2. I would to be one menu with principals categoryes: cinema, music, electronic etc..
when i go on one of these, its opening sub categories; dvd, blu-ray etc, but of hikashop with number of products are inside it
like this: dvd (34), blu-ray (20) etc...
3. when i go in cinema page, i would see only modules with: one latest dvd products, one latest blu-ray products .. etc.
and to the left side i have just done. i created one module listing categoryes dvd, blu.ra.3d with number.
but i can't do the same thing in the principal menu.
4. when i go on cinema item, i haven't sub categories hikashop, i can have only sub categories items about joomla.
there's any menu for to do that?
like screenshot
i tryed to use search joomla module, its worki, but opening results in the same page wherever i'm.
it's possible to set open result in the search page just like yours demo site?