Recaptcha v2 issue

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9 years 4 months ago #216699

-- HikaShop version -- : Latest
-- Joomla version -- : Latest
-- PHP version -- : 5.4
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : Joomla displays a warning message, "Empty solution not allowed."

Hi, I am trying to configure reCaptcha on my website, the recaptcha box is displaying fine on the registration form and I am able to verify myself as a real user, however, once I fill out the remaining mandatory registration fields and click on the register button, Joomla displays a warning message, "Empty solution not allowed."

Something strange is going on here, another thing that I have noticed is that I need to have the Joomla capcha plugin (v1) enabled before it will display on the registration form?? If I choose v2 within the joomla capcha plugin than it doesn't work.

Are you able to help?

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9 years 4 months ago #216716


You actually need to completely turn off the Joomla recaptcha settings and the recaptcha plugin as it is not compatible with the HikaShop registration form and won't work.
Instead, you can install and configure the HikaShop ReCaptcha plugin:
It will work for both the Joomla registration and the Hikashop registration forms.

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9 years 4 months ago #216804

It's working fine now, thanks for your help.

Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by wardbriannz. Reason: Fixed

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9 years 4 months ago #217083

Thanks Nicolas, it's working perfectly now. :)

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6 years 9 months ago #293353

I don't understand your reply.
I have two captcha's on a site for a client. Hikashop reCaptcha v2 and Joomla reCaptcha. The Joomla reCaptcha is used for a couple standard forms. The Hikashop reCaptcha of course is used for Hikashop. The one for Hikashop reCaptcha gives errors. I need to have both on and active.
If I disable the Joomla reCaptcha how will the Hikashop reCaptcha be used on forms outside of Hikashop?

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6 years 9 months ago #293356


It's not the one from HikaShop which gives the errors.
The errors comes from Joomla's recaptcha plugin because it tries to validate the registration of HikaShop even though it doesn't display itself on the registration form of HikaShop.
Even if you disable HikaShop's recaptcha. With just Joomla's recaptcha plugin, you should still have the same error on the registration form of HikaShop.
The HikaShop recaptcha plugin works for the HikaShop registration, Joomla's registration, HikaShop contact page, Joomla's contact page and HikaShop votes.
So it covers the main things you would have on an ecommerce website.
If you need a captcha somewhere else, that the plugin doesn't support, you'll have to use another plugin.

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6 years 9 months ago #293407

So are you saying that I should disable the Joomla reCaptcha and by doing that the Hikashop reCaptcha should work and not give any errors?

If that's the case then will the reCaptcha still appear and work on forms that are on other pages outside of Hikashop?

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6 years 9 months ago #293418


Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Regarding the forms outside of HikaShop, it depends which ones you're talking about. As I said in my previous message, the Joomla registration form and the Joomla contact form are supported by our recaptcha plugin and thus it can display itself there if you configure it to do so.
For other forms however, it won't display itself.

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6 years 9 months ago #293451

See the attached screen shot. Is this correct?

I disabled the other plugin which is named Captcha - ReCaptcha.

The reCaptcha does appear on the Hikashop page were we ask for a person's email address.

Any other forms outside of Hikashop for other purposes the reCaptcha is there.

We are having an issue with some people that come to the site to order what the site sells. They say "Some users are not seeing a captcha but they are being told the solution to the captcha is wrong and they cannot order."


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6 years 9 months ago #293483

Three files included in this message. Two are from our Dev site and the recapture works just fine. On our Production site it doesn't and the recapture doesn't even appear where its supposed to. I'm at a loss as to what the problem is being that both cap plugins have the same settings.

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6 years 9 months ago #293462


The way you configured the plugin it will only display itself on the registration form of HikaShop and Joomla.
It won't display in any other form and won't interfer with them.

If you see the the recaptcha of the plugin on the checkout, then, as long as you fill the captcha correctly it will work.... unless another captcha system interfers with the registration process. If that's case, then please check that the "Default Captcha" setting of the Joomla configuration is set to "none" and that the " Captcha" setting of the user manager options of Joomla is also set to none.

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6 years 9 months ago #293492

I don't understand what you're saying in your reply. Its confusing.

I just looked in the Joomla Global Configuration Site tab. Default Captcha is set to Captcha - ReCaptcha. You saying I should change it to None?

Are there any other settings that need to be changed? If so where are they?

Should I leave the settings as they are in the screen shot that I posted here?

Will the reCaptcha still be on forms outside of Hikashop if I change the Default Captcha is set to Captcha - ReCaptcha to none?

I also have a reCaptcha plugin other than Hikashop's. Should I keep that disabled or enable it?

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6 years 9 months ago #293497
reCaptcha is working here.
In the Joomla Global Config, Default Captcha is set to None Selected.
In the Extensions Plugins both Captcha - reCaptcha and Hikashop reCaptcha v2 are enabled.
reCaptcha isn't working here.
In the Joomla Global Config, Default Captcha is set to None Selected.
In the Extensions Plugins both Captcha - reCaptcha and Hikashop reCaptcha v2 are enabled.
See the included screen shot.

So as you can see all settings are the same but yet on the Prod site it doesn't work and on the Dev site it does.


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6 years 9 months ago #293521


On both URLs, you're using HikaShop 2.6.0.
Please update your HikaShop.
Normally, after that, on the page of your screenshots, you should see the recaptcha from the Recatpcha v2 plugin as long as you publish it and correctly configure it (which looks like it's the case).

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6 years 9 months ago #293538

Hikashop hasn't been updated to the latest version because we're concerned that something within Hikashop may break and if it does there's no programmer to fix it so we've left it as is.
The issue as I see it is not Hikashop being updated. Its the reCaptcha.
Did you look at both the Dev site and the Prod site?
Why is reCaptcha working on the Dev site and not the Prod site?

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6 years 8 months ago #293540


I looked on both of your links and didn't see Recpatcha on either of them.
But I see why now. That's because when you click on add to cart on your dev website you get redirected to your live website.
So that's why I got the same result.

So, I went there again to check the differences.
I believe it has something to do with either the file templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/com_hikashop/user/registration.php (an override of the view displaying that area) which you might have on one website and not on the other, or they have different versions, or you have the "use boostrap design" setting configured differently on both website (resulting in using "registration_boostrap" instead of "registration"

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6 years 8 months ago #293606

See the attached screen shot. You clicked on the wrong one. Go back to and click on the item that I have a red arrow pointed to.

On the dev site the captcha works and can be seen.

Its on the prod site that it doesn't work. I've said this over and over again. I had disable Hikashop reCaptcha on this site because it was stopping people from ordering and we can't have that. If you look back at the prior screen shots you'll see that when I had it enabled that error appeared.

Upgrading Hikashop to the latest version I highly doubt would fix the reCaptcha problem and who knows what other problems may occur. Something with the ordering process may break and the programmer that set it all up isn't available to me anymore.


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6 years 8 months ago #293615


Its on the prod site that it doesn't work. I've said this over and over again. I had disable Hikashop reCaptcha on this site because it was stopping people from ordering and we can't have that. If you look back at the prior screen shots you'll see that when I had it enabled that error appeared.

This wasn't clear and it still isn't.
The only screenshot you provided of the issue so far is on this message:
And on this screenshot the captcha doesn't appear but the error message appear.
But here, you're saying that the captcha displays but you get an error.

First, you need to understand that each captcha system has two elements:
- the displaying part, which display the captcha interface on the form
- the checking part, which checks whether the captcha was solved correctly and refuse or not the submission of the form

So the catpcha "not working" on the registration form of the checkout of HikaShop can have three scenarios:

1. the display works, the checking doesn't. Since the plugin itself works fine, it means that something else refuses the submission. This ussually happens when another captcha plugin is triggered for the checking while it didn't display itself on the form. And that happens when you have other captcha plugins for the user account creation enabled but not compatible with the registration form of HikaShop.
I thought that this was your issue first as it's the most common and thus that's why I recommended to check other captcha plugins.

2. the display doesn't happen and the checking doesn't either (meaning that no checking is done). This would mean that the plugin is deactivated.

3. the display doesn't happen but the checking display an error message.
Your screenshot seemed to indicate that you were in that case.
In that case, it's usually because of a customization of the form not expected by the captcha plugin, and that's what I was talking about here:

Also, regarding updates: Do a copy of the website and test the update on the copy. It's quite easy to do that and it won't break your website. If you see that the update works well on the copy, then you can do it on the live website.

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6 years 8 months ago #293685

As my message said but you skipped over it look at the screen shot from a prior message I posted so here it is again included in this message. This is from the production site - I had to disable the Hikashop reCaptcha because it was stopping people from ordering but I wanted you to see the error again before I disabled it.

There are three reCaptcha in Joomla. Hikashop reCaptcha, reCaptcha (that are plugins) and Joomla's reCaptcha that is found in System Confiq.
Which ones should be enabled and which ones disabled so that the Hikashop reCaptcha doesn't put out the error?

You said regarding updates to Hikashop but again you didn't read my message, I already have a copy of Joomla which is - Its why I mentioned it.


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6 years 8 months ago #293692


No, I didn't skip your message...
On this screenshot there is an error message and no display of captcha.
So the reason you don't get the display of the captcha is either that you have the recaptcha v2 plugin we provide disabled, or that the view has been customized in a way preventing the plugin to display itself.
If the recaptcha v2 plugin is disabled, then the error message you get on that screenshot doesn't come from the recaptcha v2 plugin, but another plugin that you should deactivate.
If the plugin is enabled, then it's normal that you get the error when it can't display itself. And in that case, you want to follow the indications there:

And regarding the update of the website...
If you already have a copy of the website, then I don't understand why you don't want to test the update ?
Even if it break other things, at least, you'll know if it could help solve the issue or not.

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