Coupon Minimum order value not working

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9 years 11 months ago #195680

-- HikaShop version -- : 2.4.0
-- Joomla version -- : 2.5.8

Hi, I'm battling to get this working correctly...

I want to apply my coupon to a specific user group (for newly registered customers) and offer them a one time discount on orders over a certain value. The coupon is being applied but the discount is being applied irrespective of the minimum order value that I've set.

Screenshots attached.


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9 years 11 months ago #195686


I've done a test on my end but I'm not able to reproduce the problem.
Could you provide a backend access so that we could check your settings ?
Please do that via our contact form with a link to this thread:

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9 years 9 months ago #200332

I am having the same problem. We just bought Hika Essential version (order xxxG90) hoping this problem would get fixed but it is still not.

We are trying to apply a 10% discount for orders over $500 (and a minimum order of $200 but no discount for orders $200-$500). The error we get is "ORDER_TOTAL_TOO_LOW_FOR_SHIPPING_METHODS"

When we turn off the 10% coupon, the cart works perfectly.

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9 years 9 months ago #200344


Your issue is different from the one in this thread.
In this thread the issue was with the coupon being applied when it should not have.
In your case, you are able to apply the coupon but when you do, the shipping methods don't display anymore.
That's because you have the "Include virtual products price" option turned on in your only shipping method and thus the shipping methods take into account the coupon value. You should turn off that option and you should then not have that problem anymore.

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9 years 9 months ago #200445

Thank you!

That fixed my problem.

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9 years 8 months ago #205631


I have the same problem, discounts are applied without following the minimum order value.
Most strange things is that is not even the same minimum value for all orders.
Example: minimum order value is set to 75€
case1: Order value 74€ (for some products) and discount is applied
case2: Order value 75€ (for other products) and discount is not applied
I attach cart screenshot for both cases.
I set apply discount after tax in global configuration
I switched on/off the "Floating tax prices" but the error remain.
I have some simple discount based on zone to apply to every user if the order arrive to minimum value, after taxes, because is something like "free shipping". You can see it in attachment
Did you fix problem to bonzomedia?
In case could you tell me how to solve it?

I tried really a lot of combination but without success... :S

Thank for your support


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9 years 8 months ago #205654


Your issue looks like a tax/discount setting issue.
You indeed have the "apply discount" setting that you can change, and you also have the "tax category" setting of your coupon. Please try the 4 different combinations.
One of them should provide the correct behavior.
The floating tax prices should be left turned off.

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9 years 8 months ago #205695


thanks for your answer. I have 2 tax categories so I have more combination than 4 if I understand what you mean (none, 10%, 22%) combined with apply discount (before/after) in global configuration.

By the way I still can't find a solution.
Changing setting in coupon does change coupon value by adding tax to flat amount and tax value in cart if I apply discount before tax.
I need to apply it after tax because it's a "free shipping".
Do you have any idea?
If required I can pay you to solve this problem.

I really don't know what else to do :S

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9 years 8 months ago #205771

Probably the system applies discount looking for price without tax as minimum value order.
I have two tax categories so I can't define a minimum order without tax.
Hikashop should compare the minimum value with price with tax (subtotal)

Other setting are:
- apply discount after tax
- show tax details
- tax category in coupon (none)

I tried a lot of combinations and this is the configuration to have only this problem. Changing this parameters make some other errors in calculating.

Maybe this help you to help me? :)

What I said it's wrong about "Probably the system applies discount looking for price without tax as minimum value order. "
In some case is true in other no as you can see in case1 and case2... :(

Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by simonev. Reason: UPDATE

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9 years 8 months ago #205899


sorry for another message but do you have any update about my issue?
I can just trust you, I spent a lot of hours without success and I can't find a solution.

Editing parameters sometimes I also obtain negative taxes, I can't find right combination :(

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9 years 8 months ago #206230


When I look at your screenshots what I see is that you have 10% tax rate on the coupon instead of a 22% tax rate. That's probably because of the "tax category" setting of your coupon which should be changed to a tax category for which a tax rule with a tax rate of 22% is applied.
What I find strange on your screenshots is that the price without taxes of the product is different between one screenshot and the other. And coupons or shipping shouldn't change that as they intervene after that calculation.
So this would indicate that either the products on the two screenshots are not the same, or that the price has been changed between the two screenshots, our something like that.
And thus it's even harder to say anything useful as we don't even know how you configure the products in the screenshots, nor how you configured all the tax rules.

And yes, the coupons will based their "minimum amount" restriction based on either the subtotal with tax or the subtotal without tax based on the "apply discount" setting of the HikaShop configuration.

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9 years 8 months ago #206248


and thanks again for your answer. I'll explain better and attach my configuration.
In my e-commerce there are 2 types of products: food and merchandising.
Food products have 10% of tax and merchandising products have 22% of tax.
In attachment you can see configuration for both (tax categories, tax rates and tax rules).
Food product pages has "Product tax category" 10% and merchandising has 22%.
You can see it in next post in attachment. I also attach my configuration--> main--> vat
I have 3 shipping cost based on zone: 9€ for Italy no island, 11€ for Italy island, and 19 € for foreign countries.
I have 3 coupons auto loaded with minimum value order and based on zone shipping address. I attach the coupons.
(I don't understand where you see the tax rate for coupon because is set to "none" for all coupons) :blink:

So configuration for carts is, or should be:
Minimum order value 75 € --> apply coupon of 9 € or 11 € depending on zone
Minimum order value 99 € --> apply coupon of 19 € based on zone
Now I'll attach 3 carts with product in attachment using account with Italy island address (11€ shipping cost).
Two carts with one kind of product and one cart with both.
Also another cart to complete all strange things that happens (adding another food product in the cart with same product settings as other). You can see product configuration in attachment.

So this is what happens:
- cart of merchandising total 80 € discounts is applied.
- cart of food total 80 € discounts is not applied.
- cart with both kind of products, total 76 € discount is applied.
- cart with both kind of products, total 73 € discount is applied.

I really don't understand the logic to let it works properly. I think is set everything well.
Thanks for support.


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9 years 8 months ago #206249

Here 2/3 of attachment of before post.

Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by simonev.

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9 years 8 months ago #206250

Here 3/3 of attachment of before post (carts).



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9 years 8 months ago #206252


So you're saying that you have all these carts with the same user address ?

Could you provide a backend access and the link to the different products you used so that we could check your settings and reproduce the issue on your website ?

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9 years 8 months ago #206333

Yes, exactly.

Sure access and links sent.
Thank you Nicolas.

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9 years 7 months ago #206675


did you reproduce the issue?
Did you receive the access I sent you?

We should publish the site this week, I would like to know about time to solve it.

Thank you.

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9 years 7 months ago #206948


Thank you for the accesses and sorry for the delay. Please understand that such issues are not easy to track and require time to debug.
I had some time today to spend the time to investigate and found the solution.
I've added it on your website and we'll include it shortly in the next version of HikaShop. It was mainly related to the way your products were configured in a specific case which wasn't handled properly in the classes/discount.php file.

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9 years 7 months ago #206973

Hi Nicolas,

really thanks for your support, I was starting to be desperate because I didn't find a solution with my competence and didn't know if you wanted to help me for this issue. :) I absolutely understand you and all team about time to solve our problems, just needed an info about if you were considering the issue. THANKS AGAIN!

Yes probably was for products with variants the issue.
I have to notice you that something strange still happen with coupon and main configuration--> apply discount before/after tax
Specifically if is set "Apply discount after tax" the $total_amount value compared with minimum order value of coupon in discount.php is the subtotal price WITHOUT tax. If i set "Apply discount before tax" is the opposite. Is it right or should be the opposite? Or there should be need of another setting to choose if you want to compare your coupon with subtotal with or without tax?
By thee way the issue I want to explain is setting "Apply discount before tax".
Whit this configuration if I set "Detailed tax display" to "no" the tax sum is the same as without have coupon in cart. The strange thing is that if I set "Detailed tax display" to "yes" the two taxes (in my case) have different values and summing their the sum is different by setting "Detailed tax display" to "no".

In my case I want to apply coupon comparing the minimum order value with subtotal price with tax in cart and taxes have to remain with same value.
So setting "Apply discount after tax" the part of taxes calculation is ok but coupon is compared with subtotal without tax.
So my question is how can I obtain the subtotal value with tax in $total_amount using setting above?

Thanks and thanks again.

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9 years 7 months ago #206987


1. That's normal. That setting is made to switch between the amount with and without taxes. The wording is a bit unintuitive though.

2. Note that there is also the "tax category" setting of the coupon that you can change and which will change the behavior of the system. I would recommend to try changing it as well.
Hopefully a combination of the two settings should do what you want.

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