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12 years 7 months ago #58176

i would like to noe how many variant and value can add in a product?because dis company website is selling printing service n d variant is same like d attachment i send for u



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12 years 7 months ago #58177

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/artgicom/public_html/components/com_hikashop/views/product/view.html.php on line 1104

either it show dis or wen click it straight away redirect to home page..

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12 years 7 months ago #58255

You can't have more than a few hundred of variants for a product.
If you need to much variants, you should consider using instead options:
or custom fields of the table "item":
instead of characteristics (or a combination)

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12 years 7 months ago #58564

sorry for late reply...i try d option where u suggested to me...its work ok for me but wen i wan to avoid to c it on product listing and i choose to unpublished and the option dissappear i send u with attachment


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12 years 7 months ago #58565

d 2nd attachment is wen i choose to unpublished it den d option disappear oso..

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12 years 7 months ago #58567

i settle d problem ady but wen i click one of my product it straight redirect to my home page..
can u try to click on Gallery->Railway?

2)the column that set quantity of the order, can i set the width to make it wider?

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12 years 7 months ago #58636

1. The wrong link is only at the top of the image. If you click at the bottom of the image it works fine.
You have some kind of div going a bit over the listing in your template.
You should be able to fix it by adding some css in your template's CSS:
padding-top: 50px;

2. Probably with CSS too. Can you do a screenshot of the page where you want that as your description is too vague for me to answer precisely.

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12 years 7 months ago #58713

but i wan the wen ppl click it will redirect to dis page for example c d attachment...i would like they choose the size and frame b4 they proceed to checkout..

sorry for my poor explanation d arrow point the place i wan to make d column wider


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12 years 7 months ago #58751

Does hikashop business edition can let customer upload their own file photo?

2)as i mention b4 our company is printing company...can i make stg like d attachment?cos i think it will b easier for us n user


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12 years 7 months ago #58812


You will have to add such CSS in the front end CSS file of Hikashop via the Display tab of the configuration:

Yes, you can do that in the Business edition by creating a custom field of the table "item" and of the type "file" via the menu Display>Custom fields.

2. If you want exactly the same thing it will require some code customization. But you can approach something similar using a mix of characteristics, options and custom fields.

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12 years 7 months ago #58882

sorry ya can u guide me in creating d custom field of the table item n so on..cos not really noe to do tat..==

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12 years 7 months ago #58886

Go in the menu Display>Custom fields, click on the "new" button, select the table "item" enter a name and click on the "save" button.

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12 years 7 months ago #58892

hi can u hv a look whether am i doing it right? n i do publish it but din c it anywhere

2)can u help me to look at dis attachment where the SPECIFICATION word came?


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12 years 7 months ago #58893

i manage to do it but can i place d upload file column file to d pointing arrow?


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12 years 7 months ago #58930

You created a custom field of the table "product" and not "item" That's why it's not working.

If you remove the custom field of the table "product" the specification area won't display.

You can't have a global custom field on the products listing. However, you can have them for each product of the listing by turning on the "display custom fields" option in the hikashop options of the listing.

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12 years 7 months ago #59003

erm d main purpose for me to let user upload file is let them print their own is there anywhere for me to place d upload column?

2) do u hv any reference regarding customization shopping cart by combination characteristic, option n custom field?

3)wen i upload file it shows JFTP::store:Bad response
Warning: Failed to move file!

4)i aware that hikashop can creating a price quantity calculation override but i not really understand wen c d documentation.

sorry tat im new in creating website nd ur help badly.

Last edit: 12 years 7 months ago by khwong.

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12 years 7 months ago #59072

1. Yes, as I said in my previous message, you can have them for each product of the listing by turning on the "display custom fields" option in the hikashop options of the listing.

2. Well, we have some documentation for each one but I already gave you a link to them. What kind of reference are you looking for ? If you want, I can tell you which option should be which if you can tell me exactly what you want. What options, with what values, which option changes the price ? The quantity ? etc.

3. Try to turn off the FTP layer in the joomla configuration and/or change the media/com_hikashop/upload/safe folder's permissions to 777 via FTP.

4. You will need the help of a developer in order to do that.

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12 years 7 months ago #59254

1)as u can c in d previous attachment i hv 4 option which is frame,square size,rectangle n multi panel. if i wan ppl choose d square size n d frame size can change automaticly? bcz our charges are based on length n width..

2)if i create a new blank page where i put d custom field for user to upload is tat possible?

3)In upload photo i turn off the ftp ady but in d checkout the photo i upload didnt show up...n beside place d column in product page can i place it in product listing dere?
4)sumtime wen purchase product it show "limit reached, Quantity reduced for the product" but i din set any limit in here

Last edit: 12 years 7 months ago by khwong.

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12 years 7 months ago #59290

1. I can see the custom fields in your screenshot. So what is your question ? You want them to edit the custom fields on the checkout ? In that case, that's not possible.

2. You should create a product for that then. Then, create a custom item field for that product.

3. Can you give a link to that page ?
You can have the field for each product of the listing by turning on the "display custom fields" option in the hikashop options of the listing.

4. It means that either the quantity of the product or the variant is 0 or the maximum number of items per order for them is 0. You should check on that in your product and its variants.

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12 years 7 months ago #59344 here is d link..

i think i din make myself clear haha.. ok for d custom field is another option for my customer to upload their own photo for printing, so placing d custom field column in my products (which is our company are selling photo for printing) is x a selection for our for d best is tat i can put d custom field in a new page such like contact page jus a specific page for user to upload their photo

2) i hv multiple products wan to upload n i noe either is import from csv or stg else can u guide to do tat?

3)for d custom field if i wan let user customize their preferable size, wat shud i put in table n field type?

Last edit: 12 years 7 months ago by khwong.

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