Questions on new HikaShop install

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12 years 9 months ago #50881

1 - I am configuring our new store and the USPS option is visible to the customers but the UPS one is not. I have configured UPS - the warehouse warning was showing and now it is not.

2 - How do I get the items to purchase before the login info at checkout. (I have to see if I want this or not)

3 - Is there a "view cart" available for when you are not on checkout page?

3 - Is there a "continue shopping" button in the checkout to go back to previous page?

(Nice program by the way. I have been using quikstore and when I went to a Joomla website it is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole) :)

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12 years 9 months ago #50966

1. Temporarily disable USPS. That way, you will see the errors for UPS.

2. Purchase items before entering information ? I don't understand what you want to do.

3. You can create a joomla menu of the type hikashop checkout in order to go to the checkout page.

4. You can enter a URL in the "Continue shopping button's URL" option of the Checkout tab of the configuration.


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12 years 9 months ago #51088

Still have 2 problems left - No UPS & need a"view" button

1. Temporarily disable USPS. That way, you will see the errors for UPS.

  • The usps just dissapears and no shipping is available. Now the page automatically after a delay goes to a very different syle page with the order with no shipping. What zone should I have in the UPS plug in - I have tried it with or without the 223 for USA.

2. Purchase items before entering information ? I don't understand what you want to do.
  • I resolved this by moving this part around in the configuration-checkout area.

3. You can create a joomla menu of the type hikashop checkout in order to go to the checkout page.
  • Yes I created a joomla menu for the cart - but it is not what I am looking for. Every e-commerce site I have ordered from has a small "view cart" button - often with the order balance and number opf items in it - usually on most every page. You must have something like that - I am just missing it.

4. You can enter a URL in the "Continue shopping button's URL" option of the Checkout tab of the configuration.
  • Thank you - I found the pop up selection.


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12 years 9 months ago #51190

1. You don't need to set a zone there. Unless you don't want to ship outside the USA.
If the page shows without even an error message for shipping methods, it means that there are no shipping methods needed for your order because your products don't have a weight. You should check on that.

3. You're talking about the cart module that you can activate via the joomla modules manager.

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12 years 9 months ago #51364

I see what you mean about the weights - the usps shipping disappears without a weight. But I still cannot get the ups to show up. I have attached a screen shot of it (with pws deleted for security) also a copy of the checkout page with only the usps showing. I do not have any warehouse or other errors showing. Am I missing something?

Also I do have the view cart module working. I cannot get any lines around it or backround color to show up. Is that because of my joomla template? Another question - The "full cart" is showing ok - & when I add something to the cart - I have selected the popup and it comes up ok & I stay on the same page ok - But the "cart" is now the "mini cart" until I go to another page and then it is a full cart again.


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12 years 9 months ago #51365

It's probably that the two services you ticked are not available for your address/type of package/weight/etc
Try to tick them all.

Yes, the lines around the areas of the checkout are styled by your template's CSS code.

That's because you have two hikashop cart modules configured. Make sure that you only have one.

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12 years 9 months ago #51477

More questions: I still have a problem with the ups plugin - I checked all the services and saved it. Something happened because I was using an address with a PO Box included and the program asked for an address. I thought that was the problem but when I added an address without the "PO Box" on it, it still did not work. I could not re-create that error. I went to a different browser - Chrome (I usually use firefox) and the ups still did not appear on checkout.

Other questions:

1 - I put a field for "comments" in the address section - and it is fine - but whenever I log in or add address, it goes away. How do I keep it visible or put it somewhere else. Can I get to a "template" type page to add things? How do I add a custom field somewhere else? (I tried different things in the custom field drop down box but could not find anything useful.

2 - (similar question) How can I add the "continue shopping" button in a different spot?

3 - When I continue to check out - it automatically goes to the authorizenet page (before any "review" and the shipping charge is there but confusing (not called shipping or anything) Is this normal? It is also very hard to go back a page if the customer wanted to make a change. (the page keeps automatically tying to go to authoize)

4 - When I tried to order through chrome - I receive an "This page has insecure content" message on it. Why is this? - I did not see it in firefox.

Thanks for all these answers. Bill

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12 years 9 months ago #51522

More information: I am also trying to set up "free shipping over $150" - I read one of your posts ( ) about creating an additional manual shipping with the values changed - but when I click on the manual hikashop plug in, and go to hikashop options, there is nothing there. Could this have something to do with the UPS not showing problem?

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12 years 9 months ago #51572

0. I'm out of ideas. We would need to look at the back end of your website to tell you what's wrong.

1. You need to edit the files "address_template" via the menu Display->Views in order to add the display of your comment in the address display. Usually though, that should be done with a custom field of the table "order" so that the field is attached to the order. It would display automatically in the order and the emails.

2. You will have to edit the file "step" of the view "checkout" via the menu Display->Views and move its display.

3. It depends on how you configure your checkout workflow and the different other options of the checkout tab of the configuration. I invite you to read the documentation on these options to adapt your checkout to your needs.

4. That's probably because you activated SSL on your website and that you have resources (image CSS or javascript files) which are still with HTTP instead of HTTPS. That can come from the template or any module or even a plugin on your website.

5. It's normal that you don't have any manual shipping methods be default. You need to create them, with the "new" button there.

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12 years 9 months ago #52283

I was having trouble with UPS not appearing. Once I set the length, width, height, and weight of the product, the UPS shipping options appeared.

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12 years 9 months ago #52321

:) Thank you very much!! It was as simple as that. I knew the weight was important but some of the dimensions on some products made no sense so I left it out. Knowing UPS, it makes sense - they really like dimensions.

One other question: I have a joomla menu pointing to different hikashop product categories, and the only way I could create it was by using an "external url" as the menu type selection (could not use article or find a hikashop one that worked). Could the "external url" (even though it is an internal url) mess anything up, like searches or alias's or anything? I am not a joomla expert.

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12 years 9 months ago #52325

Well, if it works for you, then that's fine... But usually, it is recommended that you use a hikashop type menu as explained in our tutorial on that:

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12 years 9 months ago #52607

We are back to having no ups again. I noticed that the ups charges for products were about 2 times normal charge - so I tried my old access key and no change - then I left the key out and ups went away and now I can not get it back. USPS is fine. I made sure all the sizes and weights were on my products. Is there any way someone can look at the back end of my program? :(

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12 years 9 months ago #52688

I think that you have to have the access key in the USPS plugin in order for USPS to give back the rates.
You can try to use the latest version of the USPS plugin:

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12 years 9 months ago #52704

The USPS is working fine. I again have a problem with the UPS program. It was working after making sure all the dimensions were in, but I noticed that the charge was coming back very high. I got a new access key and it made no difference. I still got the high results. Then I tried removing the key and saving (the ups went away) -- and then after PUTTING THE KEY BACK IN AND SAVING AGAIN, I could not get a result anymore. (Do I need to delete something in the database?) I just had my server check the php ini file (I had any error in the updater - that the "allow_url_fopen = On" was not turned on and now it is - but it made no difference. Do you have a procedure where someone can check the back end of the program?

(Nothing to do with the UPS problem, but is the USPS module you just sent me new? Should I install it anyway?)

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12 years 9 months ago #52799

I'm sorry, I was confused. I read too fast your message and thought that it was about USPS.

It must be one of the problems listed here:

If you can't find what it is in the FAQ, please provide a back end access via our contact form.

If the current USPS works for you, you don't need to update it.

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