Features never added. Why should we Renew?

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2 years 6 months ago #344058

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.6.1
-- PHP version -- : 7.4
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : No error a serious inquiry....

This is more of a general question of why should I renew? I mean we have been with you for almost 10 years, yet the features that ourselves and many others ask for like; auto generated shipping labels, other payment methods, estimate and front end invoicing along with many others have never been addressed or added. We can go to virtuemart, other components or even shopify, wix or wordpress to get a full functional ecommerce site with the features listed above. We have hikashop business, market and almost all versions of it. Yet after almost 10 years we still don't have any of those features added. So why should i renew? Instead of just using that money to re-haul our website?

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2 years 6 months ago #344061

They also try to get money from the plugins created for hikashop, probably for hikashop they don't generate so much income that they can rely only on this.
But you will have a lot much more limitations with some of your options, talking about shopify especially.
VirtueMart has always been behind hikashop in terms of available options and customizations, same with woocommerce.
+ You are joomla guy, not wp guy :))

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2 years 6 months ago #344064


auto generated shipping labels

We've developed several plugins which interface with shipping services like ShipStation which allow you to automatically generate the shipping labels.

other payment methods

We can't develop a plugin for each payment gateway out there. There are just too many. Still we regularly develop new payment plugins. We released last month one for UPI in India, and in September HikaShop will come with a new PayPal Checkout plugin.
Sure, we might not have yet developed the payment plugin you would need but I can't say for sure if you don't provide a name.


Are you talking about shipping fee estimate ? Obsidev actually developed a plugin for that:

front end invoicing

We never worked on that. Note that HikaShop is primarly a shopping cart solution. I believe an external extension would be more adatped for that.
In fact, an invoicing extension was tightly integrated with HikaShop years ago:
If you would need something for invoicing linked to HikaShop, this would be it.

Regarding renewing, I would say that if you don't need new things and you don't update Joomla then don't renew.
But it's not like we don't develop new things. If you look at HikaShop's changelog, we release new versions every few months, each time with new features, improvements and fixes. And many of the new features are things that are requested by people using HikaShop.
We also add compatibility for new versions of Joomla, PHP, etc and that would be crucial if you update your Joomla or your hosting.

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2 years 5 months ago #344598

No we mean the plugin in hikashop for USPS, UPS and Fedex shipping along with others. the integrated api settings should work but you have to literally edit .css hikashop files to get it to run the test enviroment label to get approved for their api then edit it back to get it to work. Hikashop should add a drop down for each shipping plugin for test and non test environments with the correct urls attached. Allowing users to integrate directly with each shipping companies api. Its not hard.

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2 years 5 months ago #344599

Also the invoice manager is old, hasn't been updated in years and broken.

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2 years 5 months ago #344623


I'm not aware of these issues. Could you provide more details ? We would be happy to modify the plugins so that no code modification is necessary.

I looked into it.
1. For USPS, the documentation we base ourselves on only mention one URL production.shippingapis.com :
I found some information about stg-production.shippingapis.com and stg-secure.shippingapis.com but it's not clear whether these are old URLs or what USPS recommends.
Note also that we could never get a USPS account as we're not based in the US. We didn't even develop the first version of the plugin. Another developer using HikaShop did it and we then kept on maintaining it, temporarily using accesses from people with issues when necessary. So it's hard for us to get clear information if something is missing. We would be happy to get your feedback on this.

2. For UPS, I found the information here stackoverflow.com/a/13720343
I've added it for the next version of HikaShop.

3. For FedEx, I didn't found any information. They only have one WSDL (included already in the plugin) which apparently works for both test and production environments. If you have contradictory information, please provide it.

Regarding the invoicing manager, I agree, it is old. I would recommend checking with the developer what are their plans first.
Developing an invoicing manager from scratch is a big endeavour and not something we have plans for in the short term.

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2 years 5 months ago #344794

How are you not aware of these issues? I've reported them several times, and even emailed you regarding this and get the same answer. Hire a developer or purchase a plugin. These issues need to be resolved we've been with Hika for almost 10 years.

The shipping issue has been reported by over 2 dozen users in your forum area but are archived with the response get a dev....


This is how we had to feed the test url into fedex

www.hikashop.com/forum/shipping-methods/...-fedex-test-url.html .

There is issues with all the shipping methods and integrating their API's because Hikashop hasn't been updated nor addressed these issues in almost 10 years.

Other issues:

Doesn't properly sync to google products

No other payment integrations added since 2020, IE Square, Stripe and etc.

Reports were way better In hikashop 3, now we can't customize reports, charts or etc on the dashboard.

There are more but We need the primary issues rectified. We have to literally eat cost on shipping sometimes because you can't get your act together.

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2 years 5 months ago #344795

Either way its causing issues, their development needs to address things that are supposed to be included with this.

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2 years 5 months ago #344796

Also when will the new version be out?

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2 years 5 months ago #344799

I'm pretty sure they have a lot more other things to fix for j4, not just something that is old but functional...

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2 years 5 months ago #344803

In short they need to get their act together, hikashop isn't in front or ahead of anyone. Magneto, Woocommerce and etc have better features and are stable. The dev's say "we haven't heard of these issues" when their own forum is filled with the same requests.

Idk why you're sticking up for them but this isn't helpful nor related to this topic. Please don't comment unless its a resolution or advice to rectify what is wrong.

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2 years 5 months ago #344804

Advice, to use woocommerce or learn php and solve your problems until they fix what you need.
And stop acting like an A hole, don't tell me what not to do.
Or pay a developer to fix that FedEx plugin for you if you are such in a hurry, one frome your country, so he will know what to do.

Last edit: 2 years 5 months ago by oxido.

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2 years 5 months ago #344807

Dude you're literally being a know at all and providing no valid input to the issue at hand. The a hole is the person here acting like he knows better than everyone here. No one care's about any of that. From my country? Like who says that? Please go away

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2 years 5 months ago #344806


1. 2 dozen people seems a bit exagerated. A few people mentioned it, ok, my bad. However, the modification of the WSDL is not something documented by FedEx in their API. But I think it's fair to make it an option several that several persons raised the problem over the years. Thank you for the links.


Doesn't properly sync to google products

Many merchants use the Google products plugin included in HikaShop to send their products data to Google and it works for them.
Now, the plugin is not perfect. Could you describe what problem you have with it ?

3. While new payment plugins have not been integrated to the core of HikaShop since several years, we did release several on the marketplace. We released UPI and QR Bill this year. Also, there are already plugins on our marketplace for Square and Stripe. Are you maybe not aware of our marketplace ? It is here: www.hikashop.com/marketplace/category/33-payment.html
Also, next version of HikaShop is going to include a new payment plugin for PayPal Checkout.

4. Reports are the same. They are available in the menu Orders>Reports. And you can still have them on your HikaShop dashboard. Just turn on the "dashboard legacy" setting of the HikaShop configuration. We especially left that legacy setting there so that the dashboard can use the report system since the new dashboard system cannot be easily customized.


Also when will the new version be out?

The new release was supposed to be done this week but we got a bit delayed due to the influx of support. It will be out next week.

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2 years 5 months ago #345008

1. I know for a fact with our clients its a least half a dozen plus like 3 that didn't make it because they couldn't figure out shipping.

Sidenote Kudos: Although I give it to hikashop we were the first site, literally even after paypal disabled subscription fees to build a site with subscription services through community builder and hikashop. But the shipping not working killed them, made them move to shopify, which didn't do subscription based payment and then they kept hoping site to site, cart provider to cart provider.

So if we can keep hikashop, we'd be more than willing to help with showing users how to do this to start more; barkboxes, 420hotboxes, shavekits and etc but with Joomla.

3. We have the square plugin and etc, this should just be added as you update and develop. I mean come on, new payment methods become available and you're never going to adapt?

4. Need to make that easier

5. Let us know asap.

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2 years 5 months ago #345010


3. We can't include in HikaShop a plugin that another developer developed. The Square plugin was developed by TsukiDev. They are selling it on our marketplace. We can't steal it, and developing a new one to do the same thing just to undercut them is not nice either to them. Why would anyone develop a payment plugin for HikaShop in the future if we were doing that ? And that's not even mentioning the fact that we would spent weeks on working on something already available instead of developing other things or improving otherthings for HikaShop.
As I said before, we developed a new payment plugin for PayPal Checkout, which is their new API, and it's included for free in HikaShop, so "new payment methods become available and you're never going to adapt?" seems quite wrong.

5. It has been released yesterday:
The update is not yet available via the Joomla update system. So that might be why you didn't see it yet. We're usually waiting one or two weeks for feedbacks of early adopters before activating the update for everyone. If you want to update without waiting, you can download the install package of the latest version on our website and install it on your website.

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2 years 5 months ago #345120

3. We can't include in HikaShop a plugin that another developer developed. The Square plugin was developed by TsukiDev. They are selling it on our marketplace. We can't steal it, and developing a new one to do the same thing just to undercut them is not nice either to them. Why would anyone develop a payment plugin for HikaShop in the future if we were doing that ? And that's not even mentioning the fact that we would spent weeks on working on something already available instead of developing other things or improving otherthings for HikaShop.
As I said before, we developed a new payment plugin for PayPal Checkout, which is their new API, and it's included for free in HikaShop, so "new payment methods become available and you're never going to adapt?" seems quite wrong.



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2 years 5 months ago #345149


Sorry for the delay but I wanted to talk first with TsukiDev before answering you.

In 2018, TsukiDev released the first version of the Square plugin. They released several small fixes including customization capabilities ( with the possibility to override the square_end.php file and translation keys SQUARE_FORM_START / SQUARE_FORM_END that can also be overridden) until 2020. Then, they released a big new version of the Square plugin to support Square v2 and the Yen currency. In 2021, they released yet another version to support SCA. In 2022, they added the support of the Checkout API (not just Web payment) as well as the support of Joomla 4.
They are currently working on a new version to add more things.
So you're basically saying the opposite reality. Thus, saying that what I said is "the dumbest thing you've heard" sounds just like you don't know what you're saying, on top of being inappropriate.
I suppose you must have missed the updates of the plugin and I invite you to update it. Note that since the plugin is not compatible with the Joomla updater, you need to manually download the latest version of the plugin on our website and install it on yours to update it.

4. The list of issues addressed by the release is available on our changelog:
Regarding your feedback on this forum thread, you proposed two improvments: To be able to select the environment (production or sandbox) for UPS, and the same for FedEx. These have been added to the new version as mentioned in the changelog.
You raised other points like "Doesn't properly sync to google products", but when I asked more details about it, you didn't reply.
And you also wrote issues like "No other payment integrations added since 2020" which are just false, as I told you before.

And there is no need to write in uppercase. I can read in lowercase all the same. Doing this is just disrespectful.

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2 years 5 months ago #345225

Hey i haven't read this, but i had 3 clients complain the new update broke hikamarket. Vendors can't sign up and the vendor list is gone in the back panel.

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2 years 5 months ago #345226

Just checked two of them on are new hikamarket one is on 4.0 and still is broke.

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