Delivery cost depending on categories

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11 years 8 months ago #101656

I have some categories in a shop: AUTOMOBILE, FASHION, COMPUTING, PICTURES, limited (hikashop demo).
How can i arrange for each category to have its own delivery cost and amount of minimal order?

For example:

CategoryDelivery costMinimal order

For example, the minimal amount of your order in AUTOMOBILE category is 300 USD, while the minimal order for FASHION category is 100 USD. Delivery price for AUTOMOBILE is 15 USD and for FASHION is 7 USD. The total for delivery is 22 USD.

That is, if you select, at least, one item from a category, the delivery price will increase by the amount of delivery price for that category. The order will not be placed until you purchase the number of items for the minimum amount of order for that category.

Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by alikon1.

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11 years 8 months ago #101667


1. Regarding the delivery cost per category, the best solution would be to :
- Create 3 shipping methods (one shipping method per category)
- Use the "Use the prices per product" option of your manual shipping method.
- Set a price for each and a minimum quantity products through the "Shipping prices" tab of each product's page regarding their category.

2. Regarding the maximum order price, I think that you'll just have to set a minimum price in your manual shipping methods and the users won't be able to finish the checkout under that price.

Hope this will help you a little.

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11 years 8 months ago #101824

Mohamed Thelji wrote: Hi,

1. Regarding the delivery cost per category, the best solution would be to :
- Create 3 shipping methods (one shipping method per category)
- Use the "Use the prices per product" option of your manual shipping method.
- Set a price for each and a minimum quantity products through the "Shipping prices" tab of each product's page regarding their category.

2. Regarding the maximum order price, I think that you'll just have to set a minimum price in your manual shipping methods and the users won't be able to finish the checkout under that price.

Hope this will help you a little.

If I set a price for each products and then add two products from one category, total delivery cost will count twice. But should count once despite how many products I added from this category, one or all. :(

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11 years 8 months ago #101999

Ok, but unfortunately you cannot for the moment restrict shipping methods based on categories.
You could set a volume/weight for the products in that category and use volume/weight restrictions in order to choose what shipping method you'll display regarding products categories. Moreover I think that the best solution was to use the prices per product option.

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11 years 7 months ago #103792

Edit hikashop_category table. Add fields min_sum (for the minimum amount) and price_delivery (for the amount of delivery price for that category).

Then edit components/com_hikashop/views/checkout/tmpl/cart.php

Add there:

<?php $session =& JFactory::getSession(); $session_id=$session->getID(); ?>


    $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass")
        or die("Could not connect : " . mysql_error());
	mysql_query ("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'", $link);
	mysql_select_db("db_name") or die("Could not select database");

    $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT hje52_hikashop_category.category_name, hje52_hikashop_category.min_sum, hje52_hikashop_category.price_delivery FROM hje52_hikashop_product, ((hje52_hikashop_cart INNER JOIN hje52_hikashop_cart_product ON hje52_hikashop_cart.cart_id = hje52_hikashop_cart_product.cart_id) INNER JOIN hje52_hikashop_product_category ON hje52_hikashop_cart_product.product_id = hje52_hikashop_product_category.product_id) INNER JOIN hje52_hikashop_category ON hje52_hikashop_product_category.category_id = hje52_hikashop_category.category_id WHERE (((hje52_hikashop_cart.session_id)="'.$session_id.'"));';
	$query2 = 'SELECT Sum(hje52_hikashop_cart_product.cart_product_quantity*hje52_hikashop_price.price_value) AS PRZ, hje52_hikashop_category.min_sum
FROM hje52_hikashop_cart INNER JOIN (((hje52_hikashop_cart_product INNER JOIN hje52_hikashop_price ON hje52_hikashop_cart_product.product_id = hje52_hikashop_price.price_product_id) INNER JOIN hje52_hikashop_product_category ON hje52_hikashop_cart_product.product_id = hje52_hikashop_product_category.product_id) INNER JOIN hje52_hikashop_category ON hje52_hikashop_product_category.category_id = hje52_hikashop_category.category_id) ON hje52_hikashop_cart.cart_id = hje52_hikashop_cart_product.cart_id
WHERE (((hje52_hikashop_cart.session_id)="'.$session_id.'"))
GROUP BY hje52_hikashop_category.category_id, hje52_hikashop_category.min_sum;
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error());
	$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); ?>

<?php				while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC))
	if ($row['min_sum'] > $row['PRZ']) 
		echo "<div class=\"error_sum\">The total of your order is too low for all the possible shipping methods.</div>";
} ?>


	$col2_sum = 0;
    print "<table class=\"chekout_price_table_th\">\n";
	print "<tr><th></th><th>Minimum amount</th><th>Delivery cost</th></tr>\n";
    while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
	$col2_sum += $line['price_delivery'];
        print "\t<tr>\n";
        foreach ($line as $col_value) {
            print "\t\t<td class=\"chekout_price_table\">$col_value</td>\n";
        print "\t</tr>\n";
    print "</table>\n";


<td class="hikashop_cart_total_value">
						<span class="hikashop_checkout_cart_final_total">
							echo $this->currencyHelper->format($this->full_total->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax+$col2_sum,$this->full_total->prices[0]->price_currency_id);

Now it count delivery for every category separately.

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11 years 7 months ago #103835

Can you advice, where I shold past $col2_sum variable, to calculate it in admin panel too?
How can I insert it in hikashop_order.order_shipping_price field for the order? In which file calculating delivery cost?

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11 years 7 months ago #103851

It would be better to modify the plugins/hikashopshipping/manual/manual.php file to handle custom shipping fee calculation in the onShippingDisplay function rather than trying to edit all the code of HikaShop which will use the shipping price.
Because with the way you're modifying the code, your payment methods won't get the shipping price. The emails neither, the invoice neither and the backend edition neither etc.

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11 years 7 months ago #104092

nicolas wrote: It would be better to modify the plugins/hikashopshipping/manual/manual.php file to handle custom shipping fee calculation in the onShippingDisplay function rather than trying to edit all the code of HikaShop which will use the shipping price.
Because with the way you're modifying the code, your payment methods won't get the shipping price. The emails neither, the invoice neither and the backend edition neither etc.

Thanks. After
foreach($dbrates as $k => $rate){
	if($rate->shipping_type=='manual' && !empty($rate->shipping_published)){


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10 years 11 months ago #142829

nicolas wrote: It would be better to modify the plugins/hikashopshipping/manual/manual.php file to handle custom shipping fee calculation in the onShippingDisplay function rather than trying to edit all the code of HikaShop which will use the shipping price.
Because with the way you're modifying the code, your payment methods won't get the shipping price. The emails neither, the invoice neither and the backend edition neither etc.

What file I should edit in Hikashop 2.2.3 version? There is no onShippingDisplay function now.

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10 years 11 months ago #142855

The file that you'll ave to edit will be the "administrator\components\com_hikashop\helpers\helper.php" file, but note that the "onShippingDisplay" is generic and used for each shipping method, so a solution can be to copy the onShippingDisplay of the file helper.php through your manual.php and edit it as you want.

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10 years 11 months ago #143162

Mohamed Thelji wrote: Hi,
The file that you'll ave to edit will be the "administrator\components\com_hikashop\helpers\helper.php" file, but note that the "onShippingDisplay" is generic and used for each shipping method, so a solution can be to copy the onShippingDisplay of the file helper.php through your manual.php and edit it as you want.

Can you help me please?
I copy my code from manual.php to helper.php, but it don't work anymore.

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10 years 11 months ago #143163

In 2.1.1 I inserted in function onShippingDisplay(&$order,&$dbrates,&$usable_rates,&$messages) my SQL query at the beginning, and modify (add line)

foreach($dbrates as $k => $rate){
			if($rate->shipping_type=='manual' && !empty($rate->shipping_published)){
In 2.2.3 it don't work.

Delivery price output was echo $this->currencyHelper->format(@$this->shipping->shipping_price,$this->shipping->shipping_currency_id);. Now I look it's $shipping_price += $shipping->shipping_price;
Maybe in 2.2.3 I should change something else?

Last edit: 10 years 11 months ago by alikon1.

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10 years 10 months ago #143221

Can you show me how did you set your "onShippingDisplay" function, so that I will maybe be able to understand the issue that you are having ?

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10 years 10 months ago #143271

Mohamed Thelji wrote: Hello,
Can you show me how did you set your "onShippingDisplay" function, so that I will maybe be able to understand the issue that you are having ?

I did as I did in previous version. Edit helper.php instead manual.php.

Inseart my query at the beginning.
function onShippingDisplay(&$order, &$dbrates, &$usable_rates, &$messages) {

	/* START Harry Delivery*/
	$session =& JFactory::getSession(); $session_id=$session->getID();
    $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "*user*", "*pass*") or die("Could not connect : " . mysql_error());
	mysql_query ("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'", $link);
	mysql_select_db("*BD*") or die("Could not select database");
    $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT jqp92_hikashop_category.category_name, jqp92_hikashop_category.min_sum, jqp92_hikashop_category.price_delivery FROM jqp92_hikashop_product, ((jqp92_hikashop_cart INNER JOIN jqp92_hikashop_cart_product ON jqp92_hikashop_cart.cart_id = jqp92_hikashop_cart_product.cart_id) INNER JOIN jqp92_hikashop_product_category ON jqp92_hikashop_cart_product.product_id = jqp92_hikashop_product_category.product_id) INNER JOIN jqp92_hikashop_category ON jqp92_hikashop_product_category.category_id = jqp92_hikashop_category.category_id WHERE (((jqp92_hikashop_cart.session_id)="'.$session_id.'"));';
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error());
	$col2_sum = 0;
    while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {$col2_sum += $line['price_delivery'];}
	/* END Harry Delivery*/
		$config =& hikashop_config();

foreach($dbrates as $k => $rate) {
			if($rate->shipping_type == $this->name && !empty($rate->shipping_published)) {
				$rates[] = $rate;

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10 years 10 months ago #143360

Instead of:
$rates[] = $rate;

you should rather do:
$rates[] = $rate;

For the rest, it looks ok to me.

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10 years 10 months ago #143371

In options

set Manual shipping cost - 100

But on site still see Shipping - 0


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10 years 10 months ago #143415

I think that you should replace this line :

By :

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10 years 10 months ago #143417

Add print_r($shipping); in /components/com_hikashop/views/checkout/tmpl/cart.php

stdClass Object ( [shipping_id] => 1 [shipping_type] => manual [shipping_zone_namekey] => [shipping_tax_id] => 0 [shipping_price] => 0.00000 [shipping_currency_id] => 81 [shipping_name] => Курьерская доставка [shipping_description] => [shipping_published] => 1 [shipping_ordering] => 3 [shipping_params] => stdClass Object ( [shipping_percentage] => 0 [shipping_per_product] => 0 [shipping_price_per_product] => [shipping_min_price] => [shipping_max_price] => [shipping_price_use_tax] => 1 [shipping_virtual_included] => 1 [shipping_override_address] => 0 [shipping_override_address_text] => [shipping_min_weight] => [shipping_max_weight] => [shipping_weight_unit] => kg [shipping_zip_prefix] => [shipping_min_zip] => [shipping_max_zip] => [shipping_zip_suffix] => [shipping_min_volume] => [shipping_max_volume] => [shipping_size_unit] => m ) [shipping_images] => [shipping_access] => all [shippingkey] => 0,1 [shipping_warehouse_id] => 0 [shipping_price_with_tax] => 0.00000 [shipping_price_orig_with_tax] => )
[shipping_price] => 0.00000, but in pnpMyAdmin I see in jqp92_hikashop_shipping table shipping_price is not 0.

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10 years 10 months ago #143421

Mohamed Thelji wrote: Hi,
I think that you should replace this line :

By :

Nothing has changed.

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10 years 10 months ago #143452

Now when open checkout - get error "No shipping method found".
But I have one shipping method in options.

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