I am trying to follow in his footsteps, still works but now displays an error.
So just missing the original price and pending payment .
the second product in the cart. It does not work directly.
$this->row->prices[0]->unit_price->price_value = $this->row->prices[0]->unit_price->price_value*$this->row->deposit/100;
$this->row->prices[0]->unit_price->price_value_with_tax = $this->row->prices[0]->unit_price->price_value_with_tax*$this->row->deposit/100;
echo ''.number_format((float)$this->row->deposit, 0, '.', '').'%';
$this->row =& $row;
$this->unit = true;
echo $this->loadTemplate();
Please just this point that I have left to finish my project.
Sure it is easy to implement the warehouse.
I am a beginner in php could you expand on the explanation.
I would be very grateful and would give me a lot of confidence hikashop to continue implementing it in my projects