Offcourse i can explain 
you know that newspapers end up in your mailbox daily, or a new "fashion" magazine every 2 weeks without you having to go pick it up every 2 weeks. That's a subscription (or membership). You pay once and it lasts for a predefined duration. Like this
. See top menu item Subscriptions > Premium subscriptions. but then integrated into hikashop, that's what i'm after
* Time based articles (subscriptions) that can auto expire
-->Say a user purchases an article in my shop called "premium support for 1 year" on Dec 1st 2012. upon completing the purchase (payment has been set to completed on Dec 2nd 2012). The user is then a "premium member" on the site till Dec 1st 2013. The "premium support" purchase would then expire on Dec 2nd 2013, and no longer be valid for premium support. If the user would then click on ANY menu item that is assigned to the "premium member" category while his subscription(membership) has expire, the user would be taken to a page to renew first.
The reason i ask is because the services i (will) provide depend on the "support" level a customer has. Eg: standard user: email support only, premium user: website ticket support & phone support aswell as the normal email support. That is because certain links or options on my site will be limited to users who are in joomla's ACL in a "premium member" categorie.
* Integration with the users joomla profile
--> Say you create a menu item that opens the user's profile when clicked on. Well on that page, somewhere below the username (and/or real name) it would say in the above case untill when the premium support was valid.
---> A user called "John Doe" completes the purchase on Dec 2nd 2012 of a 1 year subscription (or membership) for premium support (and thus expiry date of Dec 1st 2013).
---> John Doe (with login username JohnD) clicks on the menu link "my profile" and is taken to his profile on the website
---> John Doe sees the following summary:
Username: JohnD
Real name: John Doe
Membership status: Premium
Subscription valid until: Dec 1st 2013
<insert the rest of joomla profile page here>
* integration with the joomla login module
---> This is pretty simple to explain. You know the module where you login on the site frontend with your username & password that greets you with "hello <insert full name>". Well below that it would list the userstatus"
eg as per above case
----> John Doe logs in on the website
----> The joomla login module would then display the following
Hello John Doe,
Userstatus: Premium
Valid until: Dec 1st, 2013
I hope this explains it more. Check the link above for perhaps an even better explanation of what i'm after