Not getting Order administrator email

  • Posts: 156
  • Thank you received: 0
13 years 4 months ago #27189

After a lot of testing i can't seem to get the Order notification email or in other words the email that goes to the administrator every time an order is entered. this email contains all the information of the customer and order along with the extra fields. I am getting all the other emails the invoice to the customer, the payment notification email from hikashop with the subject " payment notification : payment Accepted". Joomla's phpmail is working. i just can't seem to get this email to get to me. please me let me know the issue. i will be sending you an email with backend access so you can look around if you choose.

here is the debug information at the end of cart stage

**Profile Information**
Application 0.000 seconds (+0.000); 0.88 MB (+0.88) - afterLoad
Application 0.062 seconds (+0.062); 8.26 MB (+7.38) - afterInitialise
Application 0.118 seconds (+0.056); 13.09 MB (+4.83) - afterRoute
Application 1.254 seconds (+1.136); 20.43 MB (+7.34) - afterDispatch
Application 1.297 seconds (+0.042); 21.43 MB (+1.00) - afterRender
**Memory Usage**
21.45 MB (22,487,312 Bytes)
**78 Queries Logged**

      FROM `jos_session`
      WHERE `time` < 1318446347
    SELECT `session_id`
      FROM `jos_session`
      WHERE `session_id` = 'c6ffe9926b1ca1baea282064dec5c5d1'
      LIMIT 0, 1
    INSERT INTO `jos_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `guest`, `time`, `userid`, `username`)
      VALUES ('c6ffe9926b1ca1baea282064dec5c5d1', 0, 0, 1318443677, 42, 'admin')
    SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params
      FROM jos_extensions
      WHERE enabled >= 1
      AND type ='plugin'
      AND state >= 0
      AND access IN (1,1,2,3)
      ORDER BY ordering
    SELECT extension_id AS "id", element AS "option", params, enabled
      FROM jos_extensions
      WHERE `type` = 'component'
      AND `element` = 'com_languages'
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_config
    SELECT, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.path AS route,, m.type, m.level,m.browserNav, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,m.language,e.element as component
      FROM jos_menu AS m
      LEFT JOIN jos_extensions AS e
      ON m.component_id = e.extension_id
      WHERE m.published = 1
      AND m.parent_id > 0
      AND m.client_id = 0
      AND m.access IN (1,1,2,3)
      ORDER BY m.lft
    SELECT id, home, template, params
      FROM jos_template_styles
      WHERE client_id = 0
    SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params, mm.menuid
      FROM jos_modules AS m
      LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm
      ON mm.moduleid =
      WHERE m.published = 1
      AND (m.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_up <= '2011-10-12 20:05:47')
      AND (m.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_down >= '2011-10-12 20:05:47')
      AND m.client_id = 0
      AND (mm.menuid = 195 OR mm.menuid <= 0)
      ORDER BY position, ordering
    SELECT extension_id AS "id", element AS "option", params, enabled
      FROM jos_extensions
      WHERE `type` = 'component'
      AND `element` = 'com_hikashop'
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_languages
      WHERE published=1
      ORDER BY lang_id ASC
    SELECT a.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_cart AS a
      WHERE a.cart_id = 311
      ORDER BY a.cart_modified DESC
      LIMIT 1
      FROM jos_user_usergroup_map AS map
      LEFT JOIN jos_usergroups AS a
      ON = map.group_id
      LEFT JOIN jos_usergroups AS b
      ON b.lft <= a.lft
      AND b.rgt >= a.rgt
      WHERE map.user_id = 42
    SELECT b.*,c.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_cart_product AS b
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_product AS c
      ON b.product_id=c.product_id
      WHERE b.cart_id = 311
      AND b.product_id > 0
      AND (c.product_access = 'all' OR c.product_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR c.product_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY c.product_parent_id ASC,b.cart_product_modified ASC
    SELECT b.*,c.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_cart_product AS b
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_product AS c
      ON b.product_id=c.product_id
      WHERE b.cart_id = 311
      AND b.product_id > 0
      AND (c.product_access = 'all' OR c.product_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR c.product_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY c.product_parent_id ASC,b.cart_product_modified ASC
    UPDATE `jos_hikashop_cart`
      SET `user_id`='42',`session_id`='c6ffe9926b1ca1baea282064dec5c5d1',`cart_modified`='1318449947'
      WHERE cart_id='311'
    SELECT currency_id
      FROM jos_hikashop_currency
      WHERE currency_published=1 OR currency_id = 2
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone
      WHERE zone_namekey = 'state_Florida_4270'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT b.*,c.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_cart_product AS b
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_product AS c
      ON b.product_id=c.product_id
      WHERE b.cart_id = 311
      AND b.product_id > 0
      AND (c.product_access = 'all' OR c.product_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR c.product_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY c.product_parent_id ASC,b.cart_product_modified ASC
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_file
      WHERE file_ref_id IN (86,8,18,87)
      AND file_type = 'product'
    SELECT a.*,b.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_variant AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_characteristic AS b
      ON a.variant_characteristic_id=b.characteristic_id
      WHERE a.variant_product_id IN (86,8,18,87)
      ORDER BY a.ordering,b.characteristic_value
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_price
      WHERE price_currency_id IN (1,2)
      AND price_product_id IN (86,8,18,87)
      AND (price_access = 'all' OR price_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR price_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY price_value DESC
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_currency
      WHERE currency_id IN (2)
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT b.*,c.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_category AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_taxation AS b
      ON a.category_namekey=b.category_namekey
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_tax AS c
      ON b.tax_namekey=c.tax_namekey
      WHERE a.category_id = 24
      AND b.taxation_published=1
      AND ( taxation_type = '' OR taxation_type = 'individual' )
      AND (b.taxation_access = 'all' OR b.taxation_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR b.taxation_access LIKE '%,8,%')
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone
      WHERE zone_id = 4270
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_discount
      WHERE discount_type='discount'
      AND discount_published=1
      AND ( discount_quota>discount_used_times OR discount_quota=0 )
      AND discount_start < 1318449947
      AND ( discount_end > 1318449947 OR discount_end = 0 )
      AND ( discount_product_id IN (86,8,18,87) OR discount_product_id=0 )
      AND discount_zone_id IN (0,4270)
      AND ( discount_flat_amount!=0 OR discount_percent_amount!=0 )
      AND (discount_access = 'all' OR discount_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR discount_access LIKE '%,8,%')
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_file
      WHERE file_ref_id IN (86,8,18,87)
      AND file_type='product'
      ORDER BY file_id ASC
    SELECT category_id
      FROM jos_hikashop_product_category
      WHERE product_id=86
      ORDER BY ordering ASC
      FROM jos_hikashop_category AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_category AS b
      ON a.category_left >= b.category_left
      WHERE b.category_right >= a.category_right
      AND a.category_id IN (25)
      ORDER BY b.category_left
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_field as a
      WHERE a.`field_published` = 1
      AND a.`field_frontcomp` = 1
      AND a.field_table='product'
      AND (a.field_access = 'all' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      AND ((field_with_sub_categories=0
      AND (field_categories="all" OR field_categories LIKE '%,25,%'))OR (field_with_sub_categories=1
      AND (field_categories="all" OR field_categories LIKE '%,1,%' OR field_categories LIKE '%,2,%' OR field_categories LIKE '%,10,%' OR field_categories LIKE '%,12,%' OR field_categories LIKE '%,25,%')))
      ORDER BY a.`field_ordering` ASC
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_discount
      WHERE discount_type='coupon'
      AND discount_published=1
      AND discount_auto_load=1
      AND (discount_access = 'all' OR discount_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR discount_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY discount_minimum_order DESC, discount_minimum_products DESC
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_field as a
      WHERE a.`field_published` = 1
      AND a.`field_frontcomp` = 1
      AND a.field_table='address'
      AND (a.field_access = 'all' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY a.`field_ordering` ASC
    SELECT a.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone_link AS a
      WHERE a.zone_child_namekey IN ('state_Florida_4270','country_United_States_of_America_223');
    SELECT a.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone_link AS a
      WHERE a.zone_child_namekey IN ('country_United_States_of_America_223');
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_shipping
      WHERE (shipping_access = 'all' OR shipping_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR shipping_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY shipping_ordering ASC
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_payment
      WHERE (payment_access = 'all' OR payment_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR payment_access LIKE '%,8,%')
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_extensions
      WHERE element IN ('collectondelivery','creditcard','authorize')
      AND folder='hikashoppayment'
      AND type='plugin'
      ORDER BY ordering ASC
    SELECT a.*,b.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_user AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_users AS b
      WHERE a.user_cms_id=42
    SELECT a.*,b.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_user AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_users AS b
      WHERE a.user_id=53
    SELECT a.variant_product_id as product_id,b.characteristic_id as value_id,b.characteristic_value as value,c.characteristic_id as name_id,c.characteristic_value as name
      FROM jos_hikashop_variant AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_characteristic AS b
      ON a.variant_characteristic_id=b.characteristic_id
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_characteristic AS c
      ON b.characteristic_parent_id = c.characteristic_id
      WHERE a.variant_product_id IN (87)
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_field as a
      WHERE a.`field_published` = 1
      AND a.`field_frontcomp` = 1
      AND a.field_table='item'
      AND (a.field_access = 'all' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY a.`field_ordering` ASC
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_payment
      WHERE payment_type='authorize'
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone
      WHERE zone_namekey IN ('state_Florida_4270','country_United_States_of_America_223');
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone
      WHERE zone_namekey IN ('state_Florida_4270','country_United_States_of_America_223');
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `jos_hikashop_order` ( `order_user_id`,`order_status`,`order_shipping_address_id`,`order_billing_address_id`,`order_currency_id`,`order_type`,`order_full_price`,`order_shipping_tax`,`order_discount_tax`,`order_discount_price`,`order_payment_id`,`order_payment_method`,`numberchoice`,`mobile_serial_lock_code`,`esnnumber`,`phone_number`,`carrier`,`account_number`,`pin`,`ssn`,`accountname`,`billingaddress`,`iqaccount`,`user_choice`,`order_created`,`order_ip`,`order_modified` )
      VALUES ( '53','confirmed','159','159','2','sale','1.5','0','0','0','3','authorize','newnumber','111','111','','','','','','','Address, City, State, Zip','239-252-1234','','1318449948','','1318449948' )
    UPDATE `jos_hikashop_order`
      SET `order_user_id`='53',`order_status`='confirmed',`order_shipping_address_id`='159',`order_billing_address_id`='159',`order_currency_id`='2',`order_type`='sale',`order_full_price`='1.5',`order_shipping_tax`='0',`order_discount_tax`='0',`order_discount_price`='0',`order_payment_id`='3',`order_payment_method`='authorize',`numberchoice`='newnumber',`mobile_serial_lock_code`='111',`esnnumber`='111',`phone_number`='',`carrier`='',`account_number`='',`pin`='',`ssn`='',`accountname`='',`billingaddress`='Address, City, State, Zip',`iqaccount`='239-252-1234',`user_choice`='',`order_created`='1318449948',`order_ip`='',`order_modified`='1318449948',`order_number`='C6W5'
      WHERE order_id='65'
    UPDATE jos_hikashop_product
      SET product_quantity = product_quantity - 1
      WHERE product_id IN (8,18)
      AND product_quantity > -1
    UPDATE jos_hikashop_product
      SET product_sales = product_sales + 1
      WHERE product_id IN (8,18)
    UPDATE jos_hikashop_product
      SET product_quantity = product_quantity - 2
      WHERE product_id IN (87)
      AND product_quantity > -1
    UPDATE jos_hikashop_product
      SET product_sales = product_sales + 2
      WHERE product_id IN (87)
    INSERT IGNORE INTO jos_hikashop_order_product (order_id,product_id,order_product_quantity,order_product_name,order_product_code,order_product_price,order_product_tax,order_product_options,order_product_option_parent_id)
      VALUES (65,8,1,'One time Activation Fee','One_time_Activation_Fee','1','0','',1044),(65,18,1,'iQ Unlimited Blackberry Talk, Text & Web',' iQ_Unlimited_Talk__Text___Web','0.5','0','',1041),(65,87,2,'Secure Pay: <span class=\"hikashop_product_variant_subname\"> Not selected</span>','Secure_Pay_46','','0','a:2:{i:1;O:8:\"stdClass\":6:{s:25:\"variant_characteristic_id\";s:2:\"46\";s:18:\"variant_product_id\";s:2:\"87\";s:8:\"ordering\";s:1:\"0\";s:17:\"characteristic_id\";s:2:\"46\";s:24:\"characteristic_parent_id\";s:2:\"48\";s:20:\"characteristic_value\";s:12:\"Not selected\";}s:10:\"Secure Pay\";s:12:\"Not selected\";}',1043)
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_order_product
      WHERE order_id=65
    UPDATE jos_hikashop_order_product
      SET order_product_option_parent_id=152
      WHERE order_product_option_parent_id IN (1043)
      AND order_id=65
    UPDATE jos_hikashop_order_product
      SET order_product_option_parent_id=0
      WHERE order_id=65
      AND order_product_option_parent_id NOT IN (152)
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_payment
      WHERE payment_type='authorize'
    INSERT IGNORE INTO `jos_hikashop_history` ( `history_order_id`,`history_created`,`history_ip`,`history_user_id`,`history_new_status`,`history_reason`,`history_notified`,`history_type`,`history_amount`,`history_payment_id`,`history_payment_method`,`history_data` )
      VALUES ( '65','1318449949','','53','confirmed','**automatic payment notification received**','0','payment','1.5USD','3','authorize','' )
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id IN (159,159)
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone
      WHERE zone_namekey IN ('state_Florida_4270','country_United_States_of_America_223');
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_category
      WHERE category_type='status'
      AND category_name='confirmed'
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_field as a
      WHERE a.`field_published` = 1
      AND a.`field_frontcomp` = 1
      AND a.field_table='
      AND (a.field_access = 'all' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,1,%' OR a.field_access LIKE '%,8,%')
      ORDER BY a.`field_ordering` ASC
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_order
      WHERE order_id = '65'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone
      WHERE zone_namekey IN ('state_Florida_4270','country_United_States_of_America_223');
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_address
      WHERE address_id = '159'
      LIMIT 1
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_zone
      WHERE zone_namekey IN ('state_Florida_4270','country_United_States_of_America_223');
    SELECT a.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_order_product AS a
      WHERE a.order_id = 65
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_entry
      WHERE order_id=65
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_product
      WHERE product_id IN (8,18,87)
      AND product_type='variant'
    SELECT b.*,a.*
      FROM jos_hikashop_file AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_download AS b
      ON b.order_id=65
      AND a.file_id = b.file_id
      WHERE a.file_ref_id IN (8,18,87,86)
      AND a.file_type='file'
    SELECT *
      FROM jos_hikashop_payment
      WHERE payment_type='authorize'
      FROM jos_hikashop_cart_product
      WHERE cart_id IN ('311')
      FROM jos_hikashop_cart
      WHERE cart_id IN ('311')

**51 Query Types Logged, Sorted by Occurrences.**
**SELECT Tables:**

    **9 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_address**
    **7 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_zone**
    **4 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_field as a**
    **4 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_payment**
    **3 × SELECT b.*,c.* FROM jos_hikashop_cart_product AS b LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_product AS c ON b.product_id=c.product_id**
    **2 × SELECT extension_id AS "id", element AS "option", params, enabled FROM jos_extensions**
    **2 × SELECT a.*,b.* FROM jos_hikashop_user AS a LEFT JOIN jos_users AS b ON**
    **2 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_file**
    **2 × SELECT a.* FROM jos_hikashop_zone_link AS a**
    **2 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_discount**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_extensions**
    **1 × SELECT b.*,a.* FROM jos_hikashop_file AS a LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_download AS b ON b.order_id=65 AND a.file_id = b.file_id**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_shipping**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_entry**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_category**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_order**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_order_product**
    **1 × SELECT a.variant_product_id as product_id,b.characteristic_id as value_id,b.characteristic_value as value,c.characteristic_id as name_id,c.characteristic_value as name FROM jos_hikashop_variant AS a LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_characteristic AS b ON a.variant_characteristic_id=b.characteristic_id LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_characteristic AS c ON b.characteristic_parent_id = c.characteristic_id**
    **1 × SELECT a.* FROM jos_hikashop_order_product AS a**
    **1 × SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM jos_hikashop_category AS a LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_category AS b ON a.category_left >= b.category_left**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_product**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_currency**
    **1 × SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params, mm.menuid FROM jos_modules AS m LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid =**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_languages**
    **1 × SELECT id, home, template, params FROM jos_template_styles**
    **1 × SELECT, m.menutype, m.title, m.alias, m.path AS route,, m.type, m.level,m.browserNav, m.access, m.params, m.home, m.img, m.template_style_id, m.component_id, m.parent_id,m.language,e.element as component FROM jos_menu AS m LEFT JOIN jos_extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id**
    **1 × SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params FROM jos_extensions**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_confi**
    **1 × SELECT a.* FROM jos_hikashop_cart AS a**
    **1 × SELECT FROM jos_user_usergroup_map AS map LEFT JOIN jos_usergroups AS a ON = map.group_id LEFT JOIN jos_usergroups AS b ON b.lft <= a.lft AND b.rgt >= a.rgt**
    **1 × SELECT `session_id` FROM `jos_session`**
    **1 × SELECT b.*,c.* FROM jos_hikashop_category AS a LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_taxation AS b ON a.category_namekey=b.category_namekey LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_tax AS c ON b.tax_namekey=c.tax_namekey**
    **1 × SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_price**
    **1 × SELECT a.*,b.* FROM jos_hikashop_variant AS a LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_characteristic AS b ON a.variant_characteristic_id=b.characteristic_id**
    **1 × SELECT currency_id FROM jos_hikashop_currency**
    **1 × SELECT category_id FROM jos_hikashop_product_category**

**OTHER Tables:**

    **1 × UPDATE jos_hikashop_order_product SET order_product_option_parent_id=152**
    **1 × INSERT IGNORE INTO jos_hikashop_order_product (order_id,product_id,order_product_quantity,order_product_name,order_product_code,order_product_price,order_product_tax,order_product_options,order_product_option_parent_id) VALUES (65,8,1,'One time Activation Fee','One_time_Activation_Fee','1','0','',1044),(65,18,1,'iQ Unlimited Blackberry Talk, Text & Web',' iQ_Unlimited_Talk__Text___Web','0.5','0','',1041),(65,87,2,'Secure Pay: Not selected','Secure_Pay_46','','0','a:2:{i:1;O:8:\"stdClass\":6:{s:25:\"variant_characteristic_id\";s:2:\"46\";s:18:\"variant_product_id\";s:2:\"87\";s:8:\"ordering\";s:1:\"0\";s:17:\"characteristic_id\";s:2:\"46\";s:24:\"characteristic_parent_id\";s:2:\"48\";s:20:\"characteristic_value\";s:12:\"Not selected\";}s:10:\"Secure Pay\";s:12:\"Not selected\";}',1043**
    **1 × UPDATE jos_hikashop_order_product SET order_product_option_parent_id=0**
    **1 × INSERT IGNORE INTO `jos_hikashop_history` ( `history_order_id`,`history_created`,`history_ip`,`history_user_id`,`history_new_status`,`history_reason`,`history_notified`,`history_type`,`history_amount`,`history_payment_id`,`history_payment_method`,`history_data` ) VALUES ( '65','1318449949','','53','confirmed','**automatic payment notification received**','0','payment','1.5USD','3','authorize',''**
    **1 × DELETE FROM jos_hikashop_cart**
    **1 × DELETE FROM jos_hikashop_cart_product**
    **1 × UPDATE jos_hikashop_product SET product_sales = product_sales + 2**
    **1 × UPDATE jos_hikashop_product SET product_quantity = product_quantity - 2**
    **1 × UPDATE `jos_hikashop_cart` SET `user_id`='42',`session_id`='c6ffe9926b1ca1baea282064dec5c5d1',`cart_modified`='1318449947'**
    **1 × INSERT INTO `jos_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `guest`, `time`, `userid`, `username`) VALUES ('c6ffe9926b1ca1baea282064dec5c5d1', 0, 0, 1318443677, 42, 'admin'**
    **1 × INSERT IGNORE INTO `jos_hikashop_order` ( `order_user_id`,`order_status`,`order_shipping_address_id`,`order_billing_address_id`,`order_currency_id`,`order_type`,`order_full_price`,`order_shipping_tax`,`order_discount_tax`,`order_discount_price`,`order_payment_id`,`order_payment_method`,`numberchoice`,`mobile_serial_lock_code`,`esnnumber`,`phone_number`,`carrier`,`account_number`,`pin`,`ssn`,`accountname`,`billingaddress`,`iqaccount`,`user_choice`,`order_created`,`order_ip`,`order_modified` ) VALUES ( '53','confirmed','159','159','2','sale','1.5','0','0','0','3','authorize','newnumber','111','111','','','','','','','Address, City, State, Zip','239-252-1234','','1318449948','','1318449948'**
    **1 × UPDATE `jos_hikashop_order` SET `order_user_id`='53',`order_status`='confirmed',`order_shipping_address_id`='159',`order_billing_address_id`='159',`order_currency_id`='2',`order_type`='sale',`order_full_price`='1.5',`order_shipping_tax`='0',`order_discount_tax`='0',`order_discount_price`='0',`order_payment_id`='3',`order_payment_method`='authorize',`numberchoice`='newnumber',`mobile_serial_lock_code`='111',`esnnumber`='111',`phone_number`='',`carrier`='',`account_number`='',`pin`='',`ssn`='',`accountname`='',`billingaddress`='Address, City, State, Zip',`iqaccount`='239-252-1234',`user_choice`='',`order_created`='1318449948',`order_ip`='',`order_modified`='1318449948',`order_number`='C6W5'**
    **1 × UPDATE jos_hikashop_product SET product_sales = product_sales + 1**
    **1 × UPDATE jos_hikashop_product SET product_quantity = product_quantity - 1**
    **1 × DELETE FROM `jos_session`**

**Parsing errors in language files**

    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_hikashop.ini : error(s) in line(s) 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_jat3.ini : error(s) in line(s) 87, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_anion.ini : error(s) in line(s) 9, 10

**Language Files Loaded**

    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_hikashop.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.lib_joomla.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_jat3.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_cachecleaner.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_sourcerer.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_sourcerer.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_menu.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_breadcrumbs.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_custom.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_content_pagebreak.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_content_vote.ini 1
    /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_debug.ini 1

**Untranslated Strings**

# /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/field.php

# /home/iqcellul/public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php


# /home/iqcellul/public_html/media/com_hikashop/mail/order_creation_notification.text.modified.php


# /home/iqcellul/public_html/plugins/system/jat3/jat3/core/template.php

SKIP_TO_CONTENT="to content"

here is the code from the Order administrator notification email
 * @package    HikaShop for Joomla!
 * @version    1.5.1
 * @author
 * @copyright  (C) 2010-2011 HIKARI SOFTWARE. All rights reserved.
 * @license
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
  <div style="background-color: #ffffff; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; color: #000000; width: 100%;">
  <table style="margin: auto;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td height="10">
          $url = HIKASHOP_LIVE.'administrator/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=edit&order_id='.$data->order_id;
          $currency = hikashop::get('class.currency');
          $url = '<a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a>';
          echo "<br/>".JText::sprintf('ACCESS_ORDER_WITH_LINK',$url);
          if($data->order_payment_method=='creditcard' && !empty($data->credit_card_info->cc_number)){
            echo "<br/>".JText::_('CUSTOMER_PAID_WITH_CREDIT_CARD');
              echo "<br/>".JText::_('CREDIT_CARD_OWNER').' : '.$data->credit_card_info->cc_owner;
            echo "<br/>".JText::_('END_OF_CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER').' : '.substr($data->credit_card_info->cc_number,4);
              echo "<br/>".JText::_('CARD_VALIDATION_CODE').' : '.$data->credit_card_info->cc_CCV;
          $fieldsClass = hikashop::get('class.field');
          $fields = $fieldsClass->getFields('frontcomp',$data,'order','');
          foreach($fields as $fieldName => $oneExtraField) {
            echo "<br/>".$fieldsClass->trans($oneExtraField->field_realname).' : '.$fieldsClass->show($oneExtraField,$data->$fieldName);
          $class = hikashop::get('class.order');
          $url = $data->order_number;
          $config =& hikashop::config();
            $url .= ' ( '.$data->order_url.' )';
             $data->cart = $class->loadFullOrder($data->order_id,true,false);
          $data->cart->coupon = null;
          $price = null;
          $tax = $data->cart->order_subtotal - $data->cart->order_subtotal_no_vat;
          $price->price_value = $data->order_full_price-$tax;
          $price->price_value_with_tax = $data->order_full_price;
          $data->cart->full_total = null;
          $data->cart->full_total->prices = array($price);
          $data->cart->coupon->discount_value =& $data->order_discount_price;
        <td height="10">
          <table width="100%" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">
              <td style="font-weight:bold;">
                <?php echo JText::_('CART_PRODUCT_NAME'); ?>
              <td style="font-weight:bold;">
                <?php echo JText::_('CART_PRODUCT_UNIT_PRICE'); ?>
              <td style="font-weight:bold;">
                <?php echo JText::_('CART_PRODUCT_QUANTITY'); ?>
              <td style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right;">
                <?php echo JText::_('HIKASHOP_TOTAL'); ?>
                $fieldsClass = hikashop::get('class.field');
                $null = null;
                $itemFields = $fieldsClass->getFields('frontcomp',$null,'item');
              foreach($data->cart->products as $item){
                $price = $item->order_product_total_price_no_vat;
                    <p><?php echo $item->order_product_name; ?></p><?php
                      foreach($itemFields as $field){
                        $namekey = $field->field_namekey;
                        echo '<p>'.$fieldsClass->getFieldName($field).': '.$fieldsClass->show($field,$item->$namekey).'</p>';
                    } ?>
                    <?php echo $currencyHelper->format($item->order_product_price,$data->order_currency_id); ?>
                    <?php echo $item->order_product_quantity; ?>
                  <td style="text-align:right">
                    <?php echo $currencyHelper->format($price,$data->order_currency_id); ?>
                echo '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:right">'.JText::_('HIKASHOP_COUPON').' : '.$currencyHelper->format($data->order_discount_price,$data->order_currency_id).'</td></tr>';
                echo '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:right">'.JText::_('HIKASHOP_SHIPPING_METHOD').' : '.$currencyHelper->format($data->order_shipping_price,$data->order_currency_id).'</td></tr>';
              echo '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:right">'.JText::sprintf('TOTAL_WITHOUT_VAT',$currencyHelper->format($data->cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value,$data->order_currency_id)).'</td></tr>';
              echo '<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;">'.JText::sprintf('TOTAL_WITH_VAT',$currencyHelper->format($data->cart->full_total->prices[0]->price_value_with_tax,$data->order_currency_id)).'</td></tr>';
        <td height="10">
          <table width="100%" style="border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">
          $params = null;
          $js = '';
          $fieldsClass = hikashop::get('class.field');
          $template = trim(hikashop::getLayout('address','address_template',$params,$js));
            $billing = $template;
            foreach($data->cart->fields as $field){
              $fieldname = $field->field_namekey;
            echo '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;background-color:#DDDDDD">'.JText::_('HIKASHOP_BILLING_ADDRESS').'</td></tr><tr><td>';
            echo str_replace(array("\r\n","\r","\n"),'<br/>',preg_replace('#{(?:(?!}).)*}#i','',$billing)).'<br/></td></tr>';
          if(!empty($data->cart->order_shipping_id) && !empty($data->cart->shipping_address)){
            $shipping = $template;
            foreach($data->cart->fields as $field){
              $fieldname = $field->field_namekey;
            echo '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;background-color:#DDDDDD">'.JText::_('HIKASHOP_SHIPPING_ADDRESS').'</td></tr><tr><td>';
            echo str_replace(array("\r\n","\r","\n"),'<br/>',preg_replace('#{(?:(?!}).)*}#i','',$shipping)).'<br/></td></tr>';
            echo $data->customer->user_email;?>
        <td height="10">
        <td height="10">
        <td height="10">

Let me know the issue thanks..

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13 years 4 months ago #27194

Maybe you unpublished the email via the menu System->Emails ?

Otherwise, it could be that your hosting has a restriction and doesn't allow you to send more than 1 email per page and since it is already sending the order creation email to the customer before the admin email, it would refuse to send this one.

Did you modify the admin email in some way ?

Other than that, I don't see why the email wouldn't be sent.

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13 years 4 months ago #27201

all the emails are published, and i didn't make any changes to the email as you can see from the code above. i don't think the hosting is the problem as i had it working working before just fine.. the administrator only gets the payment notification : payment Accepted email. which looks like it's coming from hikashop and the customer is get their email too so i don't think there is a limit..

i am abut to pull my hair out with this one! i can't see any reason why it wouldn't send it. are they any logs i can check to see if it's sending?

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13 years 4 months ago #27204

Did you remove the email in the "order creation notification email" option of the Email tab of the config ?
That could also explain the problem.

There is no log for that.

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13 years 4 months ago #27206

Here us a screen shoot of that window.

the email is there..


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13 years 4 months ago #27208

i sent you the log in information, please feel free to look around to help me solve this issue.

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13 years 4 months ago #27215

I see that you customized the administrator email.
Please backup your modifications, remove the modifications of that email via the delete icons in the menu System->Emails and try again.

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13 years 4 months ago #27244

modifications removed, problem is still there. this is the last issue on the list before lunching the site.

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13 years 4 months ago #27254

Could you change the code:
function onAfterOrderCreate(&$order){

function onAfterOrderCreate(&$order,&$send_email){

in the file plugins/hikashoppayment/authorize.php and try again ?

Other than that, you settings are fine and everything seems ok.

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13 years 4 months ago #27317

here is where i made the change

function onAfterOrderCreate(&$order,&$send_email){
    	$app =& JFactory::getApplication();
    		return true;
    		return true;
I am Still only getting the payment notification email.

The problem is still there.

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13 years 4 months ago #27321

I'm out of ideas. It works fine on our end. We would have to debug the problem directly on your website in order to understand what is the problem.

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13 years 4 months ago #27323

i sent you over via the contact us log in information. please take a look and let me know how to proceed. This was working find before i updated to a newer version.

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13 years 4 months ago #27324

The back end access you gave us is not enough to debug the problem. We would need an FTP access.

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13 years 4 months ago #27325

access sent over my friend... Thanks, looking forward to the solution..

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13 years 4 months ago #27361

any luck so far?

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13 years 4 months ago #27384


I didn't had the time to look at that this week end. I'll look at it tomorrow.

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13 years 4 months ago #27475


I looked at the problem and unfortunately, it does not come from HikaShop.
I added traces around the line:
$result = $this->mailer->Send();
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/mail.php
That's the line telling the mail library to send the email.

I added a var_dump of $mail and a var_dump of $result.

$mail contains all the data of the email properly:

object(stdClass)#743 (13) {
  string(24) "order_admin_notification"
  string(11) "IQ Cellular"
  string(20) ""
  string(11) "IQ Cellular"
  string(22) ""
  string(57) "New order No. D7E3 created on"
  string(1) "1"
  string(1) "1"
  array(0) {
  string(2576) "	<div style="background-color: #ffffff; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; color: #000000; width: 100%;">

	<table style="margin: auto;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">



				<td height="10">







					The order is now confirmed.<br/><br/>This notification was for the order D7E3 on the website<br/>You can access the order details directly by clicking on the link below after logging in your back end:<br/><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br/>I would like : A new number<br/>Billing Address : Address, City, State, Zip				</td>



				<td height="10">





					<table width="100%" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">


							<td style="font-weight:bold;">

								Name							</td>

							<td style="font-weight:bold;">

								Unit price							</td>

							<td style="font-weight:bold;">

								Qty							</td>

							<td style="font-weight:bold;text-align:right;">

								Total							</td>




										<p>HTC Hero IQ</p>									</td>


										$99.00									</td>


										2									</td>

									<td style="text-align:right">

										$198.00									</td>


								<tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:right">TOTAL without VAT : $198.00</td></tr><tr><td colspan="4" style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;">TOTAL with VAT : $198.00</td></tr>					</table>




				<td height="10">





					<table width="100%" style="border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;">

					<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;background-color:#DDDDDD">Billing address</td></tr><tr><td><br/>Mr John Doe<br/>134 Maple Street<br/>Your Town Florida 12345 <br/>United States of America<br/>Telephone: 123-456-7890<br/></td></tr>					</table>




				<td height="10">




				<td height="10">




				<td height="10">





  string(571) "The order is now confirmed.

This notification was for the order D7E3 on the website

Total : $198.00

You can access the order details directly by clicking on the link below after logging in your back end:

I want to : 

I would like : A new number

Keep Your Number : 

MSL : 

ESN : 

Phone # : 

Carrier : 

Account # : 

Pin # : 

SSN # : 

Account Name : 

Billing Address : Address, City, State, Zip

iQ Account (Phone Number) : "
  &array(2) {
    string(22) ""
    string(27) ""
  &string(1) " "
and the $result variable is true:

That means two things:
1. HikaShop sends the email.
2. The email library reports to HikaShop that the mail has been sent.

So the only possible conclusion is this:
There is something on your server, or email server which blocks the email, for whatever reason. You should ask your hosting company what is the problem. They should have some logs on the email server regarding the rejection of the email.

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13 years 4 months ago #27543

Thank you so much for narrowing it down... your the best! :)

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