Question about HikaShop Business and MultiVendor,

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11 years 8 months ago #111563

Good morning,

I am new user on this forum, so I don´t know if here is the corect place where I can post my question.
So, I am interested about Hikashop Business and Hikashop Multivendor. My questions are:

1. For multiple Vendors, I can made multiple forms (such as for register), in a mannner in which vendor only must complete this forms corresponding to their categories (category enter by me, with restricted access for vendor)?
2. Every Vendor have the possibility to have their own system paiment? I can create in back end this option, and then atribute the sistem payment for an specific Vendor? I can added to system payment of vendor some round with my percent of money, but that value to not appear on their invoice, or to can be see by all clients of site (registered or not) such as an ¨read only¨?
3. The labels from forms which will be created be me for vendors supports other language for front end appearence? If I will used in back end the name of labels in toher language, in front end will appear how I write in back end? I can change the name of labels based on my language used?

I want to thanks in advance to all comunity for support and especial HikaShop teams for understanding.
My questions posted here represented my interest for HikaShop and reason for buy their modules.

Best regards.

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11 years 8 months ago #111609


For the moment, it is not possible for the vendors to have their own payment methods. It is something which is planned and which will be possible thanks to the new features in HikaShop 2.2.0
So we will work on this feature in a future version of HikaMarket.
But we will release the Paypal Adaptive plugin which will be very useful.

After that, the percentage of money is not in the payment system but directly in HikaMarket with the "fees" features.
You can configure the fees globally and override them per vendor. The money that the vendor will gain is only display to you and to him. The customer never see it.

You can try HikaShop Business and HikaMarket in our demo website :
HikaMarket is accessible in the backend and in the front-end too. You have to use the menu link "Other Features > HikaMarket" to see them (using the login demo/demo).

For you forms questions. I am sorry but I have some difficulties to understand them and what you want to do.

Kind regards,

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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11 years 8 months ago #111707

Good morning,

Thank you for explanation. It is very clear now for what I must to do. Now I have some other questions:

1. The transition between free pachet and business pachet will influence my functionality of my site? Is necessary an backup before? The same question is reffering to multivendor: their install will influence the functionality of my site in condition in which is online?
2. Where I can found some simple tutorial with basic steps necessary to add an product to site (include category of product, price, description, etc)?
3. For an product I can add multiple field with description, or I must to resume to one field which will contain all description of product?

Now, to be more clear about my question reffering to form:
-for example, to register on your site I must complete a form (ex. register form), to put an anouncement I must to complete a form (anounce form). This form is create by admin, and the user have the possibility only to complete the form and put their contains of anouncement using submit button (or simmilar). In this moment, their anounce will apear automaticaly in front-end, based on their category choose by him;
-in my previous email, I ask you that if with HikaShop Multivendor I can do the same thing: to create a form which will contains free field, in which which vendor subscribed to me, will only must complete the whole field with their product description and upload their pictures;
-so, in other words, I want to create for an specific vendor only the posibility to add their products from front-end, without used back-end. For this, I must to know if I can create multiples types of form whith whole field for multiples category. I must to know if I can create and settup my self in back-end their form, in which I can restrict their number of image which must can upload/product, to enter their category and in front-end the vendor will have only the possibility to choose from a list the category where will add their products, the same things for brands, etc.
-basicaly, to restrict their possibility on back-end, and leave free posibility to add allown their products, with consideration that in bac-end I will made my self all settups.

I want to thank you for promptitude in answer, support and understanding.
From now you will be sure that you will hear about me, not only from intermedium of this forum, but such as client.

I waiting your answer and your other question or queries.

Best regards.

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11 years 8 months ago #111750


By upgrading HikaShop to a Business edition, you will have access to new features but it should not impact your site. If you use the free edition, the configure set the business features has "deactivated" so by upgrading, the features will stay deactivate. You will be able at this moment to activate them in the configuration.
With HikaMarket, it will not impact the design of the website. You can deactivate the vendor registration (or set the manual validation) if you want to be sure that nobody will be able to create a vendor account (and so, test the features).

In the HikaShop documentation, we have a "Tutorial" section.
In HikaMarket documentation, we started a "Tutorial" page too.

In HikaShop the description is just one field but, with HikaShop business you can create "custom fields" which are extra fields for your products.
You can look at what we did in our demo website :

Thanks to the front-end editor and with the full ACL system, you can configure which field will be editable by a vendor.
So you can let your vendors edit the product name, change the product price, edit the description, etc.
I invite you to test an see the possibilities in our demo website, there is a huge list of "rights".
By removing a right to a vendor, the field won't be displayed in the product page edition.

Thanks to view overrides, you can change the layout of the product page edition. So if you want to reorganize the form, you can.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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11 years 8 months ago #111850

Good afternoon,

Now is very clear for me what I have must to do in the future. Hika is my choice, and if you work to new features in a manner in which each vendor must can settings their payment method, from my point of view you are the best.

But, I forget to answer if each vendor will can have their personalised store ? (their possibility to add a banner with name of store, or other personalisation).

Thanks for all answer. Is simply and proffesional. We will keep in touch.

Best regards.

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11 years 8 months ago #111904


Yes the feature which would allow each vendor the possibility to configure his payment methods is planned.
At this moment, HikaShop won't accept more than one vendor in the cart because the customer will pay the vendor directly.

For the personalized store, it will require an access to the backend for your vendors if you want to let them configure their "store".
At this moment, I will recommend you to use Joomla Multi-sites (JMS) which is compatible with HikaShop and HikaMarket.
Thanks for JMS and HikaMarket, you can have a multi-store multi-site structure.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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11 years 8 months ago #112032

Good morning,

If I understand well, you recomand me an aditional packet to used with HikaShop and HikaMarket.
This recomandation don´t look very well for me. The reason is aditional money spent with an service which is not necessary for me, because this is the reason because I choose to use Hika modules. So, based on description from modules of HikaSop and HikaMarket, I understand that: on one Joomla site, with HikaShop and HikaMarket added, can be manage multiple vendors. Every vendor with their own personalisation of products and category of products.
So, if I understand well, in this moment is not allowed that every vendors can have their own system payment (such as paypal, bank transfer, etc) personalised as wish. Instead, they will be pay from intermedium of ¨fees¨ option from my account. For me is not a problem, and I am sure for vendor is not, if the money posted/product saled will be found in their account of bank. Now, if every vendor have the possibility to have their own page wiht presententation products, their own possibilities to added products, their own catogories, their own banner with name of their shop, possibility to control and manage their accounts by me from back end, I don´t understand why is necessary to buy other products for multisite.

From my point of view, this options satisfied my necesity. Based on my hosting, I have option to add as many subdomain I wish, but I am not interested for this. I want only one site with possibility to allow multiple vendors to create their own virtual magazine.

So, I waiting your suggestion with some modules for multisite, and some explanation with your reason because you recomand me to buy other module, if Hika (with their modules which I want to buy, HikaShop and HikaMultivendor have allready incorporated this possibilities.

Thank you for support and understanding. I am impresed by your clear explanation, and I hope to continue our collaboration more throw intermedium of forum, but instead as client of Hika products.

Best regards.

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11 years 8 months ago #112127


There are some possibilities to have different product layouts depending the category.
When you edit a category, you will see this option.

For this moment it is not possible to edit this option in the front-end using HikaMarket but we will add it in a future release.
At this moment, your vendor will be able to choose their product layout but they won't be able to edit it. You will have to provide several layouts (you can edit/duplicate them in the HikaShop backend).

By default HikaMarket creates a vendor category where all vendor products will be inserted. So every vendors are separate in different categories.
In the vendor page, you can display modules. By setting a product listing module with the option "synchronize", it will synchronize the products with the current vendor (so it will display only the vendor's products).

The option which will allow all vendors to have their own payment method is not yet implemented. We just added the "multi-payment" feature in HikaShop 2.2.0, it is a very new feature and in HikaMarket 1.2.0 we just implement the "multi-shipping" but not yet the "multi-payment". But it is something planned in a "short term".
We have to create interfaces to edit and manage the shipping/payment methods in the front-end and so, add the special feature which will allow HikaMarket the possibility to choose the payment method depending the cart.

I talked about JMS because I don't know what you want to do exactly and at one moment I thougth that you wanted to have one specific website per vendor.
HikaShop/HikaMarket can't do everything so we make integration with other components. If you told me that you want to send a lot of emails with HikaShop product, I will answer you to use Acymailing (with the bridge plugin) because we are not a newsletter component and Acymailing do it greatly.

Kind regards,

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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11 years 7 months ago #112351

Good afternoon,

I´m sorry because you don´t not understand, but now I repeat what I want to do step by step:

1. Users which want to use the possibilities to add products on my site, must first of all to register on my_site and after that to complete an formular with their options (categories of products, type of products, manner in which want to receive the money from clients bank, paypal, etc, their business type and domain, name of their virtual magazine), and pay to my service based on their service choose from my formular;
2. After I will receive the email with their options, and confirmation of payment, I am interested to have the next possibility with Hika:
2.1-to create in back-end category proposed by vendor, and restrict for him the possibility to modified the category, but allow possibility to use it in their front-end on the formular;
2.2.-to create in back-end link between their system payment and their products, with possibility to add my percent or value from their sales based on values imposed by me (to be more explicit, I want to create an system of payment for me, which must be dynamic. Ex: if their value/product < 5$ then my procent from value to be 1%; if their value/product is between 5 and 10$ then my percent from value to be 2%,...,and so on.);
2.3.-to have possibility to create in back-end an form, with multiple option for vendor (to add text, checkbox, radio button, etc.), but all options created by me in back-end, with their
2.4.-vendor do not will have the possibility to enter and use back-end. Their own responsabilities is to complete their form and publish their products in corresponding categories choose by him (category will be read only without possibility to be changed by vendor);
2.5-to have possibility to create multiple forms for the same vendor;
2.6-every form to include the system payment specified at point 2.2 in a manner in which vendor to see my profit (like read only) whitout chnage it;
2.7.-every product published by vendor, to have the possibility to change it without my support;
2.8.-to have possibility to impose an number of products which an vendor can added on their page, such as counter which start from maxium number of products (allowed by me in fron-end) and end to 0 (even if they will add all products to one category, or divided their products by 2 category and so on);
2.9.-to have possibility to set-up in back-end the number of pictures/product which the vendor can upload on the product;
3.0.-to allow the possibility to vendor to introduce their banner, some description of their magazine and some contact data;
4.0.-to have possibility to create in back-end some some link betweens their category and products, in a manner in which after each publish with product, on their first page to appear their product corresponding to their category;
5.0.-possibility to create in back-end an basic filter/vendor and basic search/vendor, both with an detailed filter and search for my support site on which the vendor have their magazine.
6.0.-possibility that each vendor to have their own customer;

In this moment this what I espect to do with Hika.
I waiting your answer with what can do Hika from my all espectetion specified anterior.

Thank you in advance for advaince, support and understanding.

Best regards.

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11 years 7 months ago #112500


1. Their is a special register feature in HikaMarket for users which want to become vendors.
But the registration form does not require to pay something in HikaShop. This feature is not yet implemented.
To implement such feature, you can create a special product with some custom item fields. At this moment you will create the vendor manually in the backend.

2.1. No problem. You do not require to configure it for each vendor, it could be set in the global configuration.
2.2. No problem. You can configure it once in the global configuration.
2.3. There is not the end of your question. But you can use item custom fields I guess.
2.4. Vendors do not have any access to the backend.
2.5. I don't understand what a form is for you. So I want to say "no"
2.6. Like previous
2.7. Yes
2.8. Yes (product limitation option)
2.9. No yet

3. Yes (using "vendor custom fields")

4. Yes ("product listing" module displayed under the vendor product page)

5. HikaMarket have a joomla seach plugin.

6. No. Customers are not linked to a specific vendor.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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8 years 1 month ago #260889


I was wondering if it is possible to allow vendors to integrate their own product list in their website without displaying other vendors' products?

We have a problem where a larger website with similar functionality has seized to exist and a lot of clients are stuck without a way to sell their products.

What we want to do is to create a platform where they can sign up, add and display products, add shipping and handling fees, take payments etc.
We would be looking and maintaining it then.

Thank you in advance!


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8 years 1 month ago #260901


Please note that forum thread have 3 years ago and was containing a lot of different questions.
It was talking about HikaShop and HIkaMarket in the same time.
For your questions about HikaMarket ; please use the dedicated section for HIkaMarket.

Thank you for your understanding.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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