For the shipment the client wants to show three states:
- Normal
- Urgent
- Self Pickup (give comment on which date and hour in a textarea field
When the last one is chosen "Self Pickup" a text area field should be displayed where the customer can tell when he'd like to pickup his order.
Since we are not going to use prices for the shipment, I thought I would use a custom field.
I made two custom fields:
First one of the type RADIO called "ShipmentMethods" and has the tree values: Normal, Urgent and Self Pickup.
A second field "CommentShipment"of the type TEXTARE and used "Display limited to" "ShipmentMethods" and last value "Self Pickup".
The reasons we do it this way are because:
- we are not mandatory to use weight in products since we don't use it anyway. Otherwise the shipment plugin isn't shown
- we can add a comment field for additional info about the self pickup date and time
Everything seems to be working but I have two questions
1) Is this a good approach? Do you think I have to watch out for something or any other advice?
EDIT: I answered question 2 myself
but any remarks are welcome!
2) Is it possible to display the chosen values in from both custom fields in the STATUS?
Because I like the way it's says
You chose the shipping method: Self Pickup
I know I could just drag FIELDS in the checkout workflow but I'd rather show a read only text just like the hika shipment plugin.