Good afternoon,
I´m sorry because you don´t not understand, but now I repeat what I want to do step by step:
1. Users which want to use the possibilities to add products on my site, must first of all to register on my_site and after that to complete an formular with their options (categories of products, type of products, manner in which want to receive the money from clients bank, paypal, etc, their business type and domain, name of their virtual magazine), and pay to my service based on their service choose from my formular;
2. After I will receive the email with their options, and confirmation of payment, I am interested to have the next possibility with Hika:
2.1-to create in back-end category proposed by vendor, and restrict for him the possibility to modified the category, but allow possibility to use it in their front-end on the formular;
2.2.-to create in back-end link between their system payment and their products, with possibility to add my percent or value from their sales based on values imposed by me (to be more explicit, I want to create an system of payment for me, which must be dynamic. Ex: if their value/product < 5$ then my procent from value to be 1%; if their value/product is between 5 and 10$ then my percent from value to be 2%,...,and so on.);
2.3.-to have possibility to create in back-end an form, with multiple option for vendor (to add text, checkbox, radio button, etc.), but all options created by me in back-end, with their
2.4.-vendor do not will have the possibility to enter and use back-end. Their own responsabilities is to complete their form and publish their products in corresponding categories choose by him (category will be read only without possibility to be changed by vendor);
2.5-to have possibility to create multiple forms for the same vendor;
2.6-every form to include the system payment specified at point 2.2 in a manner in which vendor to see my profit (like read only) whitout chnage it;
2.7.-every product published by vendor, to have the possibility to change it without my support;
2.8.-to have possibility to impose an number of products which an vendor can added on their page, such as counter which start from maxium number of products (allowed by me in fron-end) and end to 0 (even if they will add all products to one category, or divided their products by 2 category and so on);
2.9.-to have possibility to set-up in back-end the number of pictures/product which the vendor can upload on the product;
3.0.-to allow the possibility to vendor to introduce their banner, some description of their magazine and some contact data;
4.0.-to have possibility to create in back-end some some link betweens their category and products, in a manner in which after each publish with product, on their first page to appear their product corresponding to their category;
5.0.-possibility to create in back-end an basic filter/vendor and basic search/vendor, both with an detailed filter and search for my support site on which the vendor have their magazine.
6.0.-possibility that each vendor to have their own customer;
In this moment this what I espect to do with Hika.
I waiting your answer with what can do Hika from my all espectetion specified anterior.
Thank you in advance for advaince, support and understanding.
Best regards.