My congrats, some suggestions and some bugs

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13 years 11 months ago #11482


First of all I want to give a HUGE congratulation to the team that is building such a nice and clean piece of software and also by allowing such a good FREE version released for people like me that wants to start a little business and don't have money!

I've already translated a language pack to pt-PT as it only existed the version pt-BR and there's a lot of expressions and words that are not the same in Portuguese from Portugal.

As this software seems to be yet in the "beginning", obviously that there's some things that can be added and some that can be improved, but what is made so far is just really nice and most important of all, with not too much bugs. :)

So, the "congrats part" is over so let's start with the suggestions.

Probably almost all have already been said and some are probably not included in the free version and some others probably are able and it's my mistake, but I want to point out all my ideas anyway:

- Possibility to personalize our shipping methods so that we can change the cost and time of delivery and things like that (eg. I want to have a "By air" shipping method that have a different cost from the "By post" shipping method and I can't do that);
- Option to "Add to cart" when we press a Category and the items appear in the middle section (I've navigated through a lot of configurations and couldn't find any option so I guess that is simple not yet possible);
- Optimize the "Category" option inside a Product. I've noticed some people cmoplain about not being able to define a Product to more than one Category and I also have that problem. I can only define the Category when I'm creating a new product, after that, is impossible to change as the system never saves it. I've tried in different browers;
- Possibility to Move Categories, Sub-categories and Products;
- Plug-in for the shipping methods only saying "Pick-up in store" or something like that;
- When a customer receives an e-mail, that the tittle (eg. Dr., Sr., etc.) appears before his/her name;
- Top sales module with the possibility to personalize the top sales (in order to "fake" the top sales - I know it's not too much ehically correct to do that but hey... that's how market works);
- Module for products we just viewed (associated with our customer account so later when we access the website it can be seen);
- Module to "You probably would like this product";
- Module to "Customers who bought that, also bought this";
- Possibility to manage the design (some simple thing would do) of our invoices and option to send it to customer. Also the possibility to add some info wherever we want inside that invoice would also be nice because here in Portugal, for instance, the eletronic invoices should state "Invoice make automaticaly by computer software";
- Statistics that show the "Most seen products", "Prefered products", "Most bought", etc.
- Module for resellers (so they can have some better prices);
- Module to give points to our customers whenever they buy products (eg. For the product X I want my customers to receive Y points and then, in that little plug-in or module, I define the gifts that customers could have after some points earned. Or eventually some credit for their customer account);
- Possibility for customers to "Send money" to their customer account, so they can spend it whenever they want;
- Possibility to customers chose a gift when they reach a value (eg. For orders above 50€, customers can pick a toy, for orders above 100€, customers can pick a toy or some other stuf, all set by us in the admins panel);
- Possibility to have sub-categories showing in website only when we put mouse-over or click on a category;
- Possibility to have, in a module (eg. that appears in the left side), the categories with a max of X appearing and then make auto-page (eg. We define a maximum of 10 categories to appear, after that is created automatically a new page);
- Possibility to customers rate and post comments on products (much like K2 Component for Joomla);
- Option "Send to a friend" inside each and every product;
- Print option inside each object;
- Option "View product" like a pop-up (as it happens when we add a product to the cart), so that customers can see product information without having to get inside the product;
- Login module associated directly with the HikaShop instead of having users to do login through Joomla module;
- If we are selling movies, option for us (admins) to insert a preview movie clip.

Well, I guess I won't talk about bugs because I've already mentioned some above and I'm tired of writting for now. :P

If I remember something else, I will let you know.

Please, do consider implementing these options and make a difference! Let's erase the competitors by offering a really great software yet with simple interface. ;)

And thank you once again!

I'm just sad that I don't have money to aquire your Business edition, otherwise I wouldn't think twice. Or shall I say, I wouldn't even think! :P

I wihs you all the best.

Pedro Lima

PS: You can see the shop I'm building here:

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13 years 11 months ago #11507


1/ You can create as many manual shipping methods as you want via the menu System->Shipping methods->Manual shipping methods plugin.

2/ In the middle section ? You meant he listing of products ? You can edit your menu/module's hikashop options and toggle on the "add to cart" button option for that.

3/ How are you adding you categories ? You need to check the checkbox and click on OK and then save the product. If you click on the category name in the category selection popup, it will just display the listing of sub categories of that category...

4/ You can move categories by changing the parent option of that category. You can "move" a product by changing its categories.

5/ Just create a new manual shipping method and call it "pick up in store" (see n°1)

6/ The title by default is for the address, not the user. A user can have several addresses so for example, you could have your address and the address of your dad and your mom. The system cannot guess which address's title it is supposed to use... Of course, in the business edition, you can edit the email and modify a bit the code of the email to use the title in the billing address with a small modification.

7/ If you want to have a fake top sales module, you can do as we did for the "featured products" module on our demo website. Just create a special category and attach it to the products you want in the module and create your "top sales" module with that category as "parent category" in the hikashop options of your module.

8/ That a nice idea

9 and 10/ The related products feature can be used to display products linked to the current product on the product page

11/ You can edit the design of the invoices via the menu Display->Views (search for the invoice). With the commercial version, you can activate the invoice printing on the front end on the order details page for your customers. that invoice can also be edited in that menu (the file show of the view order).

12/ Indeed there is no statistics on products for now.

13/ In the business edition, you can set access levels to prices. So based on the group of the user you can display different prices. You can also set access levels on products, categories, discounts, coupons, shipping methods and payment methods.

14 and 15/ That's already in the todo list.

16/ Interesting idea.

17/ You can create menus of the type listing of categories which will display all the categories below your main category and when clicking on one, it will display the categories under that category and the products of that category below if any, etc.

18/ You don't have auto pagination in modules but you have it in menus (there is a number of items option for that). Note that you need to turn off the random option for the pagination to be displayed.

19/ You can install jComments or jomComment and just turn on the comment option for them in the config under the tab display. No rating available with them though :/

20 and 21 and 22/ Interesting idea.

23/ There is no login module in hikashop. There is only a login view on the checkout. Could you explain more in depth what you mean ? Why is the login module not good ?

24/ You can use one of the numerous joomla content plugins for video players out there for that.

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13 years 11 months ago #11584

Hi Nicolas,

1 - You're right, my bad! :)
2 - Done also, thanks a lot!
3 - I've just updated to the new version and saw that some bugs just dissapeared, what is actually great. ;)
4 - Yup, thanks! :D
5 - Suits perfect. ;)
6 - When a customer makes a new registration, he has to chose his details for his customer account and it doesn't have nothing to do with the other addresses since a new registration is already made with his details so therefore, that's why I suggested that a var could be added to the e-mail in order to give a more professional and personalized look to the e-mails. :)
7 - Well, the idea of faking the top sales was just an option, the real suggestion is having a real "top sales" so customers can see it in a module.
8 - Thank you! :)
9 and 10 - Well, the idea is actually to show customers things that other customers bought together with that item (eg. Customers that bought a Vibrator, also bought a Lubrificant - this in my case that is a SexShop).
11 - Is the design option for the invoices only availble on commercial version? In the free version I can't find it. :(
12 - So I suggest you to consider it! :P
13 - That's good enough! :D
14 and 15 - Great to know that! :D
16 - Thank you! ;)
17 - Well, it doesn't allow a "mouse-over" option, but it's nice also as it is - anyway, the suggestion for a mouse-over option stays in my mind! :P
18 - So my suggestion to paginate the modules also stays in my mind. ;)
19 - Awesome, that will work! :D
20, 21 and 22 - Thank you. The most important of these 3, for me, is actually the pop-up option so customers can see the product description. ;)
23 - Well, actually this would be non-sense work for you so you're right, Login module in Joomla works perfectly. ;)
24 - Yup, that will just work perfectly! :D

Uff, extensive suggestion list! Hehe.

Nicolas, I'm very, very pleased with this fast and awesome support. Keep it like that, please. This makes a LOT of difference. As a manager I know that a good customer service have a huge value and if you can keep it like this, together with a good team also of course, so in future you can have people to help you, I'm sure this will be a great business. :)

So, one more suggestion:

I've noticed that when we apply discounts, it's applied to the entire website. How about an option to set discounts only to a certain category? In that case, we could create a "Discounts" Category and all products associated to it, had that discount. :)

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Pedro Lima

Last edit: 13 years 11 months ago by djdrumn.

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13 years 11 months ago #11589


6. I see what you mean... We would have to copy the title from the address info to a new column in the user table when the user register... That could be a solution...We'll put that in a corner for later.

7. Yes, real top sales are not possible yet and that's in the todo list. Fake top sales are already possible in hikashop :)

9 and 10. Yes, I see. That's something we could add in the future yes.

11. The menu Display->Views is available in all the versions of hikashop:

12. Yes that's what I meant... In the todo list with all the rest :)

17. There is no mouse over indeed. That's a low priority for now.

18. Yes. I suppose that it could be added quite easily in the future as both menus and modules use the same code...

22. If it's just the description, you can look at the thread to make a tooltip out of the description;

Thank you for your kind words. That's what we're trying to do :)

For discounts: If you use our commercial editions, you can restrict discounts to category of products:

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13 years 11 months ago #11636


Regarding the point 22, the idea it's not only the description but is actually everything that we see for that product.

I had another idea. What about making a module that could do this:

25 - We configure it so when a product have X quantity, it appears in Green and saying "Availability: Immediately", when it reaches the quantity Y, it shows a different color (Yellow, for instance, it could also be configurable as it could be, for instance, the background of the text that appears after the word "Availability") and the same when the product reaches a quantity Z and it would appear in another colour (let's say, Red) and with something like "Not available". And then we could configure some other options, for instance, I could put it in Blue and saying "Pick-up only" and all that would be configurable in the admin. :)

What do you say about this one? :D

And yet another idea!

26 - What if we could have a bigger size for the images when we enter inside a product? I've noticed that if we want to have that, the image size for the preview also becomes bigger. :(

Again editing the post to insert a new idea! :P

A module that could do something like this:

27 - The manager of the shop (in my case it's me) earns a percentage of the sales (net or gross, we could define it in admin). Then, whenever we wanted, we could reset the counter (for instance, when I'm paid, I reset the counter or I remove a certain value that was already paid).

This is something that in my case it would be very, very usefull and honestly, it shouldn't be hard to do because it only have to save values and grab others that already exist. So it should be actually something simple. :)

Last edit: 13 years 11 months ago by djdrumn.

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13 years 11 months ago #11643

25. I've actually never seen such thing out there (or maybe I'm missing something ? ), do you have an example of such display in mind ?

26. The solution is to set the size of thumbnails to the biggest size you need. Then, you can reduce the size in CSS like this:
That technique let you have different sizes while keeping only one real thumbnail without loss of quality.

27. That's part of a multi vendor feature: on the front end, the sellers can manage their products and you take a commission on sales before reversing the rest to your sellers. Or am I missing something ?

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13 years 11 months ago #11669

Hi Nicolas,

25 - You can see an example here:
It's in Portuguese (sorry) but in the right side of the product, there's a word "DISPONÍVEL" (translation: available) with a green icon on the left. That's something like that that I'm talking about. Here's another example:|77&c=1700619
This one is "INDISPONIVEL" (translation: unavailable) and have a red cross on the left.
But I think without the icon would be better. For instance, on the "Available" the background color of the text could be green and we could configure it in the admin panel until which quantity would it stay in that colour until changing to, let's say, Yellow, which would mean "Short stock" or something like that.

26 - I get it, that's a great idea. I will definitely do that. ;)

27 - Hum, let me see if I can give a better explanation. So, I'm building this shop, right. But the fisical store isn't mine, so I'm only managing the online store and on all sales I will receive a percentage of that sale (let's say, for instance, 15%). In the admin panel what I suggest is to have something actually simple. We have the amount of the total sales (with and without VAT), then we could have also a field where we insert our percentage on the sales (total) and the system would tell us how much we had to receive - this is very simple. But, the field that tell us "how much we have to receive" wouldn't be directly related to the values on the sales. It would have to sum each time a sale is done.
Let's see this example: I have 100€ on my total sales, and I receive 15% of that so it's 15€. But then another sale is made, let's say, another 100€ and we have another 15€, so that would sum to the other amount and we have the total of 30€ to receive. Then I went to the owners of the disical store and they gave me 20€ because that's what they have there. When I access to the admin panel the next time, I will deduct those 20€ to the "Need to be paid" amount, which was 30€. Then, another sale is made of 100€. As I've received 20€ and I've updated manually the total amount of 30€, I have now only 10€ to receive plus this 15€ of the percentage of the sales, so the value increases to 25€. And that's it.
It could look tricky but is actually more simple then it looks. :)

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13 years 11 months ago #11673

25. There is already a "no stock" message displayed on the product page when the quantity is 0. There is indeed no different colors when the quantity reaches a certain limit but that can be added quite easily. You can go in the menu Display->Views, there, edit the file quantity of the view product and change the line:
echo '<span class="hikashop_product_stock_count">'.JText::sprintf('X_ITEMS_IN_STOCK',$this->row->product_quantity).'</span><br/>';

echo '<span class="hikashop_product_stock_count_green">'.JText::sprintf('X_ITEMS_IN_STOCK',$this->row->product_quantity).'</span><br/>';
echo '<span class="hikashop_product_stock_count_yellow">'.JText::sprintf('X_ITEMS_IN_STOCK',$this->row->product_quantity).'</span><br/>';

Then, in the CSS of hikashop (in the config under the tab display), you can just add some CSS for the colors:

27. We actually have something really similar to that with the affiliate system. Each time something comes from a partner, a commission for the sale goes to the partner. Then, you can know how much a partner earned and pay him, etc. What you would have to do is add something so that you're the partner of all the sales on the website. An easy solution would be to have your user account in hikashop, get the id of your user. Then, in the index.php of joomla just add after the first <?php tag the code: $_GET = XXX;
That will force you as the partner all the time. Then, you would automatically get a commission for all the sales. You can check them in the menu Users by editing your user's information. (Note that the affiliate feature is only available in the Business edition of hikashop).

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13 years 11 months ago #11688

25 - That's a nice idea, although it wasn't actually what I was thinking of but that suite. :)

26 - I've done that you suggested but look at the result:
As you can see, the item image have a huge space from the info bellow. Although when we get inside the product, it's ok because it appears already with the size that I want (250px X 250px).
How can I fix that?

PS: Instead of deleting this doubt, I will instead tell how I solved it.
In the same CSS file (../media/com_hikashop/css/frontend_default.css), I've looked for ".hikashop_product_image" and found this:

.hikashop_product_image {
    padding-bottom: 2px;
And basically, I just changed that code into this:
.hikashop_product_image {
    height: 100px !important;
    padding-bottom: 2px;
And it worked! :)

27 - So I will only be able to do that when I have the business version! :P

Btw, does the Business vesion have some kind of limitations for number of domains? I want to open more shops and therefore I need to know if for each shop I have to buy a new software license.

Thank you. :)

And guess what? Another idea! :P

28 - What about a module that would show people the products based on some characteristics that we would manage in admin panel? For instance, people could select to see products only between 0 and 50€. :)

And another:

29 - We could have an option in admin panel to select that when customers reach a certain amount, they won't have to pay for some kind of shipping methods.

And talking about shipping methods, I've noticed that in the checkout process they're not appearing! :(

What can that be?

Want another suggestion? Here it goes:

30 - Possibility for us in the admin panel chose the image size just as I did by changing the code but without people having to change the code. Moreover, I would also love to see an option for us to change the image size of the thumbnails in categories. For me, they're now with 250px X 250px which makes it very difficult to work on categories and it would be great to have it very little (a measure that I would define, let's say 50px X 50px).

Last edit: 13 years 11 months ago by djdrumn.

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13 years 11 months ago #11744

27. Yes. HikaShop licenses are limited to one domain.

28. We want to build something more powerful. An interface where you can define filters for the product listing. Filters on prices, on fields, on characteristics, etc. Then, users would be able to use them to filter the products on your front end listings. IT's in the todo list as well...

29. That's already possible. Just create a manual shipping method with your minimum price and that's it. Please check the FAQ there:

30. It's in the todo list but as a low priority as there is already a solution even if it's less user friendly :) The size of thumbnails for categories ca also be changed with some CSS. You would have to edit the back end CSS for that.

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13 years 11 months ago #11775

nicolas wrote:

27. Yes. HikaShop licenses are limited to one domain.

28. We want to build something more powerful. An interface where you can define filters for the product listing. Filters on prices, on fields, on characteristics, etc. Then, users would be able to use them to filter the products on your front end listings. IT's in the todo list as well...

29. That's already possible. Just create a manual shipping method with your minimum price and that's it. Please check the FAQ there:

30. It's in the todo list but as a low priority as there is already a solution even if it's less user friendly :) The size of thumbnails for categories ca also be changed with some CSS. You would have to edit the back end CSS for that.

Hi Nicolas,

Thank you once again.

Can you tell me how and where should I edit that CSS?

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13 years 11 months ago #11786

You can edit the CSS via the interface in the config under the tab display.
The CSS to use for the back end listings will be:
table.adminlist img{ width: XXXpx !important; height: YYYpx !important; }

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13 years 11 months ago #11860

Hi Nicolas,

Thank you for the info.

I want to know if there's any module/plug-in that allow the interaction with those softwares to generate a "entity" and "reference" for payments.

Do you know what I mean?

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13 years 11 months ago #11861

I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about

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13 years 11 months ago #11863

nicolas wrote:

I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about

Well, it's a software that the bank gives us and then it generates automatically one "entity" or "reference" (I don't know which one is) for each customer (whenever a new order is made).

Then customers with that entity (5 numbers) and that reference (9 numbers like this: xxx xxx xxx), can make the payment directly through the option in a ATM or by online banking, "Payment of Services".

Do you know now? :)

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13 years 11 months ago #11865

Would you have some documentation on that ? I couldn't find anything related to entity, reference for payments online...
I actually didn't know that such thing existed ( we're in France and there is no such thing here )

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13 years 11 months ago #11868

nicolas wrote:

Would you have some documentation on that ? I couldn't find anything related to entity, reference for payments online...
I actually didn't know that such thing existed ( we're in France and there is no such thing here )

Hum, so that's definitely curious. I strongly advice you to do that because it's VERY, very common, for instance, here in Portugal. And in other countries as well.

Check this website:

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13 years 11 months ago #11873

Thanks for the link.
From what I can see, it's not HikaShop who generates the references but easypay who give them to you when applying:

When you open an account in EasyPay you will receive a package of references that can go from 100 to 1 million.

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13 years 11 months ago #11878

nicolas wrote:

Thanks for the link.
From what I can see, it's not HikaShop who generates the references but easypay who give them to you when applying:

When you open an account in EasyPay you will receive a package of references that can go from 100 to 1 million.

That's right, my bad.

So this should actually be something even more simple! It's just like PayPal in that case.

We just have to know the parameters and basically change, for instance, one of the existing modules to create a new one for easypay! :D

Do you want me to contact them to know the parameters since they're a Portuguese company?

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13 years 11 months ago #11880

Like paypal ? Paypal doesn't have any references so I'm not following you.

Having a documentation would indeed help.

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