save category

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13 years 6 months ago #23291


If I want to save in the category area, give error message: Error saving

best regards kurt

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13 years 6 months ago #23304


Please activate the debug mode of joomla in the joomla configuration and try again. That should display an error message with more information. Then copy/paste that message here so that we can understand the problem.

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13 years 6 months ago #23350

Application afterLoad: 0.006 seconds, 0.59 MB
Application afterInitialise: 0.098 seconds, 4.84 MB
Application afterRoute: 0.098 seconds, 4.84 MB
Application afterDispatch: 1.118 seconds, 13.60 MB
Application afterRender: 1.156 seconds, 14.58 MB
18 Abfragen protokolliert

FROM jos_session
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SELECT folder AS TYPE, element AS name, params
FROM jos_plugins
WHERE published >= 1
AND access <= 2
ORDER BY ordering
FROM jos_components
WHERE parent = 0
FROM jos_plugins
WHERE folder = "system"
AND element = "mtupgrade"
SELECT id, title, module, POSITION, content, showtitle, control, params
FROM jos_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm
ON mm.moduleid =
WHERE m.published = 1
AND m.access <= 2
AND m.client_id = 1
SELECT template
FROM jos_templates_menu
WHERE client_id = 1
AND menuid = 0
FROM jos_session
WHERE userid != 0
ORDER BY usertype, username
SELECT username, TIME, userid, usertype, client_id
FROM jos_session
WHERE userid != 0
ORDER BY usertype, username
SELECT a.hits,, a.sectionid, a.title, a.created,
FROM jos_content AS a
LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u
WHERE a.state <> -2
LIMIT 0, 10
SELECT, a.sectionid, a.title, a.created, a.modified,, a.created_by_alias, a.created_by
FROM jos_content AS a
LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u
ON = a.created_by
WHERE a.state <> -2
LIMIT 0, 10
SELECT menutype, COUNT(id) AS numitems
FROM jos_menu
WHERE published = 1
GROUP BY menutype
SELECT a.*, SUM(b.home) AS home
FROM jos_menu_types AS a
LEFT JOIN jos_menu AS b
ON b.menutype = a.menutype
FROM jos_components
WHERE `option` <> "com_frontpage"
AND `option` <> "com_media"
AND enabled = 1
ORDER BY ordering, name
FROM jos_messages
WHERE state = 0
AND user_id_to = 62
SELECT COUNT( session_id )
FROM jos_session
WHERE guest <> 1

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13 years 6 months ago #23353

That's not an error message from the save of a category but the MySQL queries of another page not related to HikaShop so that doesn't help.
Once you activate the debug mode, please try again to save a category and copy/paste the red error message you get at that moment.

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13 years 6 months ago #23411

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13 years 6 months ago #23415

Did you had the debug mode activated when saving ?
Because that seems like the error message displayed when the debug mode is turned off.

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13 years 6 months ago #23417

the debug mode was switched on.

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13 years 6 months ago #23429

I got the access you provided and created a new category. I didn't got any problem. You can see that new category test test on your back end. I left it unpublished just in case.
I also tried to edit an already existing category and saved it and didn't got the error either.

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13 years 6 months ago #23451

Okay, maybe I am thinking wrong.

I have tested it in your demo shop. It gives the same error message.

If I save FASHION Additional information under "including Associated" category fashion.

best regards kurt

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13 years 6 months ago #23455

Maybe I don't understand your sentence "I save FASHION Additional information under "including Associated" category fashion" because I tried to save the fashion category in the back end of the demo website and didn't get any error either.

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13 years 6 months ago #23463

I got your video.
You're trying to set as parent category the same category. That's not possible. That would lead to a loop in the category tree. That's why the system displays an error.

Why would you want to do that ?

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13 years 6 months ago #23467

Because I try to assign fields to the appropriate categories.

I do not understand why the fields not displayed in the frontend.

give a guide we i can used the fields.?

I like to assign fields for each category.

for example

When a customer ordered product birth horoscope.

I need extra information.

These fields should be assigned to the order

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13 years 6 months ago #23469

Then, you should look at the settings of the custom field.
Trying to save a category with its parent category being itself isn't related to the custom fields at all and it's normal that you have that error.

Please do a screenshot of the options of your custom item field and I should be able to tell you the problem...

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13 years 6 months ago #23474

I already have all the screenshot below

my discussions - user fields
Posted 1 Day, 15 Hours ago by Kurt Category: General Talk about HikaShop Views: 36

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