For those who can't wait to reset the INVOICE number, I've got a simple procedure to get this.
Please, don't use it before someone of the hikashop support gives the ok to this steps. Now it's working for me.
With my MySQL client I've oppened the hikashop table 'hikashop_order' and reset to '0' the column 'order_invoice_id'. I think this column only stores the last generated invoice number, and has no other purpose once the real invoice number is generated and formatted acording to the specified format in hikashop config. So if you reset this column to '0', the next invoice number will be '1', and you will lose no data. To have a clear invoice number sequence, I've configured the format with the year, something like {date format="y"}/{id size="5"}, resulting in 13/00001. This has no effect in the order number, that will follow the sequence of the prior year (I've also configured the order format including the year), but with this steps I've solved the 'legal' problem of the invoices, to start in number '1' each beginnig of a new year.
One you have oppened your database with your MySQL client, the query you have to execute is as simple as: UPDATE [your_joomla_prefix]_hikashop_order SET order_invoice_id=0
Please, Could someone of the hikashop team confirm this?