Yes, a Joomla account is created. Also a Joomla Contact, an Acymailing entry and the Hikashop account. The hikashop info is linked to the joomla user. The joomla account is not activated, likely because we have email confirmation setup for activation.
The info provided is junk field fillers meant to be close (random city names, etc.), so obviously a script/robo. My previous post had a sample of the data inserted into the H/S address table.
Had a different user insertion last evening (a russian going through france). This time it was logged by joomlawatch (as a BOT, so they did not use a browser). They used the following path:
they then went to the user login page a few times, but could not get in because of the email confirmation required to activate the account. Admin Tools auto blocked them after a few attempts.
So this insertion of a fake user was different than the others discussed previously and could be seen in the logging. That is different than the others where they do not show up in the logging, none of the above pages showed in the logs with the other insertions, and the admin user's H/S addresses were not set to not-published with last night's fake user, unlike the ohers where they are always turned off.
On a related point, I am also a bit confused. If we delete a user in Joomla, should it not delete them and their addresses from Hikashop? I would also think it should delete them from the Joomla Contacts as well, but it didn't.
I am thinking that since the user accounts are not activated, hopefully there is no danger. But being absolutely new to Joomla and Hikashop, I do not know that. I am trying to ensure for our clients that the sites are as secure as possible. It makes me nervous that these injections can not only create a new user, but can change settings in an existing user. Of course, the user affected is always ID 1 since that is what Hikashop assigns the super user admin, so a hacker may know that if the address thing is somehow intentional. Not sure what the point of that would be, but I am not even close to a security expert.
Thanks for your ongoing assistance. Hopefully it is nothing, but it is curious.