I'm developing a new plugin payment to a credit card Italian manager.
I was inspired by paypal plugin.
The function onAfterOrderConfirm and onPaymentNotification is working, in the administration panel the order is confirmed.
But I've a problem, my payment gateway don't call a result url.
the instructions of my gateway tell me to call the notification and then make a redirect.
This is the notify example:
$paymentID = $_REQUEST['paymentid'];
$result = $_REQUEST['result'];
$auth = $_REQUEST['auth'];
$ref = $_REQUEST['ref'];
$tranid = $_REQUEST['tranid'];
$trackid = $_REQUEST['trackid'];
$details = $_REQUEST['udf1'];
$responsecode = $_REQUEST['responsecode'];
$reply = "REDIRECT=" . "http://www.nomedominio.it/nomecontesto/result.php?paymentid=" . $paymentID;
echo $reply;
I've tried many solution for the redirect but the result page is always the product listing with the message "The cart is empty",
and in the case of payment confirmed that in case of cancellation of the payment.
It seems that the link index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=checkout¬if_payment=monetaweb&task=notify... is called, but then the browser gets back the default address.
I therefore fail to give a message to the user of the payment.
I also tried to view the page thankyou, as the plugin authorize, but in not working.
I do not know how to do more...