Pathway Breadcrumbs

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13 years 10 months ago #14361

Not sure if this a bug or should be placed in howto. Anyway we have set up the following category hierarchy

Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

where mechanics is the parent of suspension which is in turn parent of Lift Kit. We don't have any products in Mechanics or Suspension, just Lift Kit. We have created a menu hierarchy that reflects the categories so we have

Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

If we navigate the menu directly to Lift kit we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect

Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

If we click on a product in the Lift Kit category we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect

Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit -> Product

If we click on Mechanics and then navigate to Lift Kit via the module views instead of the menu view when we arrive at the category Lift Kit we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect

Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

So far so good. However if we click on a product in Lift Kit category we get the following breadcrumb

Home -> Mechanics -> Product

which is not we are expecting. If we click on Suspension and then navigate to the category Lift Kit we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect

Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

If again we click on a product in Lift Kit category we get the following breadcrumb

Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Product

I have looked to see if I have missed something in the module set up but I can not see anything obvious hence my posting as bug.

Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by jameswadsworth.

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13 years 10 months ago #14369

Could you give a link to these pages so that we can have a look ? Also if you could deactivate the SEF (if it is activated) so that we can see the real URLs that would be great.
So far, breadcrumbs have been working quite well on such things and no one reported such bug so it would require us to dig more into it.

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13 years 10 months ago #14385

Hi Nicolas, this a on test server as we are evaluating hikashop. However if you need any more information let me know.

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13 years 10 months ago #14388

It will be hard to say anything about that problem as breadcrumbs are working as it should on our end. We would need to look at how the URLs of your pages are constructed in order to move forward.

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13 years 10 months ago #14469

If we navigate the menu directly to Lift kit we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect:
url to lift kit category from menu: http://deathstar/joomla_1522/index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=product&layout=listing&Itemid=33
breakcrumb:Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

If we click on a product in the Lift Kit category we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect
url to product from lift kit menu view: http://deathstar/joomla_1522/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid=21&name=skyjacker-4q-standard-kit-con-ammortizzatori-gas&Itemid=33&category_pathway=0
breakcrumb: Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit -> Product

If we click on Mechanics and then navigate to Lift Kit via the module views instead of the menu view when we arrive at the category Lift Kit we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect

Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit
url to mechanics category from menu: http://deathstar/joomla_1522/index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=category&layout=listing&Itemid=15
url to lift kit from within mechanics category module : http://deathstar/joomla_1522/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=84&name=kit-rialzo&Itemid=15

So far so good. However if we click on a product in Lift Kit category we get the following breadcrumb
url to product from module view: http://deathstar/joomla_1522/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid=22&name=skyjacker-standard-4q-kit-lift-con-ammortizzatori-olio&Itemid=15&category_pathway=0
breakcrumb: Home -> Mechanics -> Product

which is not we are expecting. If we click on Suspension and then navigate to the category Lift Kit we get the following breadcrumb, which is what we expect
url to suspension from menu: http://deathstar/joomla_1522/index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=category&layout=listing&Itemid=16
url to lift kit from suspension category module: http://deathstar/joomla_1522/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=84&name=kit-rialzo&Itemid=16
breakcrumb: Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

If again we click on a product in Lift Kit category we get the following breadcrumb
breakcrumb: Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Product

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13 years 10 months ago #14483

The problem seems to come from the fact that the category_pathway value is not set in the URLs of the products.
Normally the products should be displayed by an associated module of your category listing menu and the module should thus automatically get the category_pathway value from the current category of the menu.
Since that's not the case here, I'm guessing that you didn't include your listing of products module as an associated module of your menus but as a normal module only displayed on those menus.
So, could you go in Display->Content menus and check the associated modules option of your menus ?

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13 years 10 months ago #14489

Hello Nicolas,

to try understand what is going on we have two module views for the Lift Kit category. If we click on the menu entry for Mechanics then navigator through the module to the Lift Kit category the products are listed in a module which we have named Lift Kit 2. If we click on suspension menu entry and then from inside this view click on the link to the Lift Kit the Lift Kit category is listed in a module which we have named Lift Kit 1. If we click on the menu entry for Lift Kit we arrive at the menu view for the Lift Category which we have name Lift Kit.

For module both view Lift Kit 1 and Lift Kit 2 we have set:

Parent Category : Lift Kit
Synchronize with currently... : Yes
Menu : Lift Kit

For the menu view Lift Kit we have set:
Sub elements filter : Direct sub elements
Parent Category : Lift Kit
Associated modules : Lift Kit 1, Lift Kit 2 ( both published)

Just carried out the same tests as in my previous posts and the results and urls are identical (cache is emptied and disabled)

Last edit: 13 years 10 months ago by jameswadsworth.

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13 years 10 months ago #14507

Why do you have several modules ?
You can have only one module since the module synchronize with the current category, it does not matter what is the parent category of the module.

Apart from that, I must say that I'm a be lost here. But there must be a configuration problem somewhere.

Could you check that your modules Lift Kit 1 and Lift Kit 2 are unpbulished in the joomla module manager ?

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13 years 10 months ago #14545

Hi Nicolas, to be honest I still have fully understand all the intricacies of the module views. I don't really understand why we have different modules if we arrive from one category or another. What will happen if we delete at the modules??

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13 years 10 months ago #14559

As I said you don't need to have several modules. Just one is enough.
By default, when you create a menu of the type hikashop category listing, hikashop will create one new module for it so that you don't have to add your module each time. A lot of people did not understand that they had to add their module themselves so we automated that. Which is why you now have one module created per menu. But you actually don't really need that. You can only have one of them, since, as I said in my previous message the module synchronize with the current category.

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13 years 10 months ago #14566

Hi Nicolas, we understand that the system creates the modules automatically. In fact the two module views "Lift Kit 1" and "Lift Kit 2" were created automatically. Before we renamed them they had the title "Associated products listing for category listing menu xx". We renamed them that so that out the hundred module views that have been created we could pick out the relevant ones.

Going back to you point about multiple modules, it appears that two modules have been created due to out category hierarchy. Which is

parent_category -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

the menu hierarchy is identical

Home -> Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

One module was created if you navigate from Mechanics and the other from Suspsension. While I am sure that all these modules afford you a huge amount of flexibility for presenting the data, it means, taking this example, that for the Lift Kit category to be presented in the same way it was necessary to configure
1) menu view Lift Kit
2) Lift Kit 1
3) Lift Kit 2

which is a pain. Now you say we can synchronise the menu view view with the module view, so we can avoid this. How do we synchronise all three view together?

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13 years 10 months ago #14625

When you're in your category listing menu's options, you can click on the select button of the option "associated module" to publish/unpublish the modules below the categories listing. By default, hikashop creates one by default. But you can just unpublish it and publish one that you already use for another category listing module. In fact you can remove all the "Associated products listing for category listing menu xx" that you don't use in your menus.
Then, in your associated module, you need to make sure that the content option is set to "product" as the module will be in charge of displaying the products. It must also have the synchronize content option to yes.

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13 years 10 months ago #14691

Okay we have deleted all the menu views and module views and all the menu items and we are rebuilding. However we are receiving a save error. Steps to give error:

1) Create a hikashop category listing menu view from the Joomle menu management
2) Click on apply
3) click on the link "Hikashop options"
4) apply/save the category menu view without associating any module

The "Error Saving" saving message appears and we are left with a blank form. Any changes that are made do get saved though.

If the "Type of Content" is changed to "product" or an module is associated with menu view the error saving message goes away.

We are testing on Business 1.4.9

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13 years 10 months ago #14732

Okay we located the cause of this error. In the admin class menus.php on line 102, if the 'content_type' is category and the element 'module' is empty, the result gets set to false. This line was introduced in 1.4.7.

However there are times when we don't want to associate a module view with a menu category view so setting the result to false is not the right result. I have removed this line with give a "Saving Error", message. The only side effect is that the MENU_WITHOUT_ASSOCIATED_MODULE, ASSOCIATED_MODULE_NEEDED and ADD_MODULE_AUTO message are repeated twice now.

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13 years 10 months ago #14741

Ok. I see what you mean. We'll change that so that the save does not produce an error and that the messages are only displayed once for next version. Thank you for your thorough report.

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13 years 10 months ago #14911

Hello Nicolas,

I have done a clean install of HikaShop 1.4.9 and rebuilt all the menus and categories form zero. I am still having trouble getting the breadcrumbs to display correctly. I'll try explain as clearly as possible what I have done as it is on a test server and maybe you can talk me through the configurations required.

I have created the following categories

Mechanics -> Suspension -> Lift Kit

I have created the following menus and configurations:

Mechanics (Menu itemid = 15) - shop category listing : published - yes : parent category - Mechanics : Associated modules - 'Associated products listing for category listing menu 15'
Suspension (Menu itemid = 16) - shop category listing : published - yes : parent category - Suspension : Associated modules - 'Associated products listing for category listing menu 16'
Lift Kit (Menu itemid = 33) - shop product listing : published - yes : parent category - Lift Kit : Associated modules - None

The modules view are configured as follows:

Associated products listing for category listing menu 15 => published - no | type of content - product | parent category - default 'product category' | synchorinize with display item - yes | menu - 'Lift Kit'
Associated products listing for category listing menu 16 => published - no | type of content - product | parent category - default 'product category' | synchorinize with display item - yes | menu - 'Lift Kit'

From the menu in the front clicking on 'Mechanics' (index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=category&layout=listing&Itemid=15) opens the category list view. We are presented with the category "Supension" and the the subcategory 'Lift Kit'. No products are visible which is expected because I have not associate any module views with this category view. The correct breadcrumb shows : Home > Mechanics

From the category list clicking on 'Suspension' (index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=29&name=suspension&Itemid=15) opens the next category list view. We are presented with category 'Lift Kit'. No products are visible which is expected because I have not associated any module views with this category view. The correct breadcrumb shows : Home > Mechanics > Suspension

From the catetgory list clicking on 'Lift Kit' (index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=84&name=lift-kit&Itemid=15) opens the module view 'Associated products listing for category listing menu 15' with all the products showing as expected. The correct breadcrumb shows : Home > Mechanics > Suspension > Lift Kit

However clicking on link(index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid=19&name=skyjacker-2q&Itemid=15&category_pathway=0) to view a single product shows correctly the product, but the breadcrumb displays (for me incorrectly) Home > Mechanics > Skyjacker 2" (The categories 'Suspension' and 'Lift Kit' are missing).

For comparison clicking on the menu entry 'Lift Kit' (index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=product&layout=listing&Itemid=33) opens the menu view product listing for 'Lift Kit'. And the breadcrumb show correctly : Home > Mechanics > Suspension > Lift Kit. Clicking on the same product as in the previous example (index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid=19&name=skyjacker-2q&Itemid=33&category_pathway=0) shows the product as before and also the breadcrumb shows correctly: Home > Mechanics > Suspension > Lift Kit > Skyjacker 2"

So I looked at the urls and looked at the differences. The only difference is the Itemid (15 and 33). What does these values refer to? Looking at the Joomla Item Menu Manager I see these values refer to the 'Mechanics' entry and 'Lift Kit' respectively.

So the problem is that when I start navigating from the category view 'Mechanics' as I navigate through the subcategories to the 'Lift Kit' view in the current configuration the Itemid remains 15 and so when clicking on the product view the system takes the Itemid=15 as the pathway.

This 'Associated products listing for category listing menu 15' was automatically associated with the 'Mechanics' category view so I thought about changing the the menu configuration as follows:
Mechanics - shop category listing : published - yes : parent category - Mechanics : Associated modules - 'Associated products listing for category listing menu 33'
with the following configutation for the module view:
Associated products listing for category listing menu 33 => published - no | type of content - product | parent category - default 'product category' | synchorinize with display item - yes | menu - 'Lift Kit'

I tried again the following steps:
From the menu in the front clicking on 'Mechanics' (index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=category&layout=listing&Itemid=15) opens the category list view. We are presented with the category "Supension" and the the subcategory 'Lift Kit'. No products are visible which is expected because I have not associate any module views with this category view. The correct breadcrumb shows : Home > Mechanics

From the category list clicking on 'Suspension' (index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=29&name=suspension&Itemid=15) opens the next category list view. We are presented with category 'Lift Kit'. No products are visible which is expected because I have not associated any module views with this category view. The correct breadcrumb shows : Home > Mechanics > Suspension

From the catetgory list clicking on 'Lift Kit' (index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=84&name=lift-kit&Itemid=15) opens the module view 'Associated products listing for category listing menu 33' with all the products showing as expected. The correct breadcrumb shows : Home > Mechanics > Suspension > Lift Kit

However clicking on link(index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid=19&name=skyjacker-2q&Itemid=15&category_pathway=0) to view a single product shows correctly the product, but the breadcrumb displays (for me incorrectly) Home > Mechanics > Skyjacker 2" (The categories 'Suspension' and 'Lift Kit' are missing) again.

I tried the following configuration:
with the following configutation for the module view:
Associated products listing for category listing menu 33 => published - no | type of content - product | parent category - 'Lift Kit' | synchorinize with display item - yes | menu - 'Lift Kit'

If this not a bug then I welcome can suggestions to get the breadcrumb view correctly. I thank you in advance.

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13 years 10 months ago #14954

Sorry for not answering yet but I didn't had the time to read your long post yet...

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13 years 10 months ago #15075

Sorry if the previous post was unnecessarily long but I wanted to explain fully the problem. Is everything clear?

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13 years 10 months ago #15081


Sorry for the delay... Easter was in the middle...

I've tried reproduce the problem on our end:
I built the same category tree: mechanics Suspension Lift Kit
With a product "test lift kit" in the lift kit category.
I've created the same menus and mainly the menu Mechanics with the same options as you.
The link of the menu is:
and displays the category suspension with the breadcrumb "Home > mechanics" and the link index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=1529&name=suspension&Itemid=75&lang=fr

Upon clicking on it, I see the category Lift Kit with the breadcrumb "Home > mechanics > Suspension" and the link index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=category&task=listing&cid=1530&name=lift-kit&Itemid=75&lang=fr

Upon clicking on it, I see the product "test lift kit" with the breadcrumb "Home > mechanics > Suspension > Lift Kit" and the link index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=show&cid=10745&name=test-lift-kit&Itemid=75&category_pathway=1530&lang=fr

Upon clicking on it, I see the product page of the product "test lift kit" with the breadcrumb "Home > mechanics > Suspension > Lift Kit > test lift kit"

So It works as expected on our end.
As you can see, the only difference between my tests and yours is that the category_pathway is set to the latest category selected in the link of the product where you have 0 in it.
That parameter is used to build the breadcrumb and that's why, if you have 0 in it the breadcrumb does not display as expected.

So the real question is why that parameter category_pathway is set to 0 on your end instead of the last category id.

I did these tests on joomla 1.5. Are you on joomla 1.5 ?

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13 years 10 months ago #15093

Hi Nicolas, I hope you had a good Easter

We are testing on Joomla 1.5.22. How and where does the category_pathway value get set?

Thanks, James

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