This is happening only with the products that are unique, this means, that i have only 1 in stock.
I was checking that everything works well, and then i notice the problem. I did like i was going to buy one of these unique products, added the product to the shopping cart, and then, the phone ring and my session expired. I entered again and the product was there still in the shopping cart, but when i made click to go to the checkout, the system told me that the product was sold out.
So i thought, mmmm, this is weird, i went to the back end and check the stock. The product still had 1 in stock, so, the buy didnt complete and was correctly cancelled, but in the front end, the user was unable to buy the product. I thought, maybe this is happenning just with this user, so, i enter with other user and try to buy the product, but still, the system told me that the stock limit was reached.
In my last effort to understand what was happening, i went to the hikashop backend and erase the product. I made a new one, with other id but with the same name and details. Result: the product still cant be buy it.
I have other products that have more items in stock, and they work just fine, but im afraid that this could happen everytime a product reach the 1 in stock. And i have no clue of why could be the problem.
If you need access just let me know, i will create a backup in the meantime.
Thank you so much in advance
And congratz because hikashop is really great!