Country/state wrong, plus non-aligned checkout

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13 years 10 months ago #14653

I have set the country to USA in the display tab, but there are no states showing. How do I insert states, and why were they not included?

Secondly, in the panel showing the product the name numbers and icons are terribly mis-aligned.

Lastly, is there a way to remove the add coupon option?


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13 years 10 months ago #14664

If the states are not displaying, it's highly possible that the problem comes from a javascript error on your website. And it's highly possible that this javascript error is because something on your website is using the javascript library called jquery without using the noConflict routine.You will find several subjects about that on the forum :
If you want more precise directions, please give us a link to your website so that we can see the javascript error message.

The products details are mis-aligned because of your template CSS. So you need to modify your template CSS.

You can remove the coupon option by removing the "coupon_" view from the checkout workflow option of the configuration.

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13 years 10 months ago #14669

There is no javascript error on your website and the states are displayed for other countries. Which means that you either unpublished/deleted the states of the USA or removed them of the subzones listing of the USA, or modified the type of them to something else than "state".

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13 years 10 months ago #14670

Please check all that via the menu System->Zones.

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13 years 10 months ago #14700

Could you please download again hikashop and reinstall with the new package. We just found a problem in the query inserting the states for UK and the USA and fixed it.

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13 years 10 months ago #15000


I have the same problem with ITALY, states are not showing. They are all active. Could it be that the registration form is in Italian?

ITALY is the only zone published.


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13 years 10 months ago #15001

Here is a view of the backend and the relative States.


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13 years 10 months ago #15006

... and why are only FRENCH states appearing in the Field configuration?


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13 years 10 months ago #15012

The problem is totally different.

You said that the only zone published is Italy. That's the problem.
The states of Italy also need to be published in order to be displayed.

Only the French states appear in the address_state field because it bases itself on the default value of the address_country field. So you need to set Italy as the default country in the address_country field and save it before you can see the list of Italy states in the address_state field.

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13 years 10 months ago #15018

The problem is totally different.

You said that the only zone published is Italy. That's the problem.
The states of Italy also need to be published in order to be displayed.
They are published, I checked.

Only the French states appear in the address_state field because it bases itself on the default value of the address_country field. So you need to set Italy as the default country in the address_country field and save it before you can see the list of Italy states in the address_state field.
OK. I went in and found only Italy to be selected (no other coutries appear). So I just saved it and now the Italian States appear in the address_state field. GREAT!

However, the dropdown still doesn't appear in the registration form.

Any other ideas?



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13 years 10 months ago #15019

You have the javascript error below on your website:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'adopt'

That prevent the javascript of HikaShop from being run, and thus, HikaShop is not able to load the states dropdown.
You need to correct that error and it will work.
The error seems to come from the fact that your template is using the javascript library called jquery without the noConflict call which then conflicts with the javascript library of joomla called mootools.
There are several threads on our forum about that problem and the different solutions users came up with (like adding the noconflict call to your template) :

This in not a problem in HikaShop but between your template and joomla which results in HikaShop not being able to run the javascript it needs to run.

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13 years 10 months ago #15023

Thank you,

Yes, I've seen this thread before but didn't think it would relate. Anyhow, if everybody's template that uses jQuery has the same problem, don't you think it's a Hikashop problem? Why not modify Hikashop to avoid this bug?

Anyhow, thanks again, I will try to fix it. If I can't, I am NOT going to change the template, so this will just force me to use another shopping cart software.

Wish me good luck.


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13 years 10 months ago #15024

No no, you misunderstood me. I didn't say that every template using jquery had that problem.
It's just the templates which use jquery without adding the noconflict code. It's two lines to add in the template's code:
Most templates using jquery have it and HikaShop doesn't have that problem with them.
Only some templates don't include it where they should because they are adding an external js library instead of using the joomla standard library. That's all.

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13 years 10 months ago #15031

I understand, thank you for clearing that up!

I added the following code in my index.php template file, right before the

<script type="text/javascript">

... and that solved the problem!

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13 years 10 months ago #15032

ooops... I spoke to quickly, the slideshow on my home page doesn't work anymore.

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13 years 10 months ago #15039

You should try to use something like that:
<script type="text/javascript">
if(jQuery) jQuery.noConflict();

That way, the noConflict call will only be done when jQuery is loaded on the page.
In some cases, it can happen that the template does not load the js file on every page and using the noconflict call when jquery is not there will cause such problem.

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13 years 10 months ago #15044

I have tried that, but no luck.

So I went ahead and tried to apply the noConflict() on all pages that are NOT the Home page.
Here is the code placed right before the </head> tag:

$menu = & JSite::getMenu();
if ($menu->getActive() != $menu->getDefault()) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php }?>

... and it worked.

But then I realized that the search function in my template doesn't work on all pages other than Home!

Any other help is welcome!

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13 years 10 months ago #15052


OK, here goes...

It is obvious to me that the only way I am going to solve this is if i get the noConflict(); function to execute ONLY on the checkout page where the States dropdown appears.

So, in order to do this, I have added the following code in my index.php template page right before the </head> tag:

$menu = & JSite::getMenu();
if ($currenturl = JURI::current() == " ") { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php }?>

I can give up the Search functionality for that page, because I don't want users to Search the site during checkout anyway.

Now I just have to figure out what other pages have the same problem and add those to the script!

If there is any other work-around, please let me know.

In the meantime, thanks for your help!

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