I just did setup Hikashop and now I tried for at least 4 hours to fix one litle item - but with no effort.
I have only configured paypal as payment method, however the final redirect to paypal is not working...
My test website is:
If you click there on "58 € - JETZT ONLINE BUCHEN" then the checkout process starts (no user registration).
After two steps it should redirect the user to paypal, what does't do. Not on the first attempt... If I restart the process then it works 
Be careful, there is a real paypal account active - so don't finalize the payment, if its working...
I send you some screenshots.
Start: 1.JPG
Result (no paypal): 2.JPG
Then after an new start at:
going again through the process I end here, as my goal was: 3.JPG
If I delete the cookies, the two loops process starts new.
In the next post I send you my settings.
Best regards