PayPal Pro checkout error

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12 years 2 weeks ago #91039

Got this error message on debug. I cant seem to process a payment and move on to the next step. Also I noticed that if i don't put anything in a field there is no red box indicators to warn me it just refreshes the page, can this be changed as well? you can try it yourself here...


Array ( [USER] => This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [PWD] => xxxxxx [SIGNATURE] => Dxxl x xx [VERSION] => 51.0 [METHOD] => DoDirectPayment [PAYMENTACTION] => Authorization [AMT] => 320 [ACCT] => 542432510xxxxxxx [EXPDATE] => 102015 [FIRSTNAME] => Daniel [LASTNAME] => zzzzzz [CURRENCYCODE] => USD => [STREET] => 1325 island hwy [STREET2] => [CITY] => lansing [STATE] => Michigan [COUNTRYCODE] => US [ZIP] => 48911 [BN] => HikariSoftware_Cart_DP [SHIPTONAME] => Daniel Kairys [SHIPTOSTREET] => 1325 island hwy [SHIPTOSTREET2] => [SHIPTOCITY] => lansing [SHIPTOSTATE] => Michigan [SHIPTOCOUNTRY] => US [SHIPTOZIP] => 48911 [SHIPTOPHONENUM] => [L_NAME1] => Mackinac Bridge: 96x35 [L_NUMBER1] => Mackinac_Bridge_3 [L_AMT1] => 320 [L_QTY1] => 1 [L_TAXAMT1] => 0 [ITEMAMT] => 320 ) Array ( [TIMESTAMP] => 2013%2d02%2d20T04%3a42%3a36Z [CORRELATIONID] => 7fe72be6574ed [ACK] => Failure [VERSION] => 51%2e0 [BUILD] => 5060305 [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10002 [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Security%20error [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Security%20header%20is%20not%20valid [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error ) :huh: Thanks, Dan[EMAIL] => This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [STREET] => 1325 island hwy [STREET2] => [CITY] => lansing [STATE] => Michigan [COUNTRYCODE] => US [ZIP] => 48911 [BN] => HikariSoftware_Cart_DP [SHIPTONAME] => Daniel Kairys [SHIPTOSTREET] => 1325 island hwy [SHIPTOSTREET2] => [SHIPTOCITY] => lansing [SHIPTOSTATE] => Michigan [SHIPTOCOUNTRY] => US [SHIPTOZIP] => 48911 [SHIPTOPHONENUM] => [L_NAME1] => Mackinac Bridge: 96x35 [L_NUMBER1] => Mackinac_Bridge_3 [L_AMT1] => 320 [L_QTY1] => 1 [L_TAXAMT1] => 0 [ITEMAMT] => 320 ) Array ( [TIMESTAMP] => 2013%2d02%2d20T04%3a42%3a36Z [CORRELATIONID] => 7fe72be6574ed [ACK] => Failure [VERSION] => 51%2e0 [BUILD] => 5060305 [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10002 [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Security%20error [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Security%20header%20is%20not%20valid [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error ) :huh:



Last edit: 12 years 2 weeks ago by Kairys. Reason: misc

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12 years 2 weeks ago #91144


You have the error "1002" : "Security header is not valid".

"Security header is not valid"means that the API credentials you are using does not match the endpoint.
You have the right endpoint and API username, verify to make sure you are using the right API signature and password linked to that API username. If possible, remove the API credentials from your sandbox account and generate new one and try with that.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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