OK. I went to that file and searched for the code you gave me, (plugins/hikashop/attachinvoice/attachinvoice/invoice.php of the plugin), but...
1. I could not find the code:
<?php if(!isset($order->order_invoice_number)) $order->order_invoice_number = $order->order_number; ?>
2. I could only find the code:
<div class="invoicetitle"><?php echo JText::_('INVOICE').' '.$order->order_invoice_number; ?></div>
3. I therefore substituted that code which I could find in the file with the new code you gave me, but all that did was change the Text Invoice Number to the Order number, but failed to insert any numbers at all - see attached.
The Order Number should read: TEST-00045-11/2013
The Invoice Number should read: B3Q7
4. See attached screenshot of the order page itself.
5. The other thing that is happening is the Shipping Invoice is not being produced any more, when I set the order on another TEST order to shipped.
I am beginning to wonder if Hikashop update loaded properly or if I did something wrong somewhere. So I reuploaded the update but the same thing is still happening.
Any ideas?
Kind regards
Kind regards.