Thanks for the reply Nicolas,
Below are the answers to your questions:
Could you do a screenshot of that error ? Do you have more information with that message like the file where that happens and the line number ?
Screenshot attached. No other message no file reference and I can still access the shop. Problem is that I do not have the shop fully setup as far as checkout as I plan on using the site in catalog mode.
Also, could you give a list of all the user plugins you have installed on your website?
Right now, just hika - new install.. Everything is at the default at the moment.
Did you unpbulish/remove the HikaShop user synchronization plugin ? If so you should put it back.
It is there and published.
Did you copy the tables of HikaShop from a previous website ? That might lead to a desynchronization of the users between HikaShop and joomla.
This is a brand new hika shop install.
If it's a new website not yet in production, you could try that:
empty the hikashop_user table and install again the HikaShop package. That shoul resynchronize all the users between Joomla and HikaShop and might solve the problem if it comes from that.
There was only one user in that table. I emptied it but still have the problem.
So I totally removed hika shop.. deleted all files on the hosting account, and removed all tables from the database.. I reinstalled from a fresh copy and got the error again

My next step is to reinstall Joomla totally..