i'm new to joomla and new to Hika Shop, so please don't laugh at me if i'm asking stupid question....
here is mysite, still under construction...

test login :
account: test1
psw: 12345
Ok, first, i'm just wondering is there a way to improve the speed of the process when customer select a payment and then click on 'next' to use that payment. For instance, i've added some items in my cart, and decide to check out, i'm trying to use paypal to process payment, but it always takes me about 30 seconds to turn to paypal page. Apparently, customers won't love this shopping experience. And when i trying to press the 'next' button again to see whether i did not press it properly (as it takes really long), and the thing is, i had then received another order of that. What i should do to avoid that, and What should i do to increase the speed when doing that. By the way, I don't think that's a server problem, because the rest of my sites are working properly.
Second thing is how do i make the image size bigger on the website, i had upload a big picture for my products, however on the product listing page, category page and product page, the images have been re-sized to small ones. I believe, there must have to set that.
also, just have another thing to add, do you have a paypal test approach before i actually make my site go live?
Many thanks for your help,