I need a hand, because I have two little problems concerning the choice of products.
It was not easy to explain, then, I'll do my better now.
1 / When you click on the cross, it has no effect. When it should delete the article.
2/Lorsque you click on an image (I do not speak here of her who is at the top).
The image replaces the image in question which is at the top.
Ducoup, when you click on the image of the summit, it helps to visualize it in a larger format.
The process is a little strange but hey, it happens again.
By cons when adding an item (add to cart), with articles in line, no problem, the article adds to the basket with a pop-up (added to cart successfully), but it did not the case with the article which is at the top. When you click on (add to cart), the section is in addition to the basket, but there is no pop-up that appears to be informed and do not see this item added to level the basket.
For information.
If we add an article later, the article that was not visible in the cart, it will be displayed (because avit been considered, but was not visible) while the second article directemnt appears in the cart with a pop-up box that informs.
I hope you understand my explanation. Anyway you look forward to on my problem.