Categories route

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14 years 3 months ago #1534


When i add categories to a product, the product form only displays the final subcategory which the product belongs to.

In the webstore i am developing with hikashop, i will need a lot of cloned category trees.

In this project, my cloned branches are named the same way, without adding oddy sufixs like "category1_A", "category1_B,", because their names will be used as an public user browsing display, and they must be the same.

I only can think on two possibilities despite apart from renaming:
1- Implement two categories field names: one for displaying on the frontend and another for inventory purposes.
2- A lot easier: displaying in the product form the complete category routes to which the products belongs to, by this way, the seller could differentiate among them if they are named the same way.

Last edit: 14 years 3 months ago by Avaray.

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14 years 3 months ago #1538


It depends how you display your products.

If you go on the demo website and click on the "categories listing" menu. Then, click on the toys category. Then, click on the russian dolls product. You will see that the path includes the whole category tree.
Now, if you click on the "products listing" menu, then on the second page, on the russian dolls product, you won't have the categories path displayed in the breadcrumb. HikaShop will try to display the good path based on where you come.
You can also use the "menu" option in the module options to help the system build the breadcrumb on products displayed on product listing modules.

For your first idea, note that there is already a category namekey in the database. It's just not displayed in the edition of categories as it doesn't have any meaning for users. You could always edit the views on the back end to be able to change the value of this field, or even display it in the listing of categories as a new column.

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14 years 3 months ago #1542

I must not have explained myself properly.

Almost all my previous post was referring to backend management.

I need for my customers categories with the same name (that´s why i was talking about cloned category trees). I need same named categories at the frontend, but if they are named that way, when a product get its categories assigned, all them at backend product form categories listing logically have the same name.

For inventory and management purposes it is a mess if you edit a product and all categories assigned are named equally. I know that perhaps my case it´s a bit extreme, but is very possible in a complex store that two categories became named the same way.

For this there are only three solutions, as i see it:
- add a sufix to equally named categories in order to differenciate them. I would avoid confusing same name issue at the backend but also got oddy names at the front end.
- Implement two categories field names: one for displaying on the frontend and another for inventory purposes.
- A lot easier: displaying in the product form the complete category routes to which the products belongs to, by this way, the seller could differentiate among them if they are named the same way.

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14 years 3 months ago #1546

Displaying the whole route of categories in the category listing in the product edit page isn't something easy to do. But it could be done by editing the views handling the display of categories in the edit of the product page.

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14 years 3 months ago #1550

Would be nice!

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14 years 3 months ago #1603

Sure, but that's not something we want to add in HikaShop by default. I doubt that other users would use it. We could provide a quote for it if you're willing to pay for this customization. If so, you can contact us via the contact form.

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14 years 3 months ago #1698

It´s very clear for us that we are going to pay for a commercial full license of hikashop in the near future but we are not going to pay for such kind of personal customizations, at least by the moment.
From my own point of view, this would be a nice feature, because categories for a product can be named the same way and inducing confusion if the product is related to all them and you can not know what is what. By the other way, i admit that our project is a bit complex and may nor represent the average web store.
Thank you for your support anyway.

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