I've set up Hikashop with AkeebaSubs to handle subscription sales.
When a person purchases a new subscription it works fine,
However, when the user then goes to renew the subscription a new subscription is created in AkeebaSubs.
We have 2 different HS products:
1. New Subscription
2. Renewal
Is this causing the problem? (does HS or AS see this as 2 different subscriptions even though both HS items 'point' to the same AS subscription)?
OR could this be caused because the original subscription was imported into Akeeba and has a different payment processor listed?
Is there a way to see what data is sent to the AS API, that might help determine what might be causing the problem (and how AS knows that this is a renewal rather than a new subscription).
Any ideas?
OK ... ignore this completely.
But for anyone that's searching and finds this here's the answer.
AkeebaSubs ads a new subscription entry each time a subscription is purchased. It doesn't change the existing subscription (changing it's end date). Instead, it creates a new subscription entry that takes effect (if you have the business version, and have the rules set properly) after the current one ends (extending the subscription).
Hope that helps others that might be trying to figure this out.
(And didn't read the AkeebaSubs docs before looking at Hikashop for the problem like me.
