'd suggest making a backup first, just in case.

All that said and done, the plugin still doesn't calculate shipping for all the items I put in cart. I originally thought it didn't update when the cart was changed, but that's not the issue. The problem here is that the plugin either needs to group the items in the cart into a single package OR it needs to tell FedEx about all the items as separate packages (including how many packages there are), and it does neither. It lists weight and dimensions for all the products individually, but tells FedEx there's only one package.

I'd love to hear from someone who knows more about this than I do, but I'm pretty sure that no matter what or how many items you put in your cart, this plugin is only returning the shipping cost for one of the very first item on the list.


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12 years 11 months ago #43964

Thanks, it doesn't show all error. But one that is show is about :
868 Package {PACKAGE_INDEX} - Weight exceeds limit allowed for the origin.

You can find all error codes on :

I'm looking the problem but I couln't find any about weight. I've try different things, but no change.

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12 years 11 months ago #45199

@tiger - I know it's been a bit since you posted this and you may have figured it out by now, but it seems that the FedEx processing stops as soon as the first error is reached.

Trying different settings in the plugin led to me getting a handful of different errors, but I never received more than one back from FedEx (even when I was displaying the full response). What I ended up doing was figuring out the cause for each error, one at a time, until I was getting rates back.

I downloaded a copy of the FedEx documentation and that's been pretty helpful as far as the request/response info being passed.

If you're up to it, I believe there are some commented-out print_r statements in the code that can be quite handy. Around line 549, there is a set that looks like this:

// echo "<BR><BR><BR>";
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($data);
// echo "</pre>";
// exit;

Uncommenting those will cause the details of your shipment request to be printed (nothing will be submitted, due to the exit statement at the bottom). That was very handy for me in looking at the data I was sending to FedEx.

Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by sleepigrl.

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12 years 11 months ago #45610


Kasseyhadi contacted me for custom development in order to fix the fedex plugin.
Here the list of changes:
- WSDL fix
- Soap Fatal error fix
- Multiple products in cart fix
- "Show ETA" option fix
- "Packing type" option display fix
- Removing all Warnings
- Removing unused files
- Adding compatibility for Joomla 1.5

The cart with one product:

The cart with four products:

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.
Last edit: 12 years 11 months ago by Jerome.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tiger

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12 years 11 months ago #45612

Hi Jerome - are you going to be working on this? I've made a few changes already (there's a version with these above).

There's one additional item that would be helpful - the plugin seems to overwrite the HikaShop language string overrides each time you view the settings.

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12 years 11 months ago #45786

Hi, thank, I have also contacted a developer, but he didn't give me any update about the work. So I hope Fedex will work fine once you will have work on it. This plugin depend on the success of my project.

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12 years 11 months ago #45898

We would be willing to contribute financially to getting the Fedex plugin working like a champ.

If there is a developer working on this currently or wanting to take on the task of fixing all the bugs, then please let us know and we will support you in any way that we can.

Our biggest issue that actually effects our clients is the fact that the shipping rates are not updated when a user updates that quantity of an item in their cart.

Also, we think there may be issues with the rates not updating when the user changes their shipping address or switches between different shipping rates.

It really hurts our clients' businesses when they get a large order in that requires Fedex 2 day shipping but the cart only charged their customer $15 for shipping when it should have charged the $200 it would actually cost to ship the large order by 2day.

All the other bugs in the fedex plugin are manageable, but not calculating the rates correctly when things are changed in the order at checkout is critical to fix as soon as possible.

Whoever is willing and able to fix this right away, please let us know and we will help where we can both with testing and financially if necessary. Thanks.

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12 years 11 months ago #45899

Hey Wildfire go check this website and see how it update rates and let me know if this is good enough for you?

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12 years 11 months ago #45902


Yes the fedex plugin seems to be working right on your site to update the rates when things are changed in the cart.

What did you have to do or change to get it to work?


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12 years 11 months ago #45903

Well it took lots of frustration and effort. And all the credit goes to the team of Hika Shop in general and in specific to Nicolas and Jerome.
These guys are the best and I said on joomla extension directory that I won't hesitate to purchase any of their products in the future.
They helped me a lot to get it to where it is now.
So I need to check with them if its ok to share the updates that they had made for me and I will be more than happy to share with this community.

Cheers to Kikshop team. Nicolas and Jerome Kudos to you guys. :laugh:

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12 years 11 months ago #45905

I will email Nicolas and Jerome and if they say I can post the updated files I will do it as soon as I hear back from them

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12 years 11 months ago #45906

I'm also ready to pay to get this work well. So let us know the update.

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12 years 11 months ago #45974

Hello everyone. First all of you know how much time we all spent on this plug in to get it to work and how much frustration. Also some of us spent lots of money on it but no luck.
Here's my situation, I lost lots of money on the project that I originally purchased Hikashop business for. My client has a major shipping account with FedEx, because of the delays caused by this plugin
I lost a great amount of money on my project.
I asked Nicolas to help me and they did, and my cost to them is not bad at all. But my loss is what's hurting me. With that being said I have the update for the FedEx plugin on my website that you can download after you register and purchase it. After I recover some of my loss I will be more than happy to share it for free with the rest of the community, I hope you all understand.
link to download:

Thank you all

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12 years 11 months ago #46068

Hi Kasseyhadi, I just try to purchase the plugin, but I couldn't get through the process, it say "No payment methods found".
Thank for checking this

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