Like MikeB in the message quotet, I have a problem with my sofort-plugin.
My client testet all the payment methods, and with sofort (sofortüberweisung.de) he got the alert:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/.sites/65/site3690616/web/plugins/hikashoppayment/alphauserpoints/alphauserpoints.php on line 685
I controlled all the settings of the sofort payment plugin (user id, project id, api key) - that´s all right.
What can be wrong?
I´m no php-guy, so I can´t check the line 685. lokks like this:
function getMethod(){
static $paymentData = null;
if($paymentData == null) {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.hikashop_table('payment').' WHERE payment_type=\'alphauserpoints\'';
$paymentData = $db->loadObject();
685: $paymentData->payment_params = unserialize($paymentData->payment_params);
return $paymentData;
There was no answer to the topic of mikeB, was there any solution.
I hope you can help me!
Problem SOLVED!
I hope to help others with this, so I explain my solution:
the alphauser-thing was simply another payment-plugin named alphauser... disturbing somehow. Deactivating it solved problem1.
Still I had the 0401 unauthorized warning. Again simple: my API-Key I got from my customer was not the API -Key, but some generall Key containing usernumber:ProjectID:APIKEY. Delete the first to numbers incl. :, the you have the API.
And it worked!
Just my payment status is not set automaticely to confirmed, but pending, allthough the transaction was succesfull...
I will post another topic for that, as I couldn´t find a solution here yet.
MikeB wrote: Hy,
i was very lucky to read in the new UpDate are a SOFORT PlugIn - i have install the Update,
activate the SOFORT PlugIn and configure it in the Payment Options - (Customer ID, Project ID, API Key)
then i make a test ... 
it result with an error : 0401 unauthorisiert
Did anyone have experience with the PlugIn - and use it sucessfull ?