Hi Nicolas,
I did some additional testing.. below a detailed overview on the actions and findings.
paypal url before payment (this appears as the url when pressing the paypal pay button):
hikashop: ordernr: D6A9 and id = 69
http://url/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=show&cid[]=69&Itemid=147 This is the info in the email I receive as customer from the shop
Paypal payed url:
return url website:
when I type the url as you suggested with order id 69 I get a 403 Access Forbidden error
when I type the url with the order id D6A9 I get a blanc page and nothing happens....
I do get an email from the webshop that paypal could not validate the ip-nr so I added my own IP-nr in the accepted IP field and typed the id=69 url again... This time the page remained
blanc. But then I got the following email frompaypal:
A paypal notification was refused because it could not be verified by the paypal server
Controleer de documentatie voor dit geval op
Deze melding heeft betrekking op order D6A9 via de website http://url/ Orderdetails kunnen worden bekeken door op onderstaande link te klikken nadat er is ingelogd:
Still the order remains with status "created" and I do get emails from paypal that the payment was successfull. I still did not get an email from Hikashop confirming the order. The order status still remains at "created".
I hope this helps identifying the issue?