HikaShop credit card payment plugin - Problem

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13 years 6 months ago #24666

Hi, I have enabled the "HikaShop credit card payment plugin" and tried to test a payment. I a few problems

When I look at the order in the Administrator I can see: -
1) The expiry date
2) Only part of the card (surely I need the whole number to manually process a transaction?)
3) The CCV number does not appear? (have captured it and I have the CCV option on in the plugin)

I have looked for documentation but couldn't find any so appreciate some help


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13 years 6 months ago #24672


That's totally normal. For security reasons, the information is divided it two. Half is in order information on your website and the other half was sent to you in an email you should have received as administrator.

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13 years 6 months ago #24739

Thanks Nicolas,

Great is working like you said, my bad :silly:

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13 years 2 months ago #31962

I have tested this on my site and it does not work as expected. I assume this is probably because of my previous email customisations.

Basically there are no Credit Card details in my admin notification email at all. Can you please point out how this is added to the email and to which email template it is added.

Also the Information cell in the back end Order screen does not display the information correctly. The text there is as follows: Tzo4OiJzdGRDbGFzcyI6Mzp7czo5OiJjY19udW1iZXIiO3M6ODoiNDk0MDUyNTIiO3M6ODoiY2NfbW9udGgiO3M6MjoiMTIiO3M6NzoiY2NfeWVhciI7czoyOiIxMyI7fQ==. Then there is no option to delete the information either.

On my local test site the Information cell is OK but on my live site the information is as shown above.

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13 years 2 months ago #31974

Please make sure that the credit card payment plugin is published.
If the text is not converted in the order details, it's because the plugin is unpublished for joomla.
For the emails, the credit card information is added to the order admin notification email like that:
if($data->order_payment_method=='creditcard' && !empty($data->credit_card_info->cc_number)){
echo "<br/>".JText::_('CUSTOMER_PAID_WITH_CREDIT_CARD');
echo "<br/>".JText::_('CREDIT_CARD_OWNER').' : '.$data->credit_card_info->cc_owner;
echo "<br/>".JText::_('END_OF_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER').' : '.substr($data->credit_card_info->cc_number,8);
echo "<br/>".JText::_('CARD_VALIDATION_CODE').' : '.$data->credit_card_info->cc_CCV;
echo "<br/>".JText::_('CREDITCARD_WARNING');

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13 years 2 months ago #32110

how this plugin works? I switched it ON but I can's see almost any configuration there. Where the money goes when someone will pay by credit card?

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13 years 2 months ago #32144

That plugin is for collecting the credit card information of the user to process the transaction manually with a real payment terminal (if you have a brick and mortar shop for example).
This plugin does not transfer any money.

If you want to have payments done automatically, you should use a payment gateway like paypal, authorize.net, alertpay, etc.

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13 years 2 months ago #32146

thanx! will buy business version for sure ;]

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13 years 2 months ago #32533

I have reviewed my email customisations and this code was not removed. The email is still not including the partial credit card details. I have completed a number of test cases as follows:

1. Deleted the email customisation and created an order with 'creditcard' payment type.
Partial CC details are shown in back end.
Email does not provide partial CC details.
2. Added echo "<br/>".$data->order_payment_method;
echo "<br/>".$data->credit_card_info->cc_number;
Output is creditcard but no CC number.

The problem here is therefore that $data->credit_card_info->cc_number is empty and therefore the condition is not being met to provide this data.

Do you have any ideas how this could be the case?

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13 years 2 months ago #32557

Mmm. Maybe it comes from your version of PHP.

Could you change the line:
$order->credit_card_info =& $this;

$order->credit_card_info = $this;

in the file plugins/hikashoppayment/creditcard.php and try again ?

The information in the history and the information in the email are given there at the same time. So if one works, the other should too, unless there is something after that which removes the information from the order object like maybe the garbage collector of PHP (memory management).

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13 years 2 months ago #32641

I have changed the code as described with the same result.

I am not at all familiar with the PHP garbage collector. Is there a debugging process I could apply to see exactly where the problem occurs?

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13 years 2 months ago #32662

Well, you should first put some traces near that code to see if you have the credit card information in there (which you should). Then you could also put traces in the function save of the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php and see if the CC info is there after the trigger of the onBeforeOrderCreate event.

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