lionel, i dont think you understand. It is not a redshop template that you can use with hikashop. Whilst redshop on the whole is rubbish software, they did have a pretty good way of creating 'templates' for each thing, which used tags to show each item. This meant you could easily move things around or change things to make the page look different.
In anycase, I will probably, albeit reluctantly, migrate my Hikashops to MijoShop as although it isnt joomla native in the sense it runs opencart as well, it does look like a shopping cart should look and have things in logical and intuitive places.
For example, you shouldn't have to go in and edit css to have a discounted price to display as red and the old price crossed out. This is basic shopping cart standards! yes it should be customisable for those that want it different but 'out of the box' it should display like this.
Other things like you should be able to set the product discount from the Product page! not in some other separate area that makes it confusing to match discounts to products.
I mentioned above how confusing it is that Hikashop has options within the joomla modules and menu pages. Associated modules are too confusing and just makes it messy with all these listed. Overall it is not simplistic enough for an average user to easily work their way around and it is too unprofessional looking.
Personally, I know Nicolas, Oliver, Xavier etc are super helpful in the forum, but the Hika team need to work on the product as it is when it is installed on fresh install. Compare theirs to say Opencart or Mijoshop and they will realise theirs looks terrible and takes forever customising basic styling needs that should be standard.