How to create multiple customer groups and pricing and taxes

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6 years 11 months ago #290774

-- HikaShop version -- : 3.3.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.8.6
-- PHP version -- : 7.1.15
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : Chrome

This client has the following requirements and I'm not sure how to implement that:

Client groups: 2 - General Public and Dealers
Countries : 2 - Switzerland and EU
Sales Tax : 2 - EU(primarily Germany) and Switzerland
Prices - EU and Swiss Francs

General Public should be Guests, i.e. no registration; Dealers have to login - new dealers can register but must be approved first
One Category (Ortho) can only be bought via Dealers, but products can be seen with general public pricing
General Public prices to be shown in Euro or Swiss Frances, depending on Browser Country Origin recognition

Can you give me an idea if all of that is possible and if so, how to go about implementing that, pleas? I have bought the business edition.

Thanks for your help.

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6 years 11 months ago #290786


1. First regarding the prices shown in Euro or Swiss Franc:
There is no method to recognise the origin of someone based on his browser. For example, I'm located in France, but the only information my browser sends is my preferred language (english). It doesn't send any location information.
What you usually do is you use the IP address of the user to locate him. That's actually possible with the geolocation plugin:

2. Then, regarding having the possibility for dealers to login and other customers to guest checkout, you can configure the "registration" setting of the HikaShop configuration to "guest" and keep the "login" setting there activated.
You can also create a registration page via the Joomla menu manager to have new dealers register on the website.

3. The taxes depends on the address of the customer. You can configure them in the menu System>Taxes:

4. It is possible to have different prices for different user groups so you can have a dealer price and a general public price for each product and each type of customer will see their own price and purchase the products with that price.

5. It's also possible to block some groups of users from purchasing some products. Usually, you do that by configuring a price for the user groups which can purchase the product and no prices for the others and then you turn off the "display add to cart button for free products" setting in the Hikashop configuration.
Then, you can just use a translation override to change the "free" text:
And you can configure a custom field of the table "product" and restricted to super admin and guests (menu Display>Custom fields) so that you can enter the price you want the guests to see in the products of that Ortho category and it will display on the product page only for the guests through the custom field display system instead of using the price display system.

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6 years 11 months ago #290837

Hi Nicolas

Great input. Thank you.
That'll keep me busy for a while :-)

I'll get back if anything is unclear.
Best regards

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6 years 10 months ago #291128

Hi Nicholas
I'm getting there, but one issue I can't seem to solve:
I've created an ACL group called Dealers
I've also created a menu item for dealers to register
I've activated the plugin to redirect to hikashop registration

Up to this point everything seems OK, however..
when I try to register using the form, the default Thank you message pops up, but no user is registered.
Can't work out why.
You can see what I mean here : Website Registration
I know that the captcah is not working yet, so I copied the site here Website Registration copy
Thanks for any tips - I'm happy to provide access details

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6 years 10 months ago #291145


You've apparently configured the "registration" setting of the HikaShop configuration to "guest".
So yes, no user account will be created in that case. The use will be registered in HikaShop as a "guest" user and he will be able to do a checkout without having to login or register after filling that form.
If you want a registration form, you need to either use Joomla's registration form (so you would disable the registration redirect plugin), or you would have to also activate the normal registration for the "registration" setting of the HikaShop configuration.

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6 years 10 months ago #291151

Hi again Nicholas
Thanks for the input. I've corrected it and registration now works.
However, registration is set so that an administrator has to activate the account, to ensure the registrant really is a dealer.
As it now functions, the popup message is the one for self-activation, rather than the one for activation through an administrator.
The same with the generated email to the client, this refers to self-activation by clicking a link.
Ideally I'd like it to show the message for the activation through the administrator and that the email is also the one regarding administrator activation.

I can do it with language overrides, but shouldn't it read the settings in Joomla user management to choose the correct messages?

Regards and thanks

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6 years 10 months ago #291158


The messages are the same for both modes. There shouldn't be a need for different messages. But of course, you can customize them to your liking with translation overrides.

Your account has been created and an activation link has been sent to the e-mail address you entered. Note that you must activate the account by clicking on the activation link in the e-mail that you receive before you can login.

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6 years 10 months ago #291188

OK - thanks for confirming that.

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6 years 10 months ago #291477

Hi Nicolas

Getting there...
However, I have two points:
- I don't want the products to be listed under the categories (see attached image) but I can't find where to turn this off.
- Also, apparently this client has shipping fees based on product category and maximum amount. How can I assign a shipping fee just to one (or more) categories?
Thanks for your help


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6 years 10 months ago #291480


1. If you see products listed below the categories listing, it means that either you have the "sub element filter" setting under the "products options" tab of your menu item set to "all sub elements" instead of "direct sub elements", or that you have added the main category as one of the categories of your products.

2. You can't. The shipping fees of shipping methods are global to the whole cart.
What you can do is use warehouses : associate products with warehouses and shipping methods with warehouses. Then, on the checkout, the products will be grouped by warehouse and each group will have a shipping method selection. So that way, you can set shipping fees for different groups of products. Then, the shipping fees of each group will be summed together to get the global shipping fees.

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6 years 10 months ago #291593

OK - got that too. Thank you.

next question : wherever I have a product listing, I have the toolbar to sort the display by price etc.
The problem ist, that it appears only in English and I need to be in each language. I've searched in the language files, but it doesn't appear to have a language string for "Sort by" and "Search products".
Is this hard-wired?


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6 years 10 months ago #291595


This toolbar is something added by the template, not HikaShop. So we don't know how they do it exactly nor how you can translate the text there. I'm afraid you'll have to contact the support of your template provider for that.

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6 years 10 months ago #291622

Oh, OK. Thanks Nicolas
I'll get in touch with them.

As an aside, I notice that the default number for Display in the shop is set to 4 and I can't find anywhere to change that. The Joomla global setting is for 20, but doesn't seem to affect this. Is this also a template issue?


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6 years 10 months ago #291661


Are you taking about the number of columns ? There is a setting to configure the number of columns and rows in the settings of the menu item under the "products options" tab.
Now, I don't know if the template takes that setting into account or not since it does it's own thing.

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6 years 10 months ago #291690

Hi Nicholas

It was linked to the template. I've sorted that out, thanks very much.

best regards

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6 years 10 months ago #291728

Hi Nicholas

I hope these are the last questions - I'm starting testing today...

One group of products can only be bought by registered dealers, as customers need a prescription to get a refund from their health insurance.. However, these products should be visible to all visitors - they should just not be able to buy them directly.
How can I ensure that the products are visible, but can't be bought by guests, only registered dealers?

All other products should be able to be bought as a guest. However, there is no form showing for guests to add their address details. Don't know what I've done wrong here - help is appreciated.

In addition I am getting the following error message on the checkout screen:
Notice: Undefined variable: url_itemid in /home/kuenzli1/public_html/components/com_hikashop/views/checkout/tmpl/show_block_buttons.php on line 17.

Thanks for your help.
Best regards

Last edit: 6 years 10 months ago by iamalive.

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6 years 10 months ago #291743


One group of products can only be bought by registered dealers, as customers need a prescription to get a refund from their health insurance.. However, these products should be visible to all visitors - they should just not be able to buy them directly.
How can I ensure that the products are visible, but can't be bought by guests, only registered dealers?

Instead of using the "access level" setting of the products (which would remove the product completely from the frontend for people without access to them), you want to use the "access level" setting of the prices of these products.
Then, turn off the "display add to cart button for free products" setting of the HikaShop configuration so that the products won't be available for purchase when the prices are not accessible.
And you can use a translation override to change the "free" text to something else, like for example "only available for some user groups".

All other products should be able to be bought as a guest. However, there is no form showing for guests to add their address details. Don't know what I've done wrong here - help is appreciated.

Can you make sure that you correctly enabled "guest" mode via "Hikashop->System->Configuration->Checkout" options ?

In addition I am getting the following error message on the checkout screen:
Notice: Undefined variable: url_itemid in /home/kuenzli1/public_html/components/com_hikashop/views/checkout/tmpl/show_block_buttons.php on line 17.

If you're only having "notice" and no warning messages it won't affect your shop.
Note that when your shop is in production mode you should :
- Disable the Joomla debug mode ("Administration->Global configuration->System->Debug System/Language")
- Set the "error reporting" option of the Joomla configuration to "none"

Best regards,
Mohamed Thelji.

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6 years 10 months ago #291798

Hi Mohamed

Thanks for the input. The idea with the product prices, works great. Thank you.

The problem with the address fields not showing ist still there. I've checked and it is set to "Guest". But no fields - see attached image.
This becoming crucial, as I can't do any testing till this is solved.

I'd appreciate help. The access info I provided at the start is still valid. I have also defined various postage rates via Warehouse. I'm not sure if that's working or if I just have to change the wording.

Best regards

Last edit: 6 years 10 months ago by iamalive.

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6 years 10 months ago #291800


Can you show us some screenshots of how you configured your checkout workflow via "Hikashop->System->Configuration->Checkout" so that we can have more information about your issue ?

Thank you.

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6 years 10 months ago #291848

Attached are screenshots as requested.
I am happy to provide access if required.

I only have 2 days till it goes live :-(



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