hi - yep big error message:
500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1104 - The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay SQL=SELECT DISTINCT a.product_id AS id, a.product_name, a.product_created AS created , a.product_description, "2" AS browsernav, a.product_type, a.product_parent_id, b.category_id as category_id FROM jos_hikashop_product AS a INNER JOIN jos_hikashop_product_category AS b ON a.product_parent_id=b.product_id OR a.product_id=b.product_id WHERE a.product_published=1 AND a.product_quantity!=0 AND ((((a.product_name LIKE '%pop%') AND (a.product_name LIKE '%rivets%'))) OR (((a.product_description LIKE '%pop%') AND (a.product_description LIKE '%rivets%'))) OR (((a.product_id LIKE '%pop%') AND (a.product_id LIKE '%rivets%'))) OR (((a.product_parent_id LIKE '%pop%') AND (a.product_parent_id LIKE '%rivets%')))) GROUP BY (a.product_id) ORDER BY a.product_name DESC LIMIT 0, 50