Hi Hikashop Team,
We recently purchased your cart system and on the whole it has been a very nice experience, thanks for all your hard work. 
Searching the forum and google didn't produce any info on our problem so here it is...
We have come across a problem when creating our product items pages. The article is using NoNumber's Tabber plugin to display item data in a few tabs which works fine, until you add a Variant into the mix.
When a visitor visits the item page everything is fine and dandy all the tabs function as expected, but when a Variant is selected the first tab loads no problem with the relevant content, unfortunately none of the other tabs are usable. This is probably an ajax related issue or something where the Tabber Plugin isn't being processed after the select variant event.
Is there anyway that this behaviour can be changed so that processing the Tabber plugin is forced?
We also intend to have a gallery in a tab which is also a plugin - presumably this wouldn't get processed either. Obviously we haven't tested this because we can't open the tabs, so we have stopped testing this concept.
Any suggestions or solutions gratefully accepted, thanks in advance.