Login Mod

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14 years 1 week ago #10071


I understand that there is a mod_login and then hika shop also has its own login options. Wanted to know if we could have this integrated.

I wanted to put the login option in one of the module to the customers. Is that possible.

Thanks and Regards

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14 years 1 week ago #10073

What kind of options ?

HikaShop indeed has its own login view different from the joomla module login view. It's not possible to use the joomla login module in the checkout. It has its own form and the checkout view also has a global form which englobes all the views of the checkout. But you can't have a form in a form. It's not valid and would not work. So that's why we had to use our own login view.

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14 years 2 days ago #10629

Hi I'd like to add a little weight to this thread and ask for a Hika Login that I can connect to through the menu manager. The problem I'm finding is when I use the Joomla login I cannot remove the 'register' option without causing HikaShop to error. I would prefer not to link to the joomla login, but insted use the version you have for your checkout. The standard joomla register is insufficent. I would perefer only yours to be avaliable for new and returning customers. Is this something you could please consider.

Thank you.

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14 years 2 days ago #10630

Could you explain what you mean by "when I use the Joomla login I cannot remove the 'register' option without causing HikaShop to error." ?

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14 years 2 days ago #10634

If I disable 'Allow User Registration' in Global Settings of Joomla the Register link on the Joomla Login module dissapears. This however then prevents HikaShop Checkout registering new user. A HikaShop 'Login or create a new account' page (without the checkout) would be most useful as then I would not need to link to Joomla Login at all. A much more preferable solution.

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14 years 2 days ago #10642

We'll add that to the todo list but it's not the priority for now for us.

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14 years 1 day ago #10651

@Bootz47 - You can leave registration enabled in Joomla Global Configuration and disable the Joomla mod_login module, which will force users to register or login through the Hikashop login view of the checkout workflow. There are two immediate problems with this though:

1) You can't go to checkout if the cart is empty and
2) There is no way for the customer to logout once they have logged in

For those reasons it really isn't a practical solution, but it would work if your customers only needed to login when they were purchasing something. The logout issue would still be a problem, although one workaround might be to display the Joomla mod_login only to registered users, keeping it hidden from those not logged in, but that still isn't ideal.

A standalone Hikashop registration/login/logout module would be nice to have since you could then require more information from the user when they first register on the site.


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14 years 1 day ago #10725


So is it possible to disable (or say "disable") the Joomla Login & Register Form and replace it by the HikaShop Login?

At the moment a customer has to register twice: Once to login into Joomla, once to create the whole information HikaShop needs (first name, surname, address(es), ...). That's not so good concerning usability and a steady workflow for the user.

hdracing wrote:

A standalone Hikashop registration/login/logout module would be nice to have since you could then require more information from the user when they first register on the site.

That's what I mean: The user should give all the information (Joomla (e-mail, name) + HikaShop (first name, surname, ...)) in one register form ;-) Is this now possible, maybe with a workaround?

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14 years 18 hours ago #10733

On the checkout and on the hikashop registration page you already have the registration+address information on one form.
You can just create a new menu of the type hikashop user registration and you will have a link to the hikashop registration (joomla user+address).

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13 years 11 months ago #11100

What I wanted is the following:

- Edit the modules/mod_login/tmpl/default.php
- Search for the line "if ($usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration')) : ?> [...]"
- Replace the link to "index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=user&layout=form"
- Save the file in the html/mod_login folder of your template to make it an override

Voilà: You have replaced the Joomla registration form with the whole HikaShop registration form. In fact you have only replaced the link but without a link to the Jooml form the user can only get to the HikaShop form if he/she wants to register ...

Maybe this helps other users with similiar problems ;-)

But now to the next step:
Is it possible to only display some of the fields on the initial registration BUT others when a customer wants to buy something.

- I want the name and company on initial (Joomla) registration as requiered fields.
- But I don't want the address & VAT to be displayed on registration page, this should only be displayed when an order is placed as a requiered field.

best regards

Last edit: 13 years 11 months ago by RemoteC.

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13 years 11 months ago #11101

There is no option for that.
If the fields are not required, you can add some CSS to hide the lines you don't want to display on one form and not the other but you can do that for required fields.

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13 years 9 months ago #17786

one question, I using hikashop in my web site but when costumer want to get registration to make the checkout after they put all the info and click register the system goes to the homepage and the costumer info is gone when i check hikashop users there is not new account registered , can you help me to solve this issue because costumers are getting away because they can't get registration to proceed the purchase.



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13 years 9 months ago #17790

Please go in the configuration of HikaShop and change the option "button style" to "normal" in the tab Display and that should solve the problem.

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13 years 9 months ago #17791

Thank You now is working great.

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13 years 6 months ago #24913

Hi guys,

Agreed, a standalone login/registration would be very nice :)

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13 years 6 months ago #24915


There is already a standalone registration form for HikaShop. You can create a menu to it via the joomla menu manager with the type hikashop user registration.

For the login, the joomla login is working fine so there is no need for us to do ours. However, if you want to use hikashop's registration page, you will have to change the "create an account" of the login module so that it links to hikashop's registration as explained there:

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13 years 6 months ago #24917

Thanks Nicolas!

This line here: <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_user&view=register' ); ?>"> I change right?

Also, if my domain doesnt have a www in it do I leave that out?

Always so helpful :)

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13 years 6 months ago #24918

Yes, that's the line.

You can do like that:
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=user&task=form' ); ?>">

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13 years 6 months ago #24940

Thanks again! :silly:

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