Hikashop 3 beta questions

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8 years 1 month ago #259530


1. On witch line i should add this:


I have tried to add into line 11 and got this errors:


So what i did i have added this before that line:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();

and received such results:
array(1) { [0]=> string(4) "12@0" }

2. Product picture doesnt show in checkout cart view. With both legacy on or off.

3. There is some issue with login & registration selector.
I have set "Default registration view" to "Login". "Create account" to "Creat account" and "Guest".
Switcher fails. If i try to checkout as a guest after entering email and pressing one of the "Next" buttons it still asks me to enter other details from "Creat account".....and some other issue related to same thing. I also dont understand why there is button "Next" in login view. If i try to register i press button "register" and it should go to next step. So that button is not needed....Same with guest or login....

Last edit: 8 years 3 weeks ago by kyratn.

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8 years 1 month ago #259533


1. Yes. So that indicates that the data of the shipping method selected is available in show_field.
So the custom code should work the same.

2. Again, we're not able to reproduce the issue.
Did you update to the latest version of the install package of the beta ?
Could you give a link to the page of the product with the problem and a screenshot of its settings ?

3. With the new checkout or the legacy one ?
The login not going to the next step after you click on the "register" or "next" button shouldn't be happening with the install package I just put online. Please try again.

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8 years 1 month ago #259545


1. Nope it still doesn't work for me. I added it between 10 and 11 lines to show_block_fields and fields view would be always visible.
Could you try to create custom field and try that code?

2. Yes, I have updated it. I think issue is that if product has variant, image isn't displayed in checkout cart and cart module. I see cart module has some new settings :) Just tried it for few times...If variant deleted image is displayed fine...Also with old checkout when I add product to cart it redirects me to 404 page and product is successfully added to cart.

3. I have updated with new install package before writing this message...With old checkout when I try to checkout as a guest it give me message "You cannot proceed to a guest checkout as some of the products in your cart require a registration to our website. Please register an account or remove these products from your cart in order to proceed."
With new checkout, spinner just loads and goes back to login view. Nothing happens.

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8 years 1 month ago #259548


1. Replace

	self::$cache['get'][$cart_id]->cart_payment_id = (int)$cart->cart_payment_id;
		self::$cache['get'][$cart_id]->cart_payment_id = (int)$cart->cart_payment_id;

2. Please provide real details allowing us to reproduce the issue.

3. So you're using "user groups after purchase" plugin and you're trying to performing a guest checkout with in your cart a product using the "user group after purchase" ; so a product which cannot work with the guest checkout.
We will take a look at the new checkout system to see how it will be possible to improve the system to display the error messages when the user is not created successfully.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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8 years 1 month ago #259597


1. You havent indicated where i should change it?

2. Ok. Please go here and add this product to cart goo.gl/ZGTJvv
You will see that product has variants and image isnt displayed in cart or checkout cart view.

To get into checkout cart view just hover right corner bag icon and press blue button....

Add this product which has no variants and image is displayed but without name... goo.gl/n2EzHN

It was working fine before i have updated it 2 days ago....

Just to note. I have tried with default protostar template and it was same.

3. Hmmm. Strange. With 2.6.4 i had no issues. This has happened after beta installation.

4. Have you done any modification to emails? I was creating template for shipping status (order_status_notification.shipped.html.php).
It was working fine few days ago but now i see some issues. It looks like my template is wrapped between hikashop styles. I have attached image. Same thing at the bottom...

I have installed 2.6.4 version above beta and now emails looks fine.


Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by kyratn.

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8 years 1 month ago #259603


1. In the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/cart.php

2. Thanks for the details. I was able to reproduce the problem on my end and added a patch for it.
Please download again the beta install package and install it on your website. The patch from point 1 will also be included.

3. Maybe you had a bug then.

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8 years 1 month ago #259629


1. Unfortunately it still doesnt work with new checkout. Custom field is always visible whatever shipping method i select.

2. Great. It works fine now!

4. Could you take a look about issue with emails? Which i have described with message above. There is definitely issue after last updates...
With 2.6.4 version all works fine.

Thank you

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8 years 1 month ago #259632


1. I recommend you to read the shipping method during in the cart object available in the view.
Afterwards, the view between the old and the new checkout are not the same ; so some variable can have different names, etc.
But, even if you're using the "getUserState" method, as you can see when you right define the $app variable is that, you are reading the shipping method details.
So, the rest is up to your customization.

4. Yes, we add a new template system for the emails last week.
Logically, all emails with overrides should have a "none" template, but knowing that you already had the 3.0 installed, it is possible that the script is not processed entirely.
So please edit the email in the backend and select the "none" template manually.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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8 years 1 month ago #259670


1. Hi i almost understand what you want to say but as for now i have no idea how this could work same as with old checkout.
As you probably know i have custom field which show terminal addresses and this custom field should be visible only if terminal shipping methos is selected. Untill i find or get solution to this i wont be able to use new checkout system. Which i would like to use cause of checkout address issue as per my other topic long time ago....

My php skills is not such level like yours and mostly what i do i find via google and that's how i learn.

As for now i have tried to add this again:

$app = JFactory::getApplication();

And received "NULL"

That code to show custom field based on shipping id was provide by Nicolas and it is workin fine with old checkout. As for new checkout i would like to have help too. Otherwise i will have to go with javascript which is far more easier understandable for me then finding code i need.

4. Indead that was the issue. I didn't know that you have added such settings. All working fine now. Thanks

Kind Regards

Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by kyratn.

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8 years 1 month ago #259704


Please try to not edit your own messages after several hours ; it will have a counter effect on our support ticket system and it will require more time for our team to give you an answer.
Thank you for your understanding.

1 - You can replace the code:

$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$shipping_id = reset($app->getUserState(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT.'.shipping_id'));
by the code (for a classical view):
$cartClass = hikashop_get('class.cart');
$cart = $cartClass->getFullCart(0);
$shipping_id = reset($cart->cart_shipping_ids);
Or by the code (in the new checkout context):
$cart = $this->checkoutHelper->getCart();
$shipping_id = reset($cart->cart_shipping_ids);

You will see that the cart object contains a lot of information ; like the list of all available shipping method, the selected shipping(s) method(s), etc.
When HikaShop 2.x was storing data in the user session ; now all is stored in the database which allow a better data consistency and a future support for web-services.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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8 years 1 month ago #259765


Sorry for editing message but i had 2 more issues which i have resolved later. So didn't want to take your time...

1. So i think i found the issue.

I have this code in show_block_fields:

 * @package	HikaShop for Joomla!
 * @version	3.0.0
 * @author	hikashop.com
 * @copyright	(C) 2010-2017 HIKARI SOFTWARE. All rights reserved.
 * @license	GNU/GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
$cart = $this->checkoutHelper->getCart();
$shipping_id = reset($cart->cart_shipping_ids);
if($shipping_id == '8@0') return false;
if($shipping_id == '12@0') return false;
if(!hikashop_level(2) || empty($cart->order_fields))

The issue is that you need to refresh page for fields view to be shown or hidden :)
So if i select shipping method with id 15 field view isn't shown. You need to refresh page and it came up. Selecting shipping method with id 8 it is still visible until page is refreshed.
Is there a way to fix it?

Many thanks

Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by kyratn.

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8 years 1 month ago #259766


It's very simple !
You just need to "register" on the shipping modification.

So in the view show_block_fields, you just have to replace

window.Oby.registerAjax(['checkout.fields.updated','cart.updated'], function(params){
window.Oby.registerAjax(['checkout.fields.updated','cart.updated','checkout.shipping.updated'], function(params){
And the field block will refresh itself when the shipping method are updated.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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8 years 1 month ago #259835


Indeed it simple :D
Thanks Jerome, it will help for my other modifications too.

Have a great day

Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by kyratn.

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8 years 4 weeks ago #260365


I see some issue with registration/login page.

1. Do we really need button "next" in checkout registration/login page view? After every form we have button to register or login so that button is confusing.

2. I get pop up "this field is required" in the left top corner when pressing that button "next" in checkout login view. It looks like the issue arrives only with firefox. Tried with IE and Chrome and it was fine... Screenshot attached. Tried with your demo.

3. Choosing registration in switcher. Pressing register button will give error messages and switcher turns back to login view. I think it should stay in registration view?

4. When pressing login it gives error message in green "LOGIN_NOT_VALID". Where i could change it to use "alert-danger" class?


Last edit: 8 years 4 weeks ago by kyratn.

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8 years 4 weeks ago #260371


1. You don't need it. Whether you click on login/register or next, it will do the same in that case. But when you have a one page checkout, you want to see the next button at the bottom because after you login/register the views on the page are refreshed but the buttons are not refreshed.
Later on, our plan is to have options per view and per step in the checkout workflow to have more flexibility, and one of them would allow you to remove the next button on the step in such cases.
In the short term, if you don't want the button "next" there, you can just use custom CSS like this:
.hikashop_checkout_page_step2 .hikabtn_checkout_next{ display: none; }

2. and 3. and 4. The demo website didn't had all the patches we made in the last few days including the ones to fix that issue.
I've updated our demo website. It should work fine in a few hours when the live version is reset.
On your end, download the install package on our website and install it on yours and that should fix that.

Last edit: 8 years 4 weeks ago by nicolas.

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8 years 4 weeks ago #260402


I have updated and it looks better but i still see some issues.

1. Now if login pressing login button gives no error messages.

2. If registration is set to create account it display 3 errors only for username, email and pssaword. No Error messages for name and confirm password.

3. Setting to simplified registration with password and pressing register gives only 2 error messages for email and password. Switcher goes back to login. Pressing switcher to "registration" i see fields like i would use "create account" and not simplified registration. After reloading page all goes away.

4. Using switcher login/register checkout view and everytime i reload page it will throw error message "empty password not allowed"

5. Turning display registration "all in one page", create account is set to"guest" will show "create account" view, setting to simplified registration will show "guest" view.

I think some issues can be fixed in view files and thats fine for me but people could have problems with it.

6. I am not sure how can you have one step checkout. As example i have tried to put all steps into one. Used guest and entered email then pressed confirm button and page was reloaded and now without login/register view. Had to press confirm button again to complete order. Address view wasn't displaying at all. Is there some settings to make it work?

I am thinking to put all into one step and use some kinda jquery form steps with custom validation to make it look nice.


Last edit: 8 years 4 weeks ago by kyratn.

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8 years 4 weeks ago #260486


Thank you for your feedback.
We've added patches for all that.

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8 years 4 weeks ago #260494


So switcher is working well now. Great. Thank you for your awesome support.

However i still can't configure for one step checkout. I have set all checkout views in on step and after filling all details and pressing confirm it gives strange error message "Phonenumber confirmation didn't process". Screenshot attached.

I have no idea from there it is coming.


Last edit: 8 years 4 weeks ago by kyratn.

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8 years 3 weeks ago #260510


There is no such error message in HikaShop.
This must comes from something else.
Maybe something like AcySMS phone number verification system ? Or another 3rd party extension linked to the user account creation process in some way ?

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8 years 3 weeks ago #260631


Indeed it was acysms, thanks

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