I'm trying to import an xls file to hikashop.
The file contains product information from another website.
I import the file using CVS option and selecting UTF-8 in the file charset.
After clicking upload, I get a fatal error: Fatal error: Cannot access property started with '\0' in /data/www/bukbuk.cz/www.bukbuk.cz/administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/import.php on line 298
I've checked out line 298 and found no errors.
Tried to upload same file on another joomla website, didn't work.
This happened with hikashop 2.1.1
After updating to 2.1.2, the error persisted, though the line changed from 298 to 300.
Fatal error: Cannot access property started with '\0' in /data/www/bukbuk.cz/www.bukbuk.cz/administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/import.php on line 300
Please help me solve this problem. 
Joomla 3.0
Joomla 2.5